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Of Blood and CO2 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 15, 2020
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Greater Boston Area
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As foolish as Trump's "genius" comments about Putin were, I think these are even worse. One can defend Trump's remarks by saying Putin is a kind of evil genius, but there is no defending this silliness:

Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned in an interview this week about “massive emissions consequences” from a Russian war against Ukraine, which he also said would be a distraction from work on climate change. Nevertheless, he added, “I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.”
Source here. (pawall)

Kerry appears to be completely sincere in his hope that Putin -- the butcher of the Ukraine -- will respect, of all effing things, international CO2 emission guidelines during the military conquest of his neighbor. What are we talking about, tanks with hybrid engines? Recycling spent shells? The happy climate consequence of reducing the Ukraine's carbon footprint by bombing it back to the stone age? People in the Ukraine are being slaughtered as we speak and our former Secretary of State sees these events as a "distraction from work on climate change."

No one could ever credibly label Kerry a genius of any stripe.
I don't see anything wrong with what he said. War has tons of negative consequences, emissions of tanks, destruction of the environment, and distractions from better priorities like the global fight to keep this planet habitable.

It would've been stupid had he said that was the only negative consequence, but he didn't. You're mad at Al Gore for talking about climate change, which has been his primary focus for decades. You're just upset anyone at all is talking about climate change because you think it's bullshit.

What's truly disgusting is that you can bend over backwards to defend Trump praising Putin, but bitch, moan, and loathe Kerry for pointing out some negative consequences of Putin's war. What you're doing is totally transparent and despicable.
I don't see anything wrong with what he said. War has tons of negative consequences, emissions of tanks, destruction of the environment, and distractions from better priorities like the global fight to keep this planet habitable.

It would've been stupid had he said that was the only negative consequence, but he didn't. You're mad at Al Gore for talking about climate change, which has been his primary focus for decades. You're just upset anyone at all is talking about climate change because you think it's bullshit.

What's truly disgusting is that you can bend over backwards to defend Trump praising Putin, but bitch, moan, and loathe Kerry for pointing out some negative consequences of Putin's war. What you're doing is totally transparent and despicable.
He didn't just say something like "war will do more climate damage." While that would still be a blithe dismissal of the human suffering involved, at least such a statement would be accurate. War ravages an ecosystem.

No, no no; the monumental stupidity of Kerry's comments is his belief that somehow, despite violating the sovereignty of the Ukraine and slaughtering 1,000's of people in the process, Vladimir Putin would still somehow respect his obligations in the fight against climate change. How stupid can one man be?
He didn't just say something like "war will do more climate damage." While that would still be a blithe dismissal of the human suffering involved, at least such a statement would be accurate. War ravages an ecosystem.

No, no no; the monumental stupidity of Kerry's comments is his belief that somehow, despite violating the sovereignty of the Ukraine and slaughtering 1,000's of people in the process, Vladimir Putin would still somehow respect his obligations in the fight against climate change. How stupid can one man be?
Your words mean nothing as you're a Trump supporter and Trump has always been a huge supporter of and always had praise for Putin and his agenda.

The real problem here is you don't think climate change is real or a threat. If there were an earth destroying asteroid on the way towards us, would one be justified in pointing out that bickering and warring among ourselves will only distract us from the REAL priority? I. E. The asteroid that will kill Russians, Ukrainians, Americans and everyone else?

You don't care about human lives or the habitability of the planet. I also doubt you'd want America to do anything at all to physically stop Putin on his rampage, so your whining about what we should be talking about is meaningless. Stop pretending, nobody believes you.
Your words mean nothing as you're a Trump supporter and Trump has always been a huge supporter of and always had praise for Putin and his agenda.

The real problem here is you don't think climate change is real or a threat. If there were an earth destroying asteroid on the way towards us, would one be justified in pointing out that bickering and warring among ourselves will only distract us from the REAL priority? I. E. The asteroid that will kill Russians, Ukrainians, Americans and everyone else?

You don't care about human lives or the habitability of the planet. I also doubt you'd want America to do anything at all to physically stop Putin on his rampage, so your whining about what we should be talking about is meaningless. Stop pretending, nobody believes you.
He would say "don't look up"

(great movie by the way, I recommend it highly)
He would say "don't look up"

~ NatMorton

Oh the drama, to get this upset and emotional about Gore talking about climate change. I imagine Nat spends a lot of his free time mad at birds for chirping and cats for meowing.
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Your words mean nothing as you're a Trump supporter and Trump has always been a huge supporter of and always had praise for Putin and his agenda.

The real problem here is you don't think climate change is real or a threat. If there were an earth destroying asteroid on the way towards us, would one be justified in pointing out that bickering and warring among ourselves will only distract us from the REAL priority? I. E. The asteroid that will kill Russians, Ukrainians, Americans and everyone else?

You don't care about human lives or the habitability of the planet. I also doubt you'd want America to do anything at all to physically stop Putin on his rampage, so your whining about what we should be talking about is meaningless. Stop pretending, nobody believes you.
I'm not a Trump supporter and your TDS is making your sound as foolish as Kerry.
Your top Skull and Cross Bones man and Freemason.

The Climate Change narrative spearheads Project Chaos .

Of course he is spitting blood .
As foolish as Trump's "genius" comments about Putin were, I think these are even worse. One can defend Trump's remarks by saying Putin is a kind of evil genius, but there is no defending this silliness:

Source here. (pawall)

Kerry appears to be completely sincere in his hope that Putin -- the butcher of the Ukraine -- will respect, of all effing things, international CO2 emission guidelines during the military conquest of his neighbor. What are we talking about, tanks with hybrid engines? Recycling spent shells? The happy climate consequence of reducing the Ukraine's carbon footprint by bombing it back to the stone age? People in the Ukraine are being slaughtered as we speak and our former Secretary of State sees these events as a "distraction from work on climate change."

No one could ever credibly label Kerry a genius of any stripe.

Observing the real world is a thing that Trump did and does. Apparently, so does Putin.

When Trump made the comment about Putin's approach being a genius move, he also said that this move by Putin would never have been made if Trump was in office.

We can't know that it never would have been made. We can only observe that it never WAS made by Putin while Trump was in office.

In June of 2021, Russian troops and invasion preparations were diminished dramatically. Then Biden displayed his utterly moronic incapability to the world in Afghanistan.

When the Taliban tested Biden's resolve, more accurately the dithering, directionless weakness and utter stupidity and outright cowardice and foolishness of Biden, Putin needed no additional invitation to proceed.

The Russians transitioned from walking away to preparing for invasion. Invasion plans apparently require about 6 months to reach fruition.

everything on Fox ends up here. usually by the same posters.

We again need to ponder the incredible stupidity of Kerry saying "I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.

Yesterday Putin's forces shelled a nuclear plant.
As foolish as Trump's "genius" comments about Putin were, I think these are even worse. One can defend Trump's remarks by saying Putin is a kind of evil genius, but there is no defending this silliness:

Source here. (pawall)

Kerry appears to be completely sincere in his hope that Putin -- the butcher of the Ukraine -- will respect, of all effing things, international CO2 emission guidelines during the military conquest of his neighbor. What are we talking about, tanks with hybrid engines? Recycling spent shells? The happy climate consequence of reducing the Ukraine's carbon footprint by bombing it back to the stone age? People in the Ukraine are being slaughtered as we speak and our former Secretary of State sees these events as a "distraction from work on climate change."

No one could ever credibly label Kerry a genius of any stripe.
Can't defend either.
We again need to ponder the incredible stupidity of Kerry saying "I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.

Yesterday Putin's forces shelled a nuclear plant.

Every time Kerry speaks, he seems to raise the bar on how stupid he can sound.

That bar has risen now to about the same altitude of geocentric orbiting satellites.

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