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Obama denies division pushes federal police (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Frankly acknowledging a "tough week" in the United States after anxious days of shootings and racial tensions, President Barack Obama said Saturday that he did not believe the United States was "as divided as some have suggested."
"There is sorrow, there is anger, there is confusion about next steps," Obama said during a news conference in Poland. "But there's unity in recognizing that this is not how we want our communities to operate. This is not who we want to be as Americans."

Obama says U.S. 'not as divided as some have suggested' - CNNPolitics.com
Says the main divider and not unifyer! What a CROCK!
Says the main divider and not unifyer! What a CROCK!

As much as people like yourself would love to see us divided, Obama is right. We as Americans pretty much universally agree that killing innocent people is wrong. People like yourself take the violent actions of individuals and try to paint it onto an entire group of millions. Let's grow together as a nation through this tragedy instead of tearing it apart.
As much as people like yourself would love to see us divided, Obama is right. We as Americans pretty much universally agree that killing innocent people is wrong. People like yourself take the violent actions of individuals and try to paint it onto an entire group of millions. Let's grow together as a nation through this tragedy instead of tearing it apart.

Totally horse****!

I Do Not want to see this country divided....but it is ..........on so many fronts!

Killing innocent people is totally wrong! What in the Hell do you think I spent 30 years of my life doing...allowing it?

Get off my leg !
Totally horse****!

I Do Not want to see this country divided....but it is ..........on so many fronts!

Killing innocent people is totally wrong! What in the Hell do you think I spent 30 years of my life doing...allowing it?

Get off my leg !

I think you've spent 30 years spreading nonsensical and hateful ****. Stop trying to rip America into pieces. A divided house can not stand.

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