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Ocasio-Cortez trolls Fox News in Spanish (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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I guarantee you that a Puerto Rican bartender from the Bronx knows how to handle whiny elite white men. Fox News is doing FOR her what CNN and other networks did FOR Trump. They are building her up and giving her more screen time. Or do you think they would hold a segment about her shoes if she was a white guy? SMH.

Ed Henry hosted “The Story” on Friday night, when he and three panelists discussed how a pair of Ocasio-Cortez’s shoes are set to go on display at Cornell University, in its “Women Empowered: Fashions from the Frontline” exhibit. A Twitter user pointed out to the Democrat from New York that a four-person discussion about her shoes was taking place on prime-time television.

“No, no es amor/ Lo que tú sientes, se llama obsesión,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. The lyrics to Obsesión, by Aventura, translate to, “No, it’s not love, what you feel is called obsession.”

I hate her policies, but her messaging is spot on.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez trolls Fox News in Spanish
I guarantee you that a Puerto Rican bartender from the Bronx knows how to handle whiny elite white men. Fox News is doing FOR her what CNN and other networks did FOR Trump. They are building her up and giving her more screen time. Or do you think they would hold a segment about her shoes if she was a white guy? SMH.

I hate her policies, but her messaging is spot on.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez trolls Fox News in Spanish

Mentally handicap and bug eyed is spot on? Well ok.
Doesn't cancel her many idiotic comments though
I guarantee you that a Puerto Rican bartender from the Bronx knows how to handle whiny elite white men. Fox News is doing FOR her what CNN and other networks did FOR Trump. They are building her up and giving her more screen time. Or do you think they would hold a segment about her shoes if she was a white guy? SMH.

I hate her policies, but her messaging is spot on.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez trolls Fox News in Spanish

We are so vapid now.

This is not a good thing.
Seems to work for Trump, you scared bro???

A self made Billionaire who was elected President and has created the best economy in all modern us history VS a dumb s**t who cant name the 3 branches of government. Scared? No.
A self made Billionaire who was elected President and has created the best economy in all modern us history VS a dumb s**t who cant name the 3 branches of government. Scared? No.

Trump thinks finland rakes their forests... He's not winning this round.
The Left Wing Washington Post says Trump has made misleading comments.

That is NOT the equivalent of idiotic comments.

You're moving the goal post rather than admitting fault. How sad.
The Left Wing Washington Post says Trump has made misleading comments.

That is NOT the equivalent of idiotic comments.

You're moving the goal post rather than admitting fault. How sad.

Everything he types on twitter is idiotic.
A self made Billionaire who was elected President and has created the best economy in all modern us history VS a dumb s**t who cant name the 3 branches of government. Scared? No.

LOL! It must be fun to pretend that he's 'self-made'. Where does all of his tax fraud fit into that? What about daddy's money? The Russian mob?
Trump thinks finland rakes their forests... He's not winning this round.

And so does the US Forest service, when Leftist Environmentalist are not blocking them. "Raking" is the term they use when they drag augers to clear Dead wood.
And so does the US Forest service, when Leftist Environmentalist are not blocking them. "Raking" is the term they use when they drag augers to clear Dead wood.

Be careyful. Trumpy is turning you into a libural!
Trump thinks finland rakes their forests... He's not winning this round.

Trump correctly understands that the mass devastation in California is in a major way the fault of bad leadership and bad stewardship.

"Dont look at us! Its Global Warming!"

Trump correctly understands that the mass devastation in California is in a major way the fault of bad leadership and bad stewardship.

Then he should be out there helping California. Instead he's golfing and drooling over AOC's shoes b/c he's watching Fox News instead.

Remember, at best his twitter auto-corrects heal to heel!
LOL! It must be fun to pretend that he's 'self-made'. Where does all of his tax fraud fit into that? What about daddy's money? The Russian mob?

Except his Dad died when Cheeto Jesus was in his late 50s. By then he was worth a lot more than his father ever was. Sure his Dad left him millions but not the Billions he is worth today.

Russian Mob? Sure, that is why the adult diaper wearing Mueller is reduced to threatening relatives to get low level Trump supporters to plead guilty to process crimes, instead of proving Russia Collusion .
Well when grown men talk about a woman's shoes as breaking news segment, not clip, segment. We may as well be.

But if women do it that's fine, because they have successfully branded themselves victims and victims get to say what ever they want?

Is that were you are going here?
But if women do it that's fine, because they have successfully branded themselves victims and victims get to say what ever they want?

Is that were you are going here?

um. Women have always liked shoes....

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