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Ocasio-Cortez compares members of migrant caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany (1 Viewer)

Correct, but nobody said applying for asylum is a crime?
Not a smart move on the part of Rep Cortez.
Correct, but nobody said applying for asylum is a crime?

So? There is an effort to try to paint them all as criminals. She pointed out that some are simply trying to apply for asylum and that's not a crime.
So? There is an effort to try to paint them all as criminals. She pointed out that some are simply trying to apply for asylum and that's not a crime.

What do you call it when someone takes a statement, change it into something that wasn't said, then bash it?
Let's not leave out domestic help for cheap...

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The best answer to the Immigrant issue is simple, if you're here illegally you get:
No welfare
No legal support
No Social Security (can't believe that bs)
No jobs
No child here illegally can attend a public school

Anyone found hiring illegals:
First time is an "educational" fine, with mostly "Here's how you avoid hiring illegals, verifying information and what happens next..."
Second offense is fines per employee per day and more education on "what's next".
Third offense fines the upper management of offending company 10k per illegal employed and.. more education on how to avoid doing so and how bad life is going to be if they do it again.
Fourth is criminal charges against all parties involved in the hiring.

You have to couple this with a VERY robust system to punish those that refuse to hire people who ARE legally here/citizens and are minorities to keep the idiots from using that avoid hiring minorities. It will take work but it will solve the biggest problems.

You would remove all incentive for people being here, wouldn't really need a wall even.

I think this is a great comprehensive approach. Except I've move up criminal charges to #3
I thought it was an inept government that was corrupt and it was gang violence that caused the high murder rate, not a genocide. Do you have proof of that.

I think what you are describing is the situation in Honduras. The poster said “regimes”, plural, which presumably includes Guatemala, which arguably engaged in genocidal actions some years ago.

I like how you're openly admitting you don't like asylum seekers or legal immigration. When my family came, we never used welfare or food stamps. The only time my mom applied for financial assistance was when I literally died in the hospital and was revived, and admitted for a few days. The woman who worked at the hospital and took my mom's forms, chewed my mom out really good and make her feel like a foreign scumbag for applying for assistance.

You and Trump can say my family came from a ****hole, and we restarted in an American ****hole full of immigrants and non whites. I went to college. I now work as an accountant, and now I live in one of the most affluent suburbs in America.

If this how you want to put yourself out there, then by all means, do so, but don't expect any respect. Immigrants like me aren't destroying America.
You just see potential democrat voters, and don't give a damn about the laws of the Nation. Party first, am I rite?

I dont think we should just let everybody in. I don't support open boarders. People on the right need to get a grip, and stop talking like illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, want to be immigrants, and asylum seekers are destroying America.

This conversation isn't just a matter of law, but of fear, paranoia, changing demographs, and some white people being uncomfortable about all those changes

This gal is so stupid, the people who look up to her or thinks she's smart make me shake my head.

A message to Renae, and Lindsey Graham and Fox. As the Simon and Garfunkel song put it ("The Boxer"?) "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." Your headline, FOX's headline, and Lindsay Graham's comment of course included Jews, but none of the other populations she mentioned as analogous to the present time.

Just another way to bash an intelligent woman who laid out her argument well. Welcome to "Hillary-bashing, The Sequel." Think of it: she's an outspoken female, young, and from a presumably secure seat. So there are years ahead of mindless, snarky, or exaggerated criticism. We have already heard about her clothes and shoes. Nice start. And she has brown skin. To quote another song, from my parent's time, "who could ask for anything more."

And, of course, Graham referred her to the Holocaust Museum. Unfortunately, it has (or had when I visited) a display in its basement about Jews turned away from the US, apparently due to biases in the State Department at the time. Sound familiar? The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees which set up the system for dealing with refugees that US laws are modeled on, referred to the holocaust in its language. So what is happening on the border has valid prequels in our history. She was right. Deal with it.
Incorrect. She was pointing out that people are acting as though these people are acting as though they are all criminals because they came to request asylum. This is not a moral comparison and it's absolutely absurd for you to continue trying.

Let's review:

You have not disputed that its a red herring issue, whose legality was never questioned.

You have not disputed that the structure of her tweet is can't be a legal argument.

You have not disputed that the structure or content of her tweet (an analogy) on its face was the inverse of a rational argument - implying that because people who clearly deserved an opportunity for sanctuary (Jews) got it, then somehow so should a bunch of folk with far less justification.

You have not disputed the deductive process - that her rhetorical gambit only makes sense if she thinks that the caravan plight is equivalent.

All you have done is deny.

Sad really, because her tweet forces one to conclude that either she is stupid or delusional or both.

I don't need to dispute every little issue. I discussed the points I wanted to discuss. I ignored points I don't care to discuss. She is being attacked for comparing the caravan to Jews fleeing the holocaust. I am merely pointing out that she's not comparing the two, just stating that they are both examples of people that are legally allowed to apply for asylum.

Feel free to twist that in to something else and go attack it.
I worded it badly.

Something like "Crossing the border illegally does not prevent someone from requesting asylum." would make more sense.
I worded it badly.

Something like "Crossing the border illegally does not prevent someone from requesting asylum." would make more sense.

Totally understandable. As you say, it usually is not a punished offense in scenarios like this, so it's a small distinction.

This gal is so stupid, the people who look up to her or thinks she's smart make me shake my head.

A fake attack IMHO, she did not compare them to Jews Fleeing Nazi Germany. All she did was protesting the fact that people in the Republican party are trying to criminalize people trying to apply for refugee status who come from Middle/South America. Giving examples of other people fleeing violence does not mean they are going through the exact same thing as the Jewish people, just talking about the correct fact that trying to claim refugee status should not be criminalized by Trump and his foreign demonizing lot.
I don't think I've seen any comments by those supporting the caravan on what we should do. We have very well established procedures for coming to this country and applying for asylum. I don't think there is any disputing that the "caravan" has made it clear that they intend to, and are, breaking those rules and procedures.

So, what is the proposal? Are they to be rewarded for this behavior and put ahead of those that do follow the rules?

She's not intelligent, she's an idiot. This is but one example and those people defending her as "smart"... well if she's smart to you that's your own problem.

Yes, she did.
Deflection, Twist and Spin can't change the fact she said what she said.
Ocasio-Cortez could probably eat alphabet soup and crap out something smarter than Trump.Then again,so could my dog.
Y'all the only ones bringing Trump in here, no matter how many times I state I didn't vote for him, not fan.. hell I was attacking him in the primaries as a bad choice. Don't know why you people insist on bringing him up all the time.
I think this is a great comprehensive approach. Except I've move up criminal charges to #3

The thing with the Criminal Charges is that it needs to be a case that cannot be countered, that cannot be "I didn't know". It has to be so solid no jury will have pity on them.
Y'all the only ones bringing Trump in here, no matter how many times I state I didn't vote for him, not fan.. hell I was attacking him in the primaries as a bad choice. Don't know why you people insist on bringing him up all the time.

LOL I'm glad you can recognize President von Clownstick is a real dumb*ss

Nothing to do with "white people" being "uncomfortable. You admit your argument is shallow and intellectually bereft of merit when you play the race card.

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