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Officials Allege Crack-for-Registrations (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: WTEV

A 22-year-old Defiance, Ohio, man faces a felony charge stemming from a scheme in which the man allegedly was to be given crack cocaine for registering voters. Officials claim that of the 130 voter-registration forms submitted by Chad Staton, only six were determined to be legitimate. Defiance County deputies told the Defiance Crescent-News that Staton, who has appeared before a Municipal Court judge and was released on a person-recognizance bond, was to have been paid for each registration with crack cocaine.

Sheriff David Westrick told the newspaper Staton made up some names -- such as Mary Poppins, Janet Jackson and Jeffrey Dahmer -- but other forms contains real names and accurate addresses.

Westrick told the Toledo Blade that Staton was working on behalf of a Toledo woman, who admitted giving Staton crack for the forms. That woman allegedly was connected with Toledo's NAACP Voter Fund.

A spokesman for the fund told the Blade the woman was a volunteer and he knew of no problems with the registration forms she submitted. The group issued a statement welcoming the investigation into the allegations.
Wow, last time it was only smokes.
Will this be spun to say that this is disenfranchizing the black voters?

I guess one would have to be smoking it to think that.

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