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Obama First President Not to See Single Year of 3% Growth... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP
The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

Barack Obama's Sad Record on Economic Growth | RealClearMarkets

From deep inside your obviously incredibly biased sources said:
the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is now forecasting that America will never see 3.0% economic growth again.

If it will never happen again then how can you blame it on Obama? If it was below 3.0% when he took office, and it will remain there indefinitely going forward then it would seem ridiculous to state that he caused it.

The reality is that real economic growth is caused primarily by population increases over time. While it is possible to pull some magic tricks to bring it up or drop it down in the short term, in long run there is very little we can do to control it, and even less that the President can do on his own without the help of congress which President Obama has not had in over 6 years. In the first year of his presidency when he did in fact have the cooperation of congress we actually did see far more than 3.0% of real economic growth.

• U.S. Real GDP - annual growth rate 1990-2015 | Timeline

In 2009 when Obama first took office we saw -2.8% growth. The following year in 2010 we saw +2.5% growth. A year to year improvement of +5.3%. After that however republicans in congress filibustered further economic bills that President Obama offered and insisted on spending cuts which is what has truly kept the recovery stagnant. Under President Obama the size of the U.S. government has grown at the slowest pace since Ike. That is entirely the fault of Republicans in congress. If President Obama were allowed to hire government workers like Teachers, Social Workers, Police, etc... at even half the historical rate that has been done the economic growth would have easily passed 3.0% and our economy would be in even better shape than it is today.

What is truly remarkable is how well our economy has in fact rebounded despite Republicans best efforts to keep it stagnant. It's a shame that so many poorly educated people will continue to blame the President, but as history looks back on his Presidency I can assure you the real culprits in the GOP will become increasingly clear.
So I suppose we get to discard that Obama walked into an economic free fall, and will finish his time in office with 6 years of an opposition House and 4 years of an opposition entire Congress?
If Obama made it rain cookies some people on the right would complain about a milk shortage.

Barack Obama's Sad Record on Economic Growth | RealClearMarkets

If it will never happen again then how can you blame it on Obama? If it was below 3.0% when he took office, and it will remain there indefinitely going forward then it would seem ridiculous to state that he caused it.

The reality is that real economic growth is caused primarily by population increases over time. While it is possible to pull some magic tricks to bring it up or drop it down in the short term, in long run there is very little we can do to control it, and even less that the President can do on his own without the help of congress which President Obama has not had in over 6 years. In the first year of his presidency when he did in fact have the cooperation of congress we actually did see far more than 3.0% of real economic growth.

• U.S. Real GDP - annual growth rate 1990-2015 | Timeline

In 2009 when Obama first took office we saw -2.8% growth. The following year in 2010 we saw +2.5% growth. A year to year improvement of +5.3%. After that however republicans in congress filibustered further economic bills that President Obama offered and insisted on spending cuts which is what has truly kept the recovery stagnant. Under President Obama the size of the U.S. government has grown at the slowest pace since Ike. That is entirely the fault of Republicans in congress. If President Obama were allowed to hire government workers like Teachers, Social Workers, Police, etc... at even half the historical rate that has been done the economic growth would have easily passed 3.0% and our economy would be in even better shape than it is today.

What is truly remarkable is how well our economy has in fact rebounded despite Republicans best efforts to keep it stagnant. It's a shame that so many poorly educated people will continue to blame the President, but as history looks back on his Presidency I can assure you the real culprits in the GOP will become increasingly clear.

Also remarkable how much waste and overspending, that there is in Govt.
Obama and Democrats are all about taxes and creating more debt, Republicans ...just the opposite.
Thanks, President Obama!
This is so very telling and self-evident of the failures.

The Left is largely comprised of a brainwashed group of people who fear personal responsibility and crave government control over their every movement.

Most on the Left are similar to Venezuelan Leftist Socialists. They will cut their own throats before they admit their errors because they are still waving their imaginary, indisputable flag of victory....even as their ship slips beneath the waters surface....(dragging everyone else down with them btw).

They probably feel as though they are actually "winning" in America at the moment........same way Venezuelan Socialist rejoiced over Chavez, Maduro and every stupid decision they cheered that led them to where they are today. Lights out.

Since the Venezuelan demise is the Hallmark of the policies of Socialist Left thinking, why isn't Venezuela prospering like crazy? Especially given their oil resources?
They don't even have the interference that you say are "holding back" such Socialist policies in the US.

The ONLY thing holding America back from the spectacular failures of Venezuela is the fact that there IS interference (at this point)
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Obama and Democrats are all about taxes and creating more debt, Republicans ...just the opposite.

Republicans are no slackers in the debt creation department either, if you go by the Bush years. And now some of them advocate the stupidest tax of all - high tariffs.

But regarding the original point: GDP, as you know, is calculated including government spending on consumables and capital goods. The Republican opposition kept the Administration's big-spender instincts in check to some extent, and that is a big plus, but if it would not, the Administration would go on a binge and spend its way toward 3.5% and more GDP, no problem. Then Obama would not be "simply the worst" - by virtue of doing exactly the wrong thing?
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Also remarkable how much waste and overspending, that there is in Govt.
Obama and Democrats are all about taxes and creating more debt, Republicans ...just the opposite.

Really? That's weird because the the last three presidents to see the deficit come down under their presidency were Carter, Clinton, and Obama. It's almost like what you believe isn't true at all.
Really? That's weird because the the last three presidents to see the deficit come down under their presidency were Carter, Clinton, and Obama. It's almost like what you believe isn't true at all.

What you meant to say was "Larry, Curly and Moe"....because NONE of these 3 stooges had or has ANY clue of fiscal responsibility or financial saavy....or foreign policy either. 3 stooges indeed.
What you meant to say was "Larry, Curly and Moe"....because NONE of these 3 stooges had or has ANY clue of fiscal responsibility or financial saavy....or foreign policy either. 3 stooges indeed.

What lovely dreams you have.
Barack Obama's Sad Record on Economic Growth | RealClearMarkets

If it will never happen again then how can you blame it on Obama? If it was below 3.0% when he took office, and it will remain there indefinitely going forward then it would seem ridiculous to state that he caused it.

The reality is that real economic growth is caused primarily by population increases over time. While it is possible to pull some magic tricks to bring it up or drop it down in the short term, in long run there is very little we can do to control it, and even less that the President can do on his own without the help of congress which President Obama has not had in over 6 years. In the first year of his presidency when he did in fact have the cooperation of congress we actually did see far more than 3.0% of real economic growth.

• U.S. Real GDP - annual growth rate 1990-2015 | Timeline

In 2009 when Obama first took office we saw -2.8% growth. The following year in 2010 we saw +2.5% growth. A year to year improvement of +5.3%.
After that however republicans in congress filibustered further economic bills that President Obama offered and insisted on spending cuts which is what has truly kept the recovery stagnant. Under President Obama the size of the U.S. government has grown at the slowest pace since Ike. That is entirely the fault of Republicans in congress. If President Obama were allowed to hire government workers like Teachers, Social Workers, Police, etc... at even half the historical rate that has been done the economic growth would have easily passed 3.0% and our economy would be in even better shape than it is today.

What is truly remarkable is how well our economy has in fact rebounded despite Republicans best efforts to keep it stagnant. It's a shame that so many poorly educated people will continue to blame the President, but as history looks back on his Presidency I can assure you the real culprits in the GOP will become increasingly clear.

A 5.3% swing is actually really impressive. He did a pretty good job picking up Jr's mess. Imagine if he had more time with a congress that would work with him.
This is so very telling and self-evident of the failures.

Ooo, this should be good, do continue.

The Left is largely comprised of a brainwashed group of people who fear personal responsibility and crave government control over their every movement.

Well....I suppose everyone is entitled to their opinion.....

Most on the Left are similar to Venezuelan Leftist Socialists.


They will cut their own throats before they admit their errors because they are still waving their imaginary, indisputable flag of victory....even as their ship slips beneath the waters surface....(dragging everyone else down with them btw).

That's not even true of Venezuelans...

They probably feel as though they are actually "winning" in America at the moment........same way Venezuelan Socialist rejoiced over Chavez, Maduro and every stupid decision they cheered that led them to where they are today. Lights out.

Since the Venezuelan demise is the Hallmark of the policies of Socialist Left thinking, why isn't Venezuela prospering like crazy? Especially given their oil resources?
They don't even have the interference that you say are "holding back" such Socialist policies in the US.

Sure, ignore any success socialism has had anywhere and focus on the most recent failure, surely that's a good example that represents everything even remotely socialist.

Major difference between America and Venezuela? Even if America were to go full Bernie? Venezuela is/was run by a DICTATOR. Granted in Venezuela the dictator hides under a very thin veil of democracy, it is a dictatorship none the less. Oh, and oil is pretty cheap right now.

The ONLY thing holding America back from the spectacular failures of Venezuela is the fact that there IS interference (at this point)

You have a great deal of ignorance to overcome, I wish you well on your journey.

And as long as the president remains a part of the government instead of simply being the government, we'll be fine. Your stereo-typically irrational fear of Socialism is noted though.
Also remarkable how much waste and overspending, that there is in Govt.
Obama and Democrats are all about taxes and creating more debt, Republicans ...just the opposite.

Really? You must be kidding. Republicans are responsible for most of our debt. Talking and doing are 2 different things.


GOP Presidents Have Been the Worst Contributors to the Federal Debt - The Atlantic
Imagine if we had a larger stimulus that wasn't cut back so soon.
The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.

On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.

Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP

but he didnt trash the economy the way bush did.
Another I hate Obama thread, with the same old posters. Do you not get tired of saying the same old line, you sound like a bunch of dumb ass parrots. You all really should get some therapy. :lamo
This is so very telling and self-evident of the failures.

The Left is largely comprised of a brainwashed group of people who fear personal responsibility and crave government control over their every movement.

Most on the Left are similar to Venezuelan Leftist Socialists. They will cut their own throats before they admit their errors because they are still waving their imaginary, indisputable flag of victory....even as their ship slips beneath the waters surface....(dragging everyone else down with them btw).

They probably feel as though they are actually "winning" in America at the moment........same way Venezuelan Socialist rejoiced over Chavez, Maduro and every stupid decision they cheered that led them to where they are today. Lights out.

Since the Venezuelan demise is the Hallmark of the policies of Socialist Left thinking, why isn't Venezuela prospering like crazy? Especially given their oil resources?
They don't even have the interference that you say are "holding back" such Socialist policies in the US.

The ONLY thing holding America back from the spectacular failures of Venezuela is the fact that there IS interference (at this point)

the other side is that the best business model for the right is nazi germany
Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%. Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.

Check the math on that. It looks like that calculation first appeared in an article published on Real Clear Markets, written by Thomas Woodhill, described as an engineer and software entrepreneur. I don't know where he got his degree, but the numbers I have indicate Reagan's performance at 2.64 and Obama's at .97.

Real gross domestic product per capita

1980 — 28428
1988 — 35008
2008 — 47697
2015 — 51041

Overall, President Obama has managed to turn the terrible economic hand he was dealt into a mixed economic record. In some areas, the economy has performed remarkably, while in other areas, the performance has been disappointing. Many of the challenges President Obama faced are common to the entire developed world and the United States has certainly fared far better than the other developed nations. However, that has come at the expense of adding to the national debt, and the gains have generally been concentrated in the hands of those who need them the least.

In addition to the challenges imposed by the global economic climate, President Obama has faced extraordinary opposition by the Republicans in the legislature. Many of the acts of congressional Republicans, such as forcing the sequester, bringing the country to the brink of default twice,shutting down the government and blocking a wide variety of legislation designed to minimize the risks posed by the financial sector or to create jobs, have caused harm to the economy and prevented the economy from healing as quickly as would be desirable. However, despite these hurdles, the economy has performed passably overall and thus far, has performed quite well during President Obama's second term. — "Economic Record: President Obama", politicsthatwork.com, Mar 29, 2015​

Obama and Democrats are all about taxes and creating more debt, Republicans ...just the opposite.

Over the past forty-five years, Republican presidents have increased debt, and Democrats have diminished it.


What you meant to say was "Larry, Curly and Moe" … because NONE of these 3 stooges had or has ANY clue of fiscal responsibility or financial saavy … or foreign policy either. 3 stooges indeed.

Reagan and Bush43 implemented SSE policies that created most of the national debt. Clinton brought us eight years of peace and prosperity. Obama helped prevent a worldwide depression brought on by an economic collapse that was produced by SSE deregulation of the financial sector.

Nixon gave us an invasion of Cambodia, more or less destroying that nation. Bush43, with a big push from Dickhead Chaingang and Donnie Dumbsfeld, brought us an invasion of Iraq. We're still trying to pick up the pieces from that disaster. Carter negotiated a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel that ended major conflicts in the region. The foreign policy "disasters" Obama's critics point to are:

  • the death of four Americans at a diplomatic outpost that was located in a very dangerous part of the world
  • the withdrawal of our forces from Iraq in 2011, an action mandated by a SOFA signed by Bush
  • the presence of ISIL in Libya following the overthrow of a brutal dictator who would have slaughtered thousands of civilians if we had not joined in a NATO action to defend them
Thats base propaganda that doesn't count Obama's " stimulus " and attributes all of FY2009 to Bush even though Obama signed 9 out the 12 spending appropriations bills in FY2009

That article was published in 2012. If you measure from 2008, when the debt/GDP ratio was 73.5, to 2011 when it was 94.5, Obummer had increased it by 31.2%, which is indeed more than the figure indicated in that chart of around 24-25%. But if you start from the end of 2009, when it was 84.5, the increase is only 14.1%.

It's widely accepted that the Negro can reasonably be held accountable for $250-450 billion of the $1.412 trillion 2009 deficit. Fwiw, I can't say how the author of that Atlantic piece did his figuring.

But let's look at an update. The ratio is now 104.2, an increase of 41.8% from 2008. Using 2009 as the baseline, the figure is 23.3%. Obummer still has a year to go, but GDP is growing about as fast as the debt, so the ratio won't change much. Reagan's number was 59.5%.

The important thing to remember is that Obama did not create the conditions that led to the very large deficits 2009-2012. GOP SSE policies did.
Check the math on that. It looks like that calculation first appeared in an article published on Real Clear Markets, written by Thomas Woodhill, described as an engineer and software entrepreneur. I don't know where he got his degree, but the numbers I have indicate Reagan's performance at 2.64 and Obama's at .97.

Real gross domestic product per capita

1980 — 28428
1988 — 35008
2008 — 47697
2015 — 51041

Overall, President Obama has managed to turn the terrible economic hand he was dealt into a mixed economic record. In some areas, the economy has performed remarkably, while in other areas, the performance has been disappointing. Many of the challenges President Obama faced are common to the entire developed world and the United States has certainly fared far better than the other developed nations. However, that has come at the expense of adding to the national debt, and the gains have generally been concentrated in the hands of those who need them the least.

In addition to the challenges imposed by the global economic climate, President Obama has faced extraordinary opposition by the Republicans in the legislature. Many of the acts of congressional Republicans, such as forcing the sequester, bringing the country to the brink of default twice,shutting down the government and blocking a wide variety of legislation designed to minimize the risks posed by the financial sector or to create jobs, have caused harm to the economy and prevented the economy from healing as quickly as would be desirable. However, despite these hurdles, the economy has performed passably overall and thus far, has performed quite well during President Obama's second term. — "Economic Record: President Obama", politicsthatwork.com, Mar 29, 2015​

Over the past forty-five years, Republican presidents have increased debt, and Democrats have diminished it.

View attachment 67200746

Reagan and Bush43 implemented SSE policies that created most of the national debt. Clinton brought us eight years of peace and prosperity. Obama helped prevent a worldwide depression brought on by an economic collapse that was produced by SSE deregulation of the financial sector.

Nixon gave us an invasion of Cambodia, more or less destroying that nation. Bush43, with a big push from Dickhead Chaingang and Donnie Dumbsfeld, brought us an invasion of Iraq. We're still trying to pick up the pieces from that disaster. Carter negotiated a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel that ended major conflicts in the region. The foreign policy "disasters" Obama's critics point to are:

  • the death of four Americans at a diplomatic outpost that was located in a very dangerous part of the world
  • the withdrawal of our forces from Iraq in 2011, an action mandated by a SOFA signed by Bush
  • the presence of ISIL in Libya following the overthrow of a brutal dictator who would have slaughtered thousands of civilians if we had not joined in a NATO action to defend them

That article was published in 2012. If you measure from 2008, when the debt/GDP ratio was 73.5, to 2011 when it was 94.5, Obummer had increased it by 31.2%, which is indeed more than the figure indicated in that chart of around 24-25%. But if you start from the end of 2009, when it was 84.5, the increase is only 14.1%.

It's widely accepted that the Negro can reasonably be held accountable for $250-450 billion of the $1.412 trillion 2009 deficit. Fwiw, I can't say how the author of that Atlantic piece did his figuring.

But let's look at an update. The ratio is now 104.2, an increase of 41.8% from 2008. Using 2009 as the baseline, the figure is 23.3%. Obummer still has a year to go, but GDP is growing about as fast as the debt, so the ratio won't change much. Reagan's number was 59.5%.

The important thing to remember is that Obama did not create the conditions that led to the very large deficits 2009-2012. GOP SSE policies did.

SSE policies were behind Clinton co-opting the GSEs into buying Trillions of dollars in Subprime loans, bundling those loans and then selling them off as " AAA '' rated MBSs ?

And seriously, 8 years into a Obama economy your'e trying to blame the GOP ?
Another I hate Obama thread, with the same old posters. Do you not get tired of saying the same old line, you sound like a bunch of dumb ass parrots. You all really should get some therapy. :lamo

Take a few tokes and it'll be alright...
SSE policies were behind Clinton co-opting the GSEs into buying Trillions of dollars in Subprime loans, bundling those loans and then selling them off as "AAA'' rated MBSs?

I'm not going to waste my time continuing to refute yer nonsense about the causes of the collapse in housing prices. And you forgot to mention the CRA and Barney Fag.

>>And seriously, 8 years into a Obama economy your'e trying to blame the GOP ?

No, try reading more carefully. I said the very large deficits 2009-2012 are attributable to SSE policies. The economy has now largely recovered under the president's steady leadership.

Tell me, as I know I've asked you this before, which party favours substantial deregulation of the economy? Who complains all the time about excessive regulation? Pfft.

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