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Ok Gun regulators answer me this question. (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

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May 30, 2007
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This is one of the forums for a pistol permit in my county.

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Why does the government need to know my race in order to exercise my second amendment right?
More importantly, why do they need to know your weight?
This is one of the forums for a pistol permit in my county.

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Why does the government need to know my race in order to exercise my second amendment right?

The better question is why do you have to ask the government's permission, fill out a form, be put on a list in order to exercise a right?
Why does the government need to know my race in order to exercise my second amendment right?

Not a pro regulation person, but I will venture a guess. Identification purposes in case there is a crime involving any guns you own.
Not a pro regulation person, but I will venture a guess. Identification purposes in case there is a crime involving any guns you own.

Yeah, this seems like the logical answer.
Not a pro regulation person, but I will venture a guess. Identification purposes in case there is a crime involving any guns you own.
Because name, address, SSN, etc, do not provide that?
Yeah, this seems like the logical answer.

I'm pretty sure we have the right to secure our papers, person, property, and effects against unreasonable search. Crimes can be committed with a wide variety of tools, that alone is not justification in datamining and asking permission to exercise a right.
Combine that with height, weight, eye, and hair color it does.
Not when the same charcteristics could be applied to any number of people.
But combine that with all your other info, it helps.
You have the name, address and SSN. This is more than enough to identify the pweson in question. There is absolutely no need to ask for race, and I am rather surprised that the usual ACLU-types havent taken direct offense.
You have the name, address and SSN. This is more than enough to identify the pweson in question. There is absolutely no need to ask for race, and I am rather surprised that the usual ACLU-types havent taken direct offense.

Criminals rarely leave their names, addresses, or SSNs at crime scenes. They're mostly identified by descriptions of height, weight, age, and race. All the descriptors could apply to any number of people, but they're still useful in combination.
Criminals rarely leave their names, addresses, or SSNs at crime scenes. They're mostly identified by descriptions of height, weight, age, and race. All the descriptors could apply to any number of people, but they're still useful in combination.
Criminals also rarely apply for pistol permits, and so any such information, in conjunction with the information on said pistol permits, will rarely, if ever, be useful.
Why not just take a photo - stick it with the application . . . thus people don't have to assign a race to their skintone. . . and they have you PICTURE to look at - gee :shrug:

Or - better yet - thumbprints . . 100% ID positive.
Ink it baby - done.
Why do I need to be searched and have my information and biological data recorded for exercising a right?
Why do I need to be searched and have my information and biological data recorded for exercising a right?
Such permits are, indeed, a violation of the Constitution, as they cannot possibly pass strict scrutiny.
Voting is a right. So is getting married and having children.
But there are standards that go along with those things, as well, and the least of which is having your information, child spouses/child's information on file - one of the reasons for this is identification purposes.

Everything has a record-system. It's silly to suggest that any and all record systems are unconstitutional.

I see issues with needing to put 'race' on file - but fingerprinting or photo for real, legitimate identification purposes - sure.

If my ex buys a gun, and then that gun is found at the crime scene of my murder, I ABSOLUTELY want comprehensive information about him on file. Is race necessary? No - but fingerprints, photos, tattoos, age, height, weight, address . . . all these things will help find him, you know.

To me it's common sense.
Everything has a record-system. It's silly to suggest that any and all record systems are unconstitutional.

It's not silly when there are two innate and inalienable rights saying differently for this specific case.

If my ex buys a gun, and then that gun is found at the crime scene of my murder, I ABSOLUTELY want comprehensive information about him on file. Is race necessary? No - but fingerprints, photos, tattoos, age, height, weight, address . . . all these things will help find him, you know.

If your ex buys a gun and it's found at the crime scene of your murder, then cops can just do a little police work. It has not yet been explained how the exercise of a right should result in documentation and recording of your person, property, and effects.
This is one of the forums for a pistol permit in my county.

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Why does the government need to know my race in order to exercise my second amendment right?

Applying what one county does regarding a registration sheet asking for a person's race on a firearms permit to all people who favor firearm regulations is like applying what Seung Hi-Cho did at Virginia Tech to all owners of firearms. It is highly disingenuous.

While I favor local regulations of firearms, especially assault weapons, I do not favor gun permits that ask for a person's race.
Did I miss it??? Did they ask for gender? They ask what race for whatever reason but don't care what gender? This just seems way wrong to me.
Im glad they don't ask for gender that'd be sexist. :roll:
They ask for your email address . . . anyone complaining about that?

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