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Nuclear power (1 Viewer)


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Aug 31, 2018
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I have long been against nuclear power as it's simply too dangerous.

I was wondering what those that think it is just grand think now?

(Now that we have to worry about war with country that have such energy plants)
I have long been against nuclear power as it's simply too dangerous.

I was wondering what those that think it is just grand think now?

(Now that we have to worry about war with country that have such energy plants)
Without it, the world will slowly descend into poverty over the next century.
I have long been against nuclear power as it's simply too dangerous.

I was wondering what those that think it is just grand think now?

(Now that we have to worry about war with country that have such energy plants)

The safety problems of nuclear are overrated. The cost problems of nuclear are underrated.
I support nuclear power in the form of the current AP1000 generation reactors, but there must be wartime protections for nuclear power stations, just as there are for civilian populations.

We as a civilization have progressed great technologically but we still act like cavemen occasionally in war. That needs to be addressed and stopped. The earth is all that we have and we need to start acting as a global community instead of 5000 little border regions or states/countries. We must find a different way to settle disputes and limit the mindset of who gets elected as politicians.
I have long been against nuclear power as it's simply too dangerous.

I was wondering what those that think it is just grand think now?

(Now that we have to worry about war with country that have such energy plants)

I think your perspective is skewed. If every nuclear plant in the world was bombed, you'd still have less deaths than occur annually from fossil fuels.
I support nuclear power in the form of the current AP1000 generation reactors, but there must be wartime protections for nuclear power stations, just as there are for civilian populations.

We as a civilization have progressed great technologically but we still act like cavemen occasionally in war. That needs to be addressed and stopped. The earth is all that we have and we need to start acting as a global community instead of 5000 little border regions or states/countries. We must find a different way to settle disputes and limit the mindset of who gets elected as politicians.
We always act as cavemen. Don't flatter the species.

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