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Off Grid Power Generator - Keshe Generator (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Political Leaning
Ok, electricians, tell me how and why this won't work.

I can't explain why it wont work because I have no idea what he's actually claiming is happening.
Send your money to a con man, and run this and you tell us.
Ok, electricians, tell me how and why this won't work.

:lamo Off grid my arse.....

First, all those devices run off 120v AC power. AC power is produced by generators or inverters, not by homemade contraptions hooked up to a bank of " capacitors ".
:lamo Off grid my arse.....

First, all those devices run off 120v AC power. AC power is produced by generators or inverters, not by homemade contraptions hooked up to a bank of " capacitors ".

It seems obvious to me he has it plugged into an outlet somewhere and just does clever camera work to hide it.

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