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Obama blames media for 'caricature' (1 Viewer)

Rush made a good point about this today, which is that if Obama doesnt like how Fox is characterizing him, why doesnt he appear on Fox and set them straight from time to time? From what I remember he has waged a boycott on Fox, while appearing on all other media many many times.

As of a year ago he had appeared on comedy and daytime talk shows at least a dozen times, but on Fox News Sunday twice. Isnt it his own fault if people think hes a caricature?

NEW YORK -- President Barack Obama will sit for a live interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly before Super Bowl XLVIII.

The interview at the White House will air as part of Fox's pregame show on Feb. 2.

It's become an annual tradition for the president to talk to the network televising the game on Super Bowl Sunday. O'Reilly also interviewed Obama before the Super Bowl three years ago, the last time Fox had the NFL championship.

Fox said Thursday that an additional recorded portion of the interview will be aired on "The O'Reilly Factor" on Feb. 3.

Bill O'Reilly to interview President Obama before Super Bowl - NFL.com
He certainly is a narcissistic sumbitch isn' t he? If he was honest he wouldn't need the conspiracy theory. The fact is WE DON'T LIKE HIS POLICIES. It really is as simple as that. It's not racial, not partisan, it's about his tactics, lies and running the country in the wrong direction.
It has nothing to do with his policies or personality, but rather his inability to convince you that conservatives are wrong. And so he cant get anything done because people wont allow Republicans in congress to go along with his policies. Because he hasnt been able to prove Rush or Fox wrong.

Does that sound rational to you? Heck, does it sound professional? Isnt it possible that either Obama is simply wrong, or that people dont beleive him?

He claims to be interested in solving problems, but rarely talks to congress or even his own appointees. He claims to be practical, but thinks govt micromanaging everyone is going to work? He thinks a lot of the things hes put into play worked better than people think. Ok, Ill give him that. Expectations are pretty low, so the fact that there was a Obamacare website at all is probably better than expected. I seem to recall Obama joking about shovel ready not being so shovel ready after all. GUess thats his idea of working better than expected?

As Ive said many times before, if Obama would simply get to work, instead of giving interviews, campaigning, and blaming everyone but himself for the poor performance of govt, maybe something would get done. He works a half a mile from Congress. Walk down the street and say hi.

I was going to say something similar. Barry's problem is that he actually believes everyone shares his world view. They don't. He believes that it's possible to legislate fairness. It's not. He thinks we can create equality, it's impossible, the best we can do is create equal opportunity. The rest is up to us.
If you can't see what the point is, you might have a problem.

The SOTU address is a traditional/formal (non-interactive) event that all Presidents present annually. Which has nothing to do with the suggestion @jonny5 was making.

Suspect you already know that. And you are just being obstinate.

Dunno....just a guess.
The SOTU address is a traditional/formal (non-interactive) event that all Presidents present annually.
Which has nothing to do with the suggestion @jonny5 was making.

Suspect you already know that. And you are just being obstinate.

Dunno....just a guess.

If you actually think that the President of the USA's State of the Union Address is a 'non-interactive event' I have to conclude that you have watched very few State of the Union Addresses.

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward."
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
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I think Obama is probably very intelligent and basically decent...plus not without charm.

I also think he is arrogant, spoiled, does not understand macroeconomics/fiscal discipline and is woefully out-of-touch with reality/has barely a clue what life is like for most people.

And he is a minor, personal disappointment.

After the disaster that was G.W. Bush's Presidency (another basically decent but extremely arrogant man who was clueless about the real world, IMO); I assumed/hoped America would learn from it and pick someone better next time.

I was wrong.

If you actually think that the President of the USA's State of the Union Address is a 'non-interactive event' I have to conclude that you have watched very few State of the Union Addresses.

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward."
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Am suspecting that in my earlier posts i have been giving you more credit for common sense than i should have.

My bad.....
To be fair, palin had the same complaint. In both cases the complaint is legitimate but useless. Public figures get made fun of. They should all get over it.

The irony is that despite his general public speaking skills, the guy has never been good at communicating policy to the public. So it's of little surprise that the RW has been able to take advantage of that and shape his public perception.

there is also a lot of truth to this:

" That complaint has been echoed by some Democrats. Late last year, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) complained that Obama waits until “it's almost to a crisis stage before” before engaging Congress on pivotal issues."

With the first prominent example being the healthcare debate. And it's really a byproduct of an administration overly focused on avoiding scandal and conflict. The guy just lacks the necessary skills and character to be a good POTUS
I got no answer to my previous question so I will ask it again.

What caricature is Obama talking about? Specifics please.
Given their constant lying and deception, why in the world would any rational person go there to present their argument if it differed from the collective groupthink at the station?

Cant convince anyone if you don't try.
You have to wonder though. Didn't Obama get elected twice by a comfortable margin? Didn't he get his ACA initiative passed, albeit with 100% Democrat votes? Limbaugh and Fox News and John Boehner weren't able to prevent that. So how does he figure they have the power to make Obamacare the disaster it has been or that they have prevented him from pushing and/or accomplishing his other pet initiatives?
I disagree with him in this case. The reason fox has a market is that people want to be a part of the distorted echo chamber, not the other way around.

A lot of people in this country have turned anger and outrage into a way of life. Being angry and pissed off is normal, in other words. (This is true on both sides of the spectrum by the way) and for fox to capitalize on that market, they have to keep up the hype which results in distorted portrayals of information. However it's not fox's fault. Again a lot of people simply want to be angry and will gravitate to whatever justifies it rather than deal with what is making them unhappy, which is the decline if the American empire in most cases. Which isn't really anybody's or any ideology's fault

yeah, it's weird that people seem to assume these media outlets invented their demographic, as opposed to simply catering to them. Though, I am sure it's not without coincidence the people that complain about this the loudest are also those that openly indulge in it (though from the opposite end of the spectrum)
You forgot racist.

While there is certainly racists that hate Obama, partisan politics are, unsurprisingly, usually about politics
Cant convince anyone if you don't try.
And the only way Obama could ever try is to go to the place where they make money manipulating what he said?

Surely that strikes you as ridiculous.
You have to wonder though. Didn't Obama get elected twice by a comfortable margin? Didn't he get his ACA initiative passed, albeit with 100% Democrat votes? Limbaugh and Fox News and John Boehner weren't able to prevent that. So how does he figure they have the power to make Obamacare the disaster it has been or that they have prevented him from pushing and/or accomplishing his other pet initiatives?

The GOP has plenty of power to disrupt Obamacare on the state level. How many states refused to expand Medicare or set up exchanges?
I got no answer to my previous question so I will ask it again.

What caricature is Obama talking about? Specifics please.

Marxist. Hates America. "Pals around with terrorists." "Apologizes for America." Bowed to Raul Castro. Narcissist. Death Panels. Affirmative Action president. Only got elected because he's black. Coming for your guns. That's just scratching the surface.
Marxist. Hates America. "Pals around with terrorists." "Apologizes for America." Bowed to Raul Castro. Narcissist. Death Panels. Affirmative Action president. Only got elected because he's black. Coming for your guns. That's just scratching the surface.

A caricature is something that is exaggerated about the person, not things that are true.

Pals around with terrorists - true
Apologizes for America - true
Bowed to Raul Castro - true - photo evidence
Narcissist - true - even you can admit to that
Death Panels - coming if not already here

The other things who knows.

The assumption here is that people can't think for themselves and only know about Obama through Fox or Limbaugh.

That is extremely insulting.
A caricature is something that is exaggerated about the person, not things that are true.

Pals around with terrorists - true
Apologizes for America - true
Bowed to Raul Castro - true - photo evidence
Narcissist - true - even you can admit to that
Death Panels - coming if not already here

The other things who knows.

The assumption here is that people can't think for themselves and only know about Obama through Fox or Limbaugh.

That is extremely insulting.

"Pals around with terrorists" -- False.
Apologizes for America -- Barely true, and you know what? There's some stuff we should apologize for.
Bowed to Raul Castro -- Nonsense. That was not a bow.
Narcissist -- I don't believe in playing Armchair Psychologist, unlike so many on the right who feel fully entitled to do so.
Death Panels -- Oookay.
"Pals around with terrorists" -- False.
Apologizes for America -- Barely true, and you know what? There's some stuff we should apologize for.
Bowed to Raul Castro -- Nonsense. That was not a bow.
Narcissist -- I don't believe in playing Armchair Psychologist, unlike so many on the right who feel fully entitled to do so.
Death Panels -- Oookay.

Denial. Nice

Are you denying his relationship with Ayers? He isn't.
Denial. Nice

Are you denying his relationship with Ayers? He isn't.

I'm not denying that he knows Bill Ayers. I am denying the right-wing narrative of the nature of said relationship, since there's little to no evidence to support it.

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