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Oil: The weak link in the U.S. chain (1 Viewer)


Active member
Aug 4, 2005
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Venezuela's dictator in waiting, President Hugo Chavez again has threatened the United States with canceling the sale of crude oil. He did so from the ''anti-imperialist tribunal'' with which his followers have been amusing themselves this summer, an anti-American circus where participants insult Bush and his Cabinet with all kinds of epithets.

According to Chavez, if Venezuela stops exports to the U.S., it has a replacement buyer: China. Venezuela provides 16% of all imported oil. Such a move could cause the U.S. economy to enter into a recession.

The only way to classify this attitude on the part of the Banana Left would be Suicide Ignorance.....just to get the chance to poke the gringo in the eye.

If the U.S. were to enter into a recession, so would the rest of the First World....and a lot of Thrid World economies would go under.....Venezuela included.

A U.S. recession would, for example, reduce its imports from China, thus cooling China's growth and leading to a lesser need in Beijing for Venezuelan oil.

But I think it would be good for us if Chavez made good on his promise.

Since 1973, more than 30 years ago, we have known that we cannot depend on oil imports, especially because a great portion of the reserves of that fuel lies in territories that are politically unstable and potentially hostile to the United States.

Ever since, all U.S. presidents have insisted that they'll put an end to that, yet have never done so. Irresponsibly, all of them have gone for the short-term fix, in deference to private economic interests, merely stimulating partial measures that have not pried the problem from its site.

Perhaps this is our wake-up call to lead the way for ending the developed world's dependency on fossil fuels.

If I were Chavez, I would be careful what I wish for. It may come true.:lol:
Thanks for the lack of debateable material!

Anyways, There's no reason to attack Venezuela. It's just like in our capitalist country, if Intel wants to get a contract with the biggest computer company, Dell, in-order to knock their enemies.. AMD out of the ladder.. then be my guest! It's a side-effect on capitalism. I don't blame the man for wanting to sell more oil to China, in-fact I second the opinon... we need something in order to make us look harder on alternative fuels.

Chavez > Bush
Arch Enemy said:
Thanks for the lack of debateable material!

Chavez > Bush

I was under the impression there are other people in this forum....some of which may actually disagree. Sorry to bore you.
Yeah, no problem.. I'm sure you'll attempt to do better.

There's not much to debate about, if I say "I like Chavez" then everyone's like "OMFG U LiK SUM 1 WHo LikS CASTRO!!!one?". Chavez is only going to hurt America in the field where America has to turn away from, and I agree that we need this change. It'll hurt and it'll suck but IT MUST be done!!
Anyways, There's no reason to attack Venezuela. It's just like in our capitalist country, if Intel wants to get a contract with the biggest computer company, Dell, in-order to knock their enemies.. AMD out of the ladder.. then be my guest! It's a side-effect on capitalism. I don't blame the man for wanting to sell more oil to China, in-fact I second the opinon... we need something in order to make us look harder on alternative fuels.

hmm good way of putting it.
Arch Enemy said:
Anyways, There's no reason to attack Venezuela. It's just like in our capitalist country, if Intel wants to get a contract with the biggest computer company, Dell, in-order to knock their enemies.. AMD out of the ladder.. then be my guest! It's a side-effect on capitalism. I don't blame the man for wanting to sell more oil to China, in-fact I second the opinon... we need something in order to make us look harder on alternative fuels.

Chavez > Bush

No one sid we should attack Venezuela

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