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Obama: U.S. will be relentless with Islamic State after Beheading..... (1 Viewer)

I wonder what hole President Nero is on right now.
Whats funny is most of the left don't think these Terrorists are moving Westward. Yet Ansar al Sharia has sprung up from Yemen to Libya. Oh and now BO has put us back into Somalia. Go figure.

Either way.....I still think he should have looked into that camera and told that One Terrorist. With what you did.....Were coming for you. There is no place you can hide.

What's funny is that decades of support of one militant Islamic group or another has embolden terrorism and the right blames it all on the left. It's truly pathetic and ensures that the problem will worsen.
Sadly, the folks running the show have horrible memories. We treated AQ in the same fashion for decades and that certainly bit us in the butt. This scum needs to be wiped from the face of the planet.

How about while we're at it we demand that both parties STOP supporting militant Islamists in the first place??
Dubya created ISIS when he invaded Iraq. When Obama was a senator he said the invasion was wrong. Now that he's president he wants to escalate the conflict. Seems we have learned nothing from past mistakes because we keep making the same ones over and over again. Our government starts its own wars. And its killing Americans for nothing. :roll:

Precisely. This is largely due to the fact that most Americans are partisans, and value party/ideology over sound policy!
That "point" has been being made for five and a half years. It is not only antique but irrelevant as neither Bush nor his supporters have any say or control over what happens.

The constant harping on years old issues is divisive and plays into the hands of the most manipulative White House in the history of White Houses. You may not be partisan, but the results are the same.

It is part of the demonizing process, used so effectively in US politics being copied here by the Conservatives who, feeling threatened by a new, young, charming and bright Liberal leader are attacking him over the 1970's policies of his father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

It's very relevant to me. I blame partisan support for reoccurring failed policy in the ME. And I see militant Islamist finding leverage because of it.
So it appears that Obama is considering striking IS targets in Syria!!!! If so, I wonder if it will be with or without president Assad's permission. And, I wonder if this isn't an end around all legal attempts to strike at president Assad. And of course, I wonder what Russia will be having to say of this, should it happen.
He, as in Obama, is all about image. Here, where Ukraine is still headined over the Middle east, the notoriously left wing CBC News site has this buried under "World".

James Foley killing: ISIS remains 'long-term threat,' Chuck Hagel says - World - CBC News

Note the comments, virtually NO support for the US. That may be that Canada has had two journalists killed, one in Kandahar in the past five months. Canadians do not see it in the same, hysterical light as the lead of this US written piece with the lead:

Based on international news reports, and continued coverage across Canada, there is little international anger to be galvanized. Since we first heard of the beheading here, which I don't recall ever as a lead story, and the rather quick to the punch reaction of the White House I have questioned how serious this really is. Taking into consideration the Obama team is failing in numbers, facing its first ever uphill elections fight, I liken this to the "Teeny attack" idea for Syria and the international community that didn't exist, to the sudden and hell bent "The Calvary is coming, hold on" for some kidnapped girls, and wonder just how much the White House is blowing this out of proportion. With so many intelligence disasters from the Berlin Wall to Benghazi's "it was a spontaneous demonstration", one would be an idiot to believe the White House actually has a clue.

Heya F&L. :2wave: Yeah remember they were sending the Cavalry for the Girls that were taken in Nigeria by Boko Haram. Remember MO with her fake desperate cry and the hash-tag. You have to remember with Liberals and Progressives. Its not about end results. Its about their emotional intentions. Not to mention all that thinking they try to do for others.
Heya F&L. :2wave: Yeah remember they were sending the Cavalry for the Girls that were taken in Nigeria by Boko Haram. Remember MO with her fake desperate cry and the hash-tag. You have to remember with Liberals and Progressives. Its not about end results. Its about their emotional intentions. Not to mention all that thinking they try to do for others.

I love you like a brother man, but I do wish you would stop referring to these vermin as "liberal"

I AM A LIBERAL, you know, individual and equal rights. Like that.

This is an ideology, as you point out, that is about feelings, using them to get deeper into the pockets of the nation. Faking them to make the suffering believe someone actually cares - where was all that deep, heartfelt, hash tag, hurt when 27 million Americans lost their plan?

To a Liberal, this **** is evil, satanic self aggrandizing off the backs of the vulnerable. All that moaning an gnashing of teeth was for ONE reason, the rest of the world had begun reporting the real truth about Ukraine and Crimea, the history and CIA involvement, and Obama needed something to take the heat off, so he sent in Michelle....made it a MOM thing.

Obamaphones win elections, but they end up hurting and making resentments of the ones to whom they were given. The "liberals" in the US allow no dignity, would rather offer a quick hand out than a hand up and spend more on getting elected each time than the entire food stamp budget.
So one or two. Basically Obama had support from the right in his abuse of the UN resolution to use force to protect the libyan civilians. Russia called it out immediately by pointing out that from the beginning, the targeting was consistent with "regime change" and is the precise reason why they denied the US from pulling the same stunt in Syria! Yes, Obama did follow in Bush's steps in regime change. And everybody keeps dismissing General Clark's declaration that the Pentagon has had plans for regime change in seven ME countries, yet its been accomplished in four and we're working on the fifth. The result has been vacuums that have given rise to terrorists throughout the ME. But you keep up your partisan finger pointing and blaming it all on the democrats and we can be assured more of the same!

Heya Monte. :2wave: Oh there is more than just one or two. Many of the Tea party Repubs have said the same. Correction.....the Russians didn't deny us from anything in Syria. That was our own that did such.

Yeah its not hard to figure out that Neo Cons all joined in.
I love you like a brother man, but I do wish you would stop referring to these vermin as "liberal"

I AM A LIBERAL, you know, individual and equal rights. Like that.

This is an ideology, as you point out, that is about feelings, using them to get deeper into the pockets of the nation. Faking them to make the suffering believe someone actually cares - where was all that deep, heartfelt, hash tag, hurt when 27 million Americans lost their plan?

To a Liberal, this **** is evil, satanic self aggrandizing off the backs of the vulnerable. All that moaning an gnashing of teeth was for ONE reason, the rest of the world had begun reporting the real truth about Ukraine and Crimea, the history and CIA involvement, and Obama needed something to take the heat off, so he sent in Michelle....made it a MOM thing.

Obamaphones win elections, but they end up hurting and making resentments of the ones to whom they were given. The "liberals" in the US allow no dignity, would rather offer a quick hand out than a hand up and spend more on getting elected each time than the entire food stamp budget.

Yep that's all it was ever about with BO.....you are Right. Which all he did was play off the Demos divide. The one they keep trying to hide.
Heya Monte. :2wave: Oh there is more than just one or two. Many of the Tea party Repubs have said the same. Correction.....the Russians didn't deny us from anything in Syria. That was our own that did such.

Yeah its not hard to figure out that Neo Cons all joined in.

Hey there MMC. :2wave: Correction, Russia AND China denied the US legal standing for use of force in Syria. Then, we lost the support of the UK. Furthermore, congress never approved anything, and still further, 70% of Americans said no. So Obama was denied on multiple fronts, but keep peddling that partisan bs.
Wow, just wow. What you offer is the no-win scenario. If Obama kills more terrorists with drones than Bush did, you argue he's wrong because he should have captured more. Undoubtably, if he captured more than Bush, he would have erred too, in your view.

No, the drone list is the new assassination list. I oppose the use of drones in countries we are not at war with.
Hey there MMC. :2wave: Correction, Russia AND China denied the US legal standing for use of force in Syria. Then, we lost the support of the UK. Furthermore, congress never approved anything, and still further, 70% of Americans said no. So Obama was denied on multiple fronts, but keep peddling that partisan bs.

Yes you are correct with the Security Council Vote and with the UN.....I meant they couldn't deny us from going in if we had chose to.

Well Americans are war weary. But then you do know who Played off of that. Which it wasn't the Republicans nor Bush. Nor Clinton. So Monte.....who does that leave?
Over one dead American. Who knew the risks going in?

One is one too many and they're telling us, just like al Qaeda did, that they're coming after us abroad or at home. The threat needs to neutralized.
One is one too many and they're telling us, just like al Qaeda did, that they're coming after us abroad or at home. The threat needs to neutralized.

Border needs to be sealed, or the threat will never go away.
Dubya created ISIS when he invaded Iraq.

No he didn't.

The whackadoodles in Syria created ISIS. They in turn recruited Iraqi Sunnis who were fed up with Maliki's treatment of them.
Border needs to be sealed, or the threat will never go away.

Our borders should have been militarized years ago. The Millennium Bomber is a perfect reason why.
Yes you are correct with the Security Council Vote and with the UN.....I meant they couldn't deny us from going in if we had chose to.

Well Americans are war weary. But then you do know who Played off of that. Which it wasn't the Republicans nor Bush. Nor Clinton. So Monte.....who does that leave?

Yes, I agree, if we wish to be belligerent, China and Russia likely wouldn't attempt to prevent it. On the latter, I have plenty of criticism for Obama, but Bush got this ball rolling and now a majority of Americans view both Iraq and Afghanistan as mistakes.
One is one too many and they're telling us, just like al Qaeda did, that they're coming after us abroad or at home. The threat needs to neutralized.

US policy in the ME has emboldened AQ, then we worked with them in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi, and working toward the same end in Syria. Making a mess, causing the problems we have to then fight. Real sound.
No he didn't.

The whackadoodles in Syria created ISIS. They in turn recruited Iraqi Sunnis who were fed up with Maliki's treatment of them.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) used to have a different name: al Qaeda in Iraq.

US troops and allied Sunni militias defeated al Qaeda in Iraq during the post-2006 "surge" — but it didn't destroy them. The US commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, described the group in 2010 as down but "fundamentally the same." In 2011, the group rebooted. ISIS successfully freed a number of prisoners held by the Iraqi government and, slowly but surely, began rebuilding their strength.


The group, (ISIS), in its original form, was composed of and supported by a variety of Sunni Arab terrorist insurgent groups, including its predecessor organizations, Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) (2003–2006), Mujahideen Shura Council (2006–2006) and the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) (2006–2013), other insurgent groups such as Jeish al-Taiifa al-Mansoura, Jaysh al-Fatiheen, Jund al-Sahaba and Katbiyan Ansar Al-Tawhid wal Sunnah, and a number of Iraqi tribes that profess Sunni Islam.

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Dubya created ISIS when he invaded Iraq. When Obama was a senator he said the invasion was wrong. Now that he's president he wants to escalate the conflict. Seems we have learned nothing from past mistakes because we keep making the same ones over and over again. Our government starts its own wars. And its killing Americans for nothing. :roll:

No, ISIS predates GWB, only with a different name.
This shouldn't be on the US, all of Europe should be offering help. As of yet the biggest thing our prime minister has done is cut his tax paid holiday short. Hopefully MI5 are successful in finding the "Brit" and the rest of the beatles ( as they have been dubbed) and make sure they never enter a civillised country again.
US policy in the ME has emboldened AQ, then we worked with them in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi, and working toward the same end in Syria. Making a mess, causing the problems we have to then fight. Real sound.

Which I have no control over, man. I have to live with the consequences of the choices my President & other leaders make. And a serious volley of bull**** is coming towards the U.S. and I'd rather my country survive it first and then examine the event & the one's preceding that caused the bull**** to happen. Pick and choose your battles, man.
Yes, I agree, if we wish to be belligerent, China and Russia likely wouldn't attempt to prevent it. On the latter, I have plenty of criticism for Obama, but Bush got this ball rolling and now a majority of Americans view both Iraq and Afghanistan as mistakes.

Mornin' Monte. :2wave: How did Bush get this Ball rolling when it was the French Filing resolutions in the UN over Syria at the same time they did with Libya?
This shouldn't be on the US, all of Europe should be offering help. As of yet the biggest thing our prime minister has done is cut his tax paid holiday short. Hopefully MI5 are successful in finding the "Brit" and the rest of the beatles ( as they have been dubbed) and make sure they never enter a civillised country again.

Beatles? That's interesting, I agree with you that others should be dealing with this. Iran, SA, Egypt, Jordan.

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