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Obama Announces Massive, Crushing Tax Hikes (1 Viewer)

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Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
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This is madness. Obama has got to be denied a Congressional majority in 2010:

The Right-Wing Underground: Obama Announces Massive, Crushing Tax Hikes

Will kicking "the rich" (the small business owners who create all the jobs and already pay 60% of the taxes) while their down with one of the most gigantic tax hikes in U.S. history make what Barack "hope over fear" Obama constantly insists is the "greatest crisis since the Great Depression" better or worse?
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Also in that plan is to let the bush tax cuts "expire"....

As in, everyones taxes will be raised.
This is madness. Obama has got to be denied a Congressional majority in 2010:

The Right-Wing Underground: Obama Announces Massive, Crushing Tax Hikes

Will kicking "the rich" (the small business owners who create all the jobs and already pay 60% of the taxes) while their down with one of the most gigantic tax hikes in U.S. history make what Barack "hope over fear" Obama constantly insists is the "greatest crisis since the Great Depression" better or worse?

I have a question. Is there ANY tax hike in history that you don't consider an apocalyptic event that will result in a total economic collapse and zombies taking over the world? :roll:

Your huffing and puffing might be a little more believable if I didn't think you'd do exactly the same thing no matter HOW large or small Obama's tax hike was. Let's have some perspective here. Raising the tax rate from 35% to 38% on people making more than ~$350K is not going to cause the armageddon. We had higher tax rates in the 80s and 90s, and we were fine.
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Also in that plan is to let the bush tax cuts "expire"....

As in, everyones taxes will be raised.

The tax cuts were never permanent to begin with. That's why they have an expiration built in. Get it now? Good. :2wave:
Hopefully people making more than a few 100K a year will have to pay more. Otherwise, why did we elect a Democrat? :lol:
Hopefully people making more than a few 100K a year will have to pay more. Otherwise, why did we elect a Democrat? :lol:

In the nyc metro area that is a firefighter and a nurse. Those rich assholes need to pay more! :lol:
Will people have to pay more or not? Fail

So how is that Obama's fault? He doesn't have to do anything at all and the tax rate will return to the way it was. If you want to blame someone for raising taxes in 2010, blame George Bush. :roll:
In the nyc metro area that is a firefighter and a nurse. Those rich assholes need to pay more! :lol:

Did the government force them to live in New York City? They could've picked someplace with a lower cost of living if they wanted to, but they decided that the awesomeness of NYC was worth the cost.
Dammit, Kandahar beat me too it.

I do not believe that tax brackets should be custom-made so people living in affluent, expensive areas are given favorable treatment. They could move upstate if they wanted to pay less on taxes, rent, food, gas, etc. Of course, they'd be making less as well. It's completely their choice.
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Dammit, Kandahar beat me too it.

They could move upstate if they wanted to. I do not believe that tax brackets should be custom made so people living in affluent, expensive areas are given favorable treatment. They could move upstate if they wanted to pay less on taxes, rent, food, gas, etc. Of course, they'd be making less as well. It's completely their choice.

Most of the cops I knew in Brooklyn got a discount on their rent.
No, they need to move somewhere else, where they'd be making less.

So is there a uhaul in the stimulous? And is there a job available for them in liberalville?

What of the areas needs for firefighters and nurses? How naive a position my friend
Did the government force them to live in New York City? They could've picked someplace with a lower cost of living if they wanted to, but they decided that the awesomeness of NYC was worth the cost.

Nyc cops must live in the 5 boros. Fail

Edit: and firemen
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So is there a uhaul in the stimulous? And is there a job available for them in liberalville?

Well, first of all, NYC *is* Liberalville. :lol:

Second of all, the situation of a person who chooses to live in NYC is no different from the situation of a person who chooses to live in an enormous mansion. They get what they pay for, and they shouldn't expect to get preferential tax treatment just because they chose to live it up. The fact that a $100K per year salary doesn't go as far in NYC as it does in Detroit is irrelevant.

Reverend_Hellh0und said:
What of the areas needs for firefighters and nurses? How naive a position my friend

There are very few jobs that are entirely confined to one city. And if they happened to have one of those jobs, they could change jobs if they wanted to.
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So you don't have anything intelligent to say about tax policy and instead want to rely on moronic emotion-appeals like this one. Noted. :roll:

You gonna throw a little fit?

Seriuosly? How old are you and where do you live. Id love to get a handle on your ignorance.

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