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Occupy Oakland: City braces for general strike (1 Viewer)

Nov 8, 2006
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Milwaukee, WI
Political Leaning
[h=1]Occupy Oakland: City braces for general strike[/h]
OAKLAND -- From schools and downtown stores to the nation's fifth busiest port, Oakland is bracing for Wednesday's citywide general strike, a hastily planned and ambitious action called by Occupy protesters a day after police forcibly removed their City Hall encampment last week.

Occupy Oakland has since returned to Frank Ogawa Plaza, but the leaderless group is still asking workers and students in the city to take the day off to come downtown and protest economic inequality and corporate greed.
Major goals will be protesting at banks or corporations that refuse to shut down for the day, then marching in the evening to the Port of Oakland to try to shut down the night shift.

Some employees and businesses downtown, where the core activities are scheduled, intend to participate, while others plan to carry on as normal - hoping there won't be a resumption of last week's violent clashes between protesters and police.
"The entire world is tired of the greedy corporations controlling everything, and now is the time that people are doing something about it," rapper Boots Riley, an organizer of the strike day, said Monday. "All over the world, people are looking to Oakland."
Through the grapevine:

"From what i hear the port of Oakland has been essentially shut down by the rank and file!! Trucks backed up and no cranes working because of extreme short staff..."
Through the grapevine:

"From what i hear the port of Oakland has been essentially shut down by the rank and file!! Trucks backed up and no cranes working because of extreme short staff..."
Fire them all for not showing up..

Thats what I say.
Say whatever you want, nobody cares.

On a more positive note, I can't find much information on how the general strike has been going so far but if this actually pulls through with some success we could see some momentum behind it and it spreading to other cities across the nation. I remain hopeful but we'll see.

Explanation from a friend that provided the above info:

"A guy that is ILWU spoke from the stage on the livestream and said he went by and no cranes were moving. Saw line of trucks backed up for 1 mile and asked a truck driver what was going on. Truck Driver said "Waiting for the ports to open." But it was long after they should have been open..."
Through the grapevine:

"From what i hear the port of Oakland has been essentially shut down by the rank and file!! Trucks backed up and no cranes working because of extreme short staff..."

How rediculous. The average longshoreman in Oakland makes around $30/hr plus benies. WTF are they bitching about. Say fire them all, sure there are plenty of people out there with CDLs that would love a job right now for $30/hr.
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How rediculous. The average longshoreman in Oakland makes around $30/hr plus benies. WTF are they bitching about. Say fire them all, sure there are plenty of people out there with CDLs that would love a job right now for $30/hr.

God some people literally have no idea what the movement is about...
Fishstyx said:
How rediculous. The average longshoreman in Oakland makes around $30/hr plus benies. WTF are they bitching about.

Well first it's called labor solidarity. Second this isn't about getting more pay.

Say fire them all, sure there are plenty of people out there with CDLs that would love a job right now for $30/hr.

That generally is the threat against labor activists, yes.
I feel sorry for the Oakland police force who has to deal with all this unneeded nonsense.
How rediculous. The average longshoreman in Oakland makes around $30/hr plus benies. WTF are they bitching about. Say fire them all, sure there are plenty of people out there with CDLs that would love a job right now for $30/hr.

The Longshoreman's Union is not striking in itself. They are supporting the general strike. They are doing this for others.
Yeah, because shutting down local economies during the weakest economic recovery on record will do wonders for the jobless masses camping out moaning about not having money, jobs, or guaranteed futures.
I find it odd that all this trouble keeps happening in cities that have been liberal bastions for years. Maybe if they turned their anger to those who have caused all of this? No, that would make sense. :roll:
Good for them. After the disgusting display by police when the protest was illegally and unconstitutionally shutdown, people need to start showing city hall where the real power lies. If they don't want to let people have their freedoms then the people will throw themselves onto the machinery of Oakland and stop it from working.

Talk about karmic payback.

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