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Obama going to Denmark to pitch Chicago Olympics (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 12, 2009
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Obama going to Denmark to pitch Chicago Olympics - Associated Press - Olympics - Sporting News

As per the Associated Press President Obama will go Denmark to pitch Chicago's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

This to me is a lobbying effort. FCOL he is already sending his lovely wife Micelle, and the not so lovely Oprah, along with enough athletes to field a baseball team with a fully staffed bull pin.

I think that this is high risk move by the Prez and if he does not get what he wants he will look like a Bufoon !!!

What do youz guys think ???
I heard he's lobbying for blagojevich to be scheduled as a judge for the water polo event.
I think that this is high risk move by the Prez and if he does not get what he wants he will look like a Bufoon !!!
Well, it's too late for that.

Personally, I think that this gives the U.S. an unfair advantage over nations whose elected leaders are too busy with official constitutional duties, such as administering their countries.

Let's see, the war is going badly in Afghanistan while the decision on the General's request for more troops is deferred, the Iranians are testing missiles, and having secret nuclear facilities discovered, terrorist plots are being popping up like toadstools within our borders, and the President, is going to promote a sporting event for his home town.
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He does seem to be going out on a limb here, if the US loses the bid now he will look kind of dumb for doing this.

That said, having the Olympics in the United States brings a lot of money to the city that hosts it, so more power to him if he gets it.
Please warn us before linking to a Glen beck video.

Did you watch it??? While disagree with most of the stuff that Glenn Becks say this was an interetsing peice. He actaully doesn't do allot of talking his guest does :shock:.
Did you watch it??? While disagree with most of the stuff that Glenn Becks say this was an interetsing peice. He actaully doesn't do allot of talking his guest does :shock:.

I don't watch Glen beck videos. Got a transcript?

Note: I rarely watch nonmusic or humor videos linked here at all, I don't have the attention span for just watching stuff.
I don't watch Glen beck videos. Got a transcript?

Note: I rarely watch nonmusic or humor videos linked here at all, I don't have the attention span for just watching stuff.

I usually have a desire to puke when I see or hear Glann Beck so I will not watch the video. I just do not see him as anythnk even remotely approaching honest.
Well, it's too late for that.

Personally, I think that this gives the U.S. an unfair advantage over nations whose elected leaders are too busy with official constitutional duties, such as administering their countries.

Let's see, the war is going badly in Afghanistan while the decision on the General's request for more troops is deferred, the Iranians are testing missiles, and having secret nuclear facilities discovered, terrorist plots are being popping up like toadstools within our borders, and the President, is going to promote a sporting event for his home town.

Yeah I too mourn for the days when the president could only concentrate on one thing at a time :)
Yeah I too mourn for the days when the president could only concentrate on one thing at a time :)

Even though I still think that he should have kept his face ( and ears ) out of this battle at least he will not spend more than a day on this noise.

Didn't the British PM and PM 'S wifey go and beg for London to be given the 2012 O Limp PICS ? 'Bama shoul not be playing monkey see monkey do but should be setting the tune for others to minnic.
Even though I still think that he should have kept his face ( and ears ) out of this battle at least he will not spend more than a day on this noise.

Didn't the British PM and PM 'S wifey go and beg for London to be given the 2012 O Limp PICS ? 'Bama shoul not be playing monkey see monkey do but should be setting the tune for others to minnic.

So are you rooting for Tokyo or Rio to get the olympics?
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So are you rooting for Tokyo or Rio to get the olympics?

No I am absolutely rooting for USA to get the 'Lymics ! I just do not believe that it is dignified for our head of state to be going to Copenhagen to grovel for the olympics. He has already sent the First Lady, and the Oprah is there to cheer on Chicago, and there are tons of athletes there.

It is just too risky a trip. The cost of failure to the American image is too great if he fails.
No I am absolutely rooting for USA to get the 'Lymics ! I just do not believe that it is dignified for our head of state to be going to Copenhagen to grovel for the olympics. He has already sent the First Lady, and the Oprah is there to cheer on Chicago, and there are tons of athletes there.

It is just too risky a trip. The cost of failure to the American image is too great if he fails.

Why shouldn't the Leader of the Free World go to negotiate for the world's greatest games. To be in the olympics is a great honor why shouldn't the president negotiate for the games on behalf of our great country? There's nothing risky about it. America has negotiated and lost the games before. I think you're overthinking this one
Yeah I too mourn for the days when the president could only concentrate on one thing at a time :)

that is funny, not nice at all but still funny !!

Didn't Bush go and watch the Olympics in his favorite foreign country ? Maybe he wasn't just doing one thing at a time. Bush awas actually multi-tasking sinc e he saw the 'Lympics and he went to visit were all of the WallMART 'GOOD' STUFF CAME FROM. ..
that is funny, not nice at all but still funny !!

Didn't Bush go and watch the Olympics in his favorite foreign country ? Maybe he wasn't just doing one thing at a time. Bush awas actually multi-tasking sinc e he saw the 'Lympics and he went to visit were all of the WallMART 'GOOD' STUFF CAME FROM. ..

No those two things are related. That would have to be two separate things like watching the super bowl and eating pretzels
No those two things are related. That would have to be two separate things like watching the super bowl and eating pretzels

Actually three tHings at once- watching the super bowl, eating pretzels, and choking!!

now I will be accused of hating POTUS GWB.. OH MY !!
Actually three tHings at once- watching the super bowl, eating pretzels, and choking!!

now I will be accused of hating POTUS GWB.. OH MY !!

Nope choking is an involuntary reaction doesn't count
Obama going to Denmark to pitch Chicago Olympics - Associated Press - Olympics - Sporting News

As per the Associated Press President Obama will go Denmark to pitch Chicago's bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

This to me is a lobbying effort. FCOL he is already sending his lovely wife Micelle, and the not so lovely Oprah, along with enough athletes to field a baseball team with a fully staffed bull pin.

I think that this is high risk move by the Prez and if he does not get what he wants he will look like a Bufoon !!!

What do youz guys think ???

Great move to bring jobs to the states and prestige to our country. Well done Mr. President.
It is nice that he wants to bring the Olympics to the states, but there are plenty of other issues that are more important to this country.
It is nice that he wants to bring the Olympics to the states, but there are plenty of other issues that are more important to this country.

I remember when the criticism was that Obama was trying to do too much too quickly.
And the Olympics will do a lot of good for America as well as Chicago.

Without simply using my question as a partisan issue launch pad, what exactly is it that you think Obama is failing to do by promoting the United States?
I remember when the criticism was that Obama was trying to do too much too quickly.
And the Olympics will do a lot of good for America as well as Chicago.

Without simply using my question as a partisan issue launch pad, what exactly is it that you think Obama is failing to do by promoting the United States?
He is trying to do too many things at a racing pace.

I think that the lives of our soldiers abroad are much more important than the location of a gigantic sports event. Chicago does need help and having it there will be nice, but what about the more important issues?
I was under the impression that the Heads of State of the other three host cities in the running went to the IOC to lobby for it. If that's the case, I have no issue with Obama doing it. There are methods of ettiqutte expected in the diplomatic and world wide political stage that are present and this would seem one of them. The olympics are a world wide event that generates revenue, exposure, and prestige for its host countries.

And lets be realistic here. At most its going to be a few days jaunt to do this. During that time President Obama is unlikely to be away from some form of communication, most likely a high speed internet connection. Almost any briefing he could get at the white house he could still get while doing this. Almost any decisions he needed to make could still be made. Almost any discussion or meeting could be done through video conferencing. The guy isn't in a cave for gods sakes.

Its one of the things I hated when people bitch about this with Bush going down to Texas. Its like suddenly he went down there and obviously he must've bunked down in a cave like ****ing OBL, sans electricity, internet, pens and paper, or a phone.

Yeah, If Obama was literally going over there for an out and out vacation surrounding his pitch to the IOC then I could understand having issue with it. Just like I could understand having issue if/when Bush took actual VACATION instead of just "time away from the white house". But I don't think its the case in this.

When you have some of the advanced communication methods available to you like the POTUS its not too hard to do a lot of your job without actually being "In the office".

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