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Obama says regrets remark in racially charged case (1 Viewer)


I've said all along that this case wasn't about racism. Its about the arrogance of police officers who feel that they have the right to do whatever they want and GOD FORBID that anyone question them, yell at them, not become submissive to their unlimited authority or deny them unlimited respect.

That's nowhere close to the point I was making, because I think Gates should have been charged with obstruction of justice for interdicting an on-going investigation.

But, ultimately, what this case has done, was send a clear message to a very non-racist white cop that no matter how hard to he tries to treat everyone the same, it's never going to be good enough; so why should he give a ****? Creating another racist is all they accomplished.
That's nowhere close to the point I was making, because I think Gates should have been charged with obstruction of justice for interdicting an on-going investigation.

But, ultimately, what this case has done, was send a clear message to a very non-racist white cop that no matter how hard to he tries to treat everyone the same, it's never going to be good enough; so why should he give a ****? Creating another racist is all they accomplished.

What....treat everyone like assholes? niiiiice.

BTW....the investigation was over. The cop should have simply left the man's house when he realized that no crime had been committed.

Unfortunately his ego got in the way.
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What....treat everyone like assholes? niiiiice.

BTW....the investigation was over. The cop should have simply left the man's house when he realized that no crime had been committed.

Gates's obstruction started before the investigation ended. Not only that, but Gates never proved that that was his residence. School ID cards don't show a person's home of record.

Unfortunately his ego got in the way.

And Gates is totally blameless?
Gates's obstruction started before the investigation ended. Not only that, but Gates never proved that that was his residence. School ID cards don't show a person's home of record.

And Gates is totally blameless?

Did I say that? I think they both were hotheaded and let their emotions get the better of them. Bottom line though...no crime was committed and Gates was in his own house.

The biggest mistake the cop made was when he escalated by putting the chip on his shoulder and calling Gates outside to knock it off.
A professional cop would have walked away.
Did I say that? I think they both were hotheaded and let their emotions get the better of them. Bottom line though...no crime was committed and Gates was in his own house.

The biggest mistake the cop made was when he escalated by putting the chip on his shoulder and calling Gates outside to knock it off.
A professional cop would have walked away.

No, it was Gates that escalated the situation. All he had to do was shut-up. But...of course...he wasn't going to pass up a chance to make a big racist show out of it.
What....treat everyone like assholes? niiiiice.

BTW....the investigation was over. The cop should have simply left the man's house when he realized that no crime had been committed.

Unfortunately his ego got in the way.

Wrong, he was leaving the porch, and Gates continued to yell at him and call him a racist.

Gates could have gone in his house and shut up. HE is the one that escalated it. A police officer simply responding to a call shouldn't have to listen to that ish.
When Gates said, "You haven't heard the last of me", it could have been interpreted as a threat, too. All things considered, Gates should consider himself lucky.
Obama should apologize, Gates should apologize, and Crowley should apologize. They all acted like great big dummies.
No, it was Gates that escalated the situation. All he had to do was shut-up. But...of course...he wasn't going to pass up a chance to make a big racist show out of it.

Why should he shut up? He's in his own house!

Are you one of those who have been psychologically beaten in submission by the police so that you believe that you should always keep your mouth shut so as not to be held in contempt of cop?
"Poor choice of words"? :rofl Good one, Barack.

So it didn't occur to him that "stupidly" was a poor choice of words for a situation involving a POLICE officer that he qualified by saying he didn't know all the details about?

I think we got a big look into the soul of Obama. Apologizing is not his nature. Can you imagine Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton apologizing? And this situation has made it abundantly clear that Obama is nothing but another Jesse Jackson. He does not have all of our best interests at heart.
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Wrong, he was leaving the porch, and Gates continued to yell at him and call him a racist.

Gates could have gone in his house and shut up. HE is the one that escalated it. A police officer simply responding to a call shouldn't have to listen to that ish.

He wasn't leaving the porch. He was in the man's house when he asked the man to take it outside.
When Gates said, "You haven't heard the last of me", it could have been interpreted as a threat, too.
Oh cry me a river, obviously you don't what it means to be a cop. What was the threat? The only way one would interpret that as a threat is if they were stupid or corrupt and just looking to pile charges.

All things considered, Gates should consider himself lucky.
Why? Because the cops didn't arrest him for another trumped up charge or he didn't get his ass kicked for being a loud mouthed dick?
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Wrong, he was leaving the porch, and Gates continued to yell at him and call him a racist.
So? That's not a crime. It's being a dick, but it's not a crime.

Gates could have gone in his house and shut up.
Sure, but he didn't have to. This is America, he can speak his mind, even if he sounds like a blubbering, race baiting, scumbag when he does it.

HE is the one that escalated it. A police officer simply responding to a call shouldn't have to listen to that ish.
They both did. The officer could have just kept walking, his job was done. But he chose to stay there and confront Gates tirade. There was no purpose in that.

Both are guilty of poor judgment. Even Crowley's own department said as much.
He wasn't leaving the porch. He was in the man's house when he asked the man to take it outside.

You're distracting from the basic issue here.

The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES took time in a press conference that was supposed to be about healthcare to call a Cambridge, MA, police officer stupid.

Has a president ever gone after an individual citizen like that before?

I wonder if he'd like to berate the dogcatcher in Tarrant County here, too.
You're distracting from the basic issue here.

The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES took time in a press conference that was supposed to be about healthcare to call a Cambridge, MA, police officer stupid.

Has a president ever gone after an individual citizen like that before?

I wonder if he'd like to berate the dogcatcher in Tarrant County here, too.

good point!
You're distracting from the basic issue here.

The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES took time in a press conference that was supposed to be about healthcare to call a Cambridge, MA, police officer stupid.

Has a president ever gone after an individual citizen like that before?

I wonder if he'd like to berate the dogcatcher in Tarrant County here, too.

Funny....look at post #31 and see who it was that started talking about the porch.:doh

Pot calling black?
So? That's not a crime. It's being a dick, but it's not a crime.

Sure, but he didn't have to. This is America, he can speak his mind, even if he sounds like a blubbering, race baiting, scumbag when he does it.

They both did. The officer could have just kept walking, his job was done. But he chose to stay there and confront Gates tirade. There was no purpose in that.

Both are guilty of poor judgment. Even Crowley's own department said as much.

Again, the main point is our beloved president found the need to call a local police officer stupid during a national press conference about healthcare. Is that not disturbing to you?
You're distracting from the basic issue here.

The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES took time in a press conference that was supposed to be about healthcare to call a Cambridge, MA, police officer stupid.

Has a president ever gone after an individual citizen like that before?

I wonder if he'd like to berate the dogcatcher in Tarrant County here, too.

And really, he was being quite dickish when he did that. He should have just not commented on this issue.

I'm becoming less and less convinced of my decision to vote for him every week.
And really, he was being quite dickish when he did that. He should have just not commented on this issue.

I'm becoming less and less convinced of my decision to vote for him every week.

I was getting sucked into the liberal derailment. Your beloved president ain't acting very presidential. THAT is the point.:rofl
Again, the main point is our beloved president found the need to call a local police officer stupid during a national press conference about healthcare. Is that not disturbing to you?

I know that's the main point, and I guess you should admonish yourself regarding that very fact. If you will notice, I was responding to a series of comments you made. So what was the main point again?
I was getting sucked into the liberal derailment. Your beloved president ain't acting very presidential. THAT is the point.:rofl

I agree. This was very unprofessional of him.
And really, he was being quite dickish when he did that. He should have just not commented on this issue.

I'm becoming less and less convinced of my decision to vote for him every week.

That is entirely fair. And yes, I've had a few run-ins with dickish police officers, too, back in the day, but I didn't have the nads to do what Gates did.

As far as who you voted for, I'm not sure who the "grand" candidate was last time on either side. Hopefully in 2012, there'll be one.
Are you now denying that minorities are NOT treated differently? Is that your argument?

No they are treated differently. But in many cases they are treated above the majority.
No they are treated differently. But in many cases they are treated above the majority.
Treated above the majority? Care to actually prove that?
Are you now denying that minorities are NOT treated differently? Is that your argument?

Have you ever heard of "affirmative action"? Ya, they are treated different alright.

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