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Oh look...another Trump "tell all" book. (1 Viewer)


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Gotta be another record: most "tell all" books during first two years of presidency.

Not sure who this guy is, but if what the article says is true, he was with the campaign for quite some time, and had a decent bit of access to all of the players even into the presidency.

Must not have signed an NDA!

I liked this one: Sims recounts that Kelly once confided to him in a moment of exasperation: “This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had. People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

Book out next week.

‘Absolutely out of control’: Cliff Sims’s book depicts life in Trump’s White House
Gotta be another record: most "tell all" books during first two years of presidency.

Not sure who this guy is, but if what the article says is true, he was with the campaign for quite some time, and had a decent bit of access to all of the players even into the presidency.

Must not have signed an NDA!

I liked this one: Sims recounts that Kelly once confided to him in a moment of exasperation: “This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had. People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

Book out next week.

‘Absolutely out of control’: Cliff Sims’s book depicts life in Trump’s White House

An Omarosa wannabe. He'd better have tapes.
Gotta be another record: most "tell all" books during first two years of presidency.

Not sure who this guy is, but if what the article says is true, he was with the campaign for quite some time, and had a decent bit of access to all of the players even into the presidency.

Must not have signed an NDA!

I liked this one: Sims recounts that Kelly once confided to him in a moment of exasperation: “This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had. People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

Book out next week.

‘Absolutely out of control’: Cliff Sims’s book depicts life in Trump’s White House

Just because a guy has worked in the White House is no reason to believe he is not a 'frikken moron.' People have different opinions and motivations. This writer no doubts hopes to make money off his book. If so, he had better 'Hollywood' it up with some juicy fictionary tales that will attract public attention, whether those juicy bits are accurate or true or not.
Gotta be another record: most "tell all" books during first two years of presidency.

Not sure who this guy is, but if what the article says is true, he was with the campaign for quite some time, and had a decent bit of access to all of the players even into the presidency.

Must not have signed an NDA!

I liked this one: Sims recounts that Kelly once confided to him in a moment of exasperation: “This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had. People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

Book out next week.

‘Absolutely out of control’: Cliff Sims’s book depicts life in Trump’s White House
Lol another person taking advantage of the anti-trumpers and parting them from their money.

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Oh look...another Trump "tell all" book.

Just because a guy has worked in the White House is no reason to believe he is not a 'frikken moron.'

Truer words have never been spoken. Look no further than Donald Trump for evidence of this reality.
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Just because a guy has worked in the White House is no reason to believe he is not a 'frikken moron.' People have different opinions and motivations. This writer no doubts hopes to make money off his book. If so, he had better 'Hollywood' it up with some juicy fictionary tales that will attract public attention, whether those juicy bits are accurate or true or not.

For the most part, that's all Donnie ever hires: morons. They just need one quality: bootlicker.
Gotta be another record: most "tell all" books during first two years of presidency.

Not sure who this guy is, but if what the article says is true, he was with the campaign for quite some time, and had a decent bit of access to all of the players even into the presidency.

Must not have signed an NDA!

I liked this one: Sims recounts that Kelly once confided to him in a moment of exasperation: “This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had. People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

Book out next week.

‘Absolutely out of control’: Cliff Sims’s book depicts life in Trump’s White House

You know what makes me believe there is truth to all of these horror stories about this WH? George Conway, Kellyanne's husband. He is so rabid in his opposition to Trump. He knows more about the inner workings of the Trump WH than any of us do because of who his wife is. If everything was running smoothly, and Trump was not a ****ing idiot, he would know it. The fact that he rages constantly about Trump confirms to me that things are as bad as we are being told.
You know what makes me believe there is truth to all of these horror stories about this WH? George Conway, Kellyanne's husband. He is so rabid in his opposition to Trump. He knows more about the inner workings of the Trump WH than any of us do because of who his wife is. If everything was running smoothly, and Trump was not a ****ing idiot, he would know it. The fact that he rages constantly about Trump confirms to me that things are as bad as we are being told.

The Conways are the biggest mystery of this whole debacle. Well, 2nd biggest (1st being Trump's affection towards Vladi). I mean, George simply is not holding back these days. He appears to be one of "us" (NeverTrumpers) while Kellyanne goes on to lie for Donald all the time.

What if Kellyanne is a Mueller mole in plain sight?
Lol another person taking advantage of the anti-trumpers and parting them from their money.

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Learning isn't cheap...….but staying stupid is. LMAO!
The Conways are the biggest mystery of this whole debacle. Well, 2nd biggest (1st being Trump's affection towards Vladi). I mean, George simply is not holding back these days. He appears to be one of "us" (NeverTrumpers) while Kellyanne goes on to lie for Donald all the time.

What if Kellyanne is a Mueller mole in plain sight?

George is totally one of us. And he doesn't even try to hide it. That's why I feel that the stories are true. He shares a life and a home and children with someone who could convince him that Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The fact that she can't, or even hasn't tried, shows me and anyone who thinks about it that Trump really is as bad as he appears to be.
George is totally one of us. And he doesn't even try to hide it. That's why I feel that the stories are true. He shares a life and a home and children with someone who could convince him that Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The fact that she can't, or even hasn't tried, shows me and anyone who thinks about it that Trump really is as bad as he appears to be.

Oh he's bad. There hasn't ever been a doubt in my mind.

One has to wonder what Kellyanne's plan is. Unless she is some hidden hero that will take down this corrupt admin from the inside out, her career in politics ends with Trump. She has clowned herself.
I don’t need to read any book to tell me Donald’s WH and administration is a ****show. Reading a newspaper and watching the news is all one needs. Add in Donald’s tweet storms and it should be obvious to anyone with even half a brain.

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Re: Oh look...another Trump "tell all" book.

Truer words have never been spoken. Look no further than Donald Trump for evidence of this reality.

Trump is doing a pretty good job. He is not perfect but he has been as good as or better than many former presidents.
For the most part, that's all Donnie ever hires: morons. They just need one quality: bootlicker.

Obama liked commies, homosexuals, baby killers, black racists, anti-American radicals and the like. Trump has picked some pretty good people to help him.
George is totally one of us. And he doesn't even try to hide it. That's why I feel that the stories are true. He shares a life and a home and children with someone who could convince him that Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The fact that she can't, or even hasn't tried, shows me and anyone who thinks about it that Trump really is as bad as he appears to be.

I don't envy anyone in the current administration. I'm sure at one point thought they were doing the right thing, but are now stuck in a vortex of chaos. The high turnover rate has been a clear indicator that things are not going well; one way to tell a place is mismanaged is by a high turnover rate.
Obama liked commies, homosexuals, baby killers, black racists, anti-American radicals and the like. Trump has picked some pretty good people to help him.

Obama liked commies, homosexuals, baby killers, black racists, anti-American radicals and the like. Trump has picked some pretty good people to help him.

You do go all in on the deplorable stereotype, don't you...hehe... Gotta ask, bud...is it satire, or is it real?
I don't envy anyone in the current administration. I'm sure at one point thought they were doing the right thing, but are now stuck in a vortex of chaos. The high turnover rate has been a clear indicator that things are not going well; one way to tell a place is mismanaged is by a high turnover rate.

I wonder how much involvement he ever put into things like Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Network, Trump Mortgage, etc. Was his involvement just in the name, or did he do the hiring?

Seriously, other than being a reality show celebrity who knows how to market his name as worthy of something, what in Trump's past would leave someone to believe he would be an effective top manager?
Re: Oh look...another Trump "tell all" book.

Trump is doing a pretty good job. He is not perfect but he has been as good as or better than many former presidents.

I can’t tell if this is meant to be a serious post or not? While it is still early, Trump will undoubtedly be viewed by historians as one of the bottom three to five worst POTUS’ of all time.

He has taken “lying politician” to a brand new low. He is massively spiraling the debt and deficit out of control. At a period of steady and strong economic growth. He has sought to only be the President for his shrinking minority base. Rather than attempting to lift the nation up, he preaches fear, doom and gloom. Instead of guiding the nation towards a new dawn, he is firmly trying to ensconce us in permanent midnight.

He is constantly attacking our core institutions, in particular Law Enforcement and National Security, all to protect his own personal interests. He is intellectually incurious, notoriously unread, unknowledgeable, and lacks even the most basic work ethic. He is without integrity, morality, and fully embodies the Seven Deadly Sins.
Oh, be honest, it wouldn't matter to you if he did.... :lol:

To be honest, it wouldn't matter to you if he didn't.
Gotta be another record: most "tell all" books during first two years of presidency.

Not sure who this guy is, but if what the article says is true, he was with the campaign for quite some time, and had a decent bit of access to all of the players even into the presidency.

Must not have signed an NDA!

I liked this one: Sims recounts that Kelly once confided to him in a moment of exasperation: “This is the worst [expletive] job I’ve ever had. People apparently think that I care when they write that I might be fired. If that ever happened, it would be the best day I’ve had since I walked into this place.”

Book out next week.

‘Absolutely out of control’: Cliff Sims’s book depicts life in Trump’s White House

It will be different in one respect: Simms likes the president. He was allowed in the oval office a lot. He had a panoramic view, and if he writes a tell all book, a let the chips fall where they may book, a book where the author is willing to take the backlash from the prez, if the book is honest, and not a puff piece, it should be especially interesting.
For the most part, that's all Donnie ever hires: morons. They just need one quality: bootlicker.

Trump might have had a real working White House that could have been a functioning arm of the government if only he had taken the advice of the experts he hired. He had some really good people and some really bad ones. Unfortunately for the country, he didn't appreciate the years of experience of men like H.R. McMaster, Ty Cobb, David Schulkin, Gary Cohn, Walter Shaub and Rex Tillerson. He hired them for their experience and knowledge but he never took the advice of the professionals he hired. He behaved as he always has, like a NY mob boss.

The other problem is that Trump takes the advice of 'Trump-whisperers', the 'ne'er-do-gooders' like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Scott Pruitt and bends to the will and does the bidding of off-site voices like neocon Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. It's really startling to realize that the president of the US bends to the will of people with no government experience, no background in law or any geopolitical knowledge. He listens to people who are bigots, racists and haters who want one thing, the wall and the end to DACA. They don't give a crap about Saudi Arabia or Russia, they hate illegals more than they fear the potential dangers for the entire world.
I wonder how much involvement he ever put into things like Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Network, Trump Mortgage, etc. Was his involvement just in the name, or did he do the hiring?

Seriously, other than being a reality show celebrity who knows how to market his name as worthy of something, what in Trump's past would leave someone to believe he would be an effective top manager?

I'm not sure about the others, but for Trump University he stated in a marketing video:

"we are going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific. . . and these are all people who are going to be handpicked by me."

This clearly stated the people teaching and mentoring the students were going to be picked by Trump, which of course would add value since he was perceived as a successful businessman. During Trump's deposition in the Trump University lawsuit, his original statement proved to be just a marketing trick:

Trump Deposition said:
"Did you do anything personally to confirm the expertise of any of the Trump University mentors?" Trump was asked in the depositions released Thursday. "No, I didn't," he responded.

I suspect this is the MO for much of his licensing deals. After the casino fiascos, he got into the business of branding and using his name for whatever products were pitched to him; colognes, steaks, apparel etc. I originally though he would examine the products beforehand, but the deposition I cited made me question his involvement. I've said this many times, but in my opinion he's just the pitch man. His strength is pitching the rhetoric, but after that not much else.

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