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Now that that the Republican ticket will be Trumpence... (1 Viewer)

Have your feeling changed now that Trumpence is the rep ticket?

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Now that that the Republican ticket will be Trumpence...

...most likely... have your feeling changed? Yes? No? If yes, for the better, or worse?

For me it's 'no', but I loathe Trump to begin with, so pretty much no running mate would make a difference or change my thinking.
An egotist picks a religious nut. Sounds like a script for reality TV. ;)
Now that that the Republican ticket will be Trumpence...

...most likely... have your feeling changed? Yes? No? If yes, for the better, or worse?

For me it's 'no', but I loathe Trump to begin with, so pretty much no running mate would make a difference or change my thinking.

No. Personally, it wouldn't of mattered who he had picked as his running mate. I still despise him.
Now that that the Republican ticket will be Trumpence...

...most likely... have your feeling changed? Yes? No? If yes, for the better, or worse?

For me it's 'no', but I loathe Trump to begin with, so pretty much no running mate would make a difference or change my thinking.

No, feelings are the same. Trump would be the worst president America could ever have.
An egotist picks a religious nut. Sounds like a script for reality TV. ;)

Pandering to Conservatives since he is not one. It will have little impact one way or the other, VP picks do not impact the voting by more than 1%. Who knows maybe he was talked into picking a very conservative VP by the GOP Leadership under the suggestion he needs a true conservative as his running mate, while all the time planning on off'ing Trump if he wins and then the GOP gets what they want a conservative in the WH. Sounds farfetched, probably, but then again it has been one strange Presidential race so .....
Pandering to Conservatives since he is not one. It will have little impact one way or the other, VP picks do not impact the voting by more than 1%. Who knows maybe he was talked into picking a very conservative VP by the GOP Leadership under the suggestion he needs a true conservative as his running mate, while all the time planning on off'ing Trump if he wins and then the GOP gets what they want a conservative in the WH. Sounds farfetched, probably, but then again it has been one strange Presidential race so .....

Trump is just pandering to the Evangelical base.
Changed for the worse, and it was already really bad. Governor of the state won by such presidential hopefuls as Huckabee and Santorum.

Trump had me thinking that maybe the GOP wouldn't run another far right social conservative ticket. It's looking more and more far right social conservative every day now. Trump sold out to the GOP and has accepted the price for their support.
Trump is just pandering to the Evangelical base.
Yeup pretty much, he is still trying to get the GOP base to back him, something he has not really gotten so far and doubtful that he will be getting it from conservatives with actual principles.
Pandering to Conservatives since he is not one. It will have little impact one way or the other, VP picks do not impact the voting by more than 1%. Who knows maybe he was talked into picking a very conservative VP by the GOP Leadership under the suggestion he needs a true conservative as his running mate, while all the time planning on off'ing Trump if he wins and then the GOP gets what they want a conservative in the WH. Sounds farfetched, probably, but then again it has been one strange Presidential race so .....
Right. Other than pandering to a specific base, does it even matter? Even if the VP does sometimes do something, Trump has made it well-known that he is almost completely self-reliant, so he wouldn't utilize his VP anyway.
Trump was getting their votes in the primary. That's why Cruz lost.

So, no....

Cruz lost because the Racist Right has...wait for it...Trumped the Religious Right!
Now that that the Republican ticket will be Trumpence...

...most likely... have your feeling changed? Yes? No? If yes, for the better, or worse?

For me it's 'no', but I loathe Trump to begin with, so pretty much no running mate would make a difference or change my thinking.

Even Christie, whom I generally like wouldn't get me to vote for Trump. Christie's been brainwashed and now he's pissed off he didn't get to be the chosen one.
Even Christie, whom I generally like wouldn't get me to vote for Trump. Christie's been brainwashed and now he's pissed off he didn't get to be the chosen one.
As a side note to the thread: I think Christie is permanently damaged by being seen as Trump's bitch.
For the worst.


Are you ****ting me?

America is really this ****ing stupid.
Anyone still taking Trump seriously at this point has clearly not been paying attention to the past 180 days...
Right. Other than pandering to a specific base, does it even matter? Even if the VP does sometimes do something, Trump has made it well-known that he is almost completely self-reliant, so he wouldn't utilize his VP anyway.

Yes, Trump considers himself to be perfection, but then he Is running for Emperor, right?
As a side note to the thread: I think Christie is permanently damaged by being seen as Trump's bitch.

I agree. There was a time I actually liked the guy, is exposure running his failed race and his lips being attached to The Donald's arse tell me is not worthy of my respect.
Now that that the Republican ticket will be Trumpence...

...most likely... have your feeling changed? Yes? No? If yes, for the better, or worse?

For me it's 'no', but I loathe Trump to begin with, so pretty much no running mate would make a difference or change my thinking.

I'll have to brush up on my Charles Dickens novels and then back to you.
Hasn't changed anything for me. I wouldn't vote for Trump if he chose me as his running mate.
Changed for the worse, and it was already really bad. Governor of the state won by such presidential hopefuls as Huckabee and Santorum.

Trump had me thinking that maybe the GOP wouldn't run another far right social conservative ticket. It's looking more and more far right social conservative every day now. Trump sold out to the GOP and has accepted the price for their support.
Yep, you've said it well.

Earlier in the Primary Trump had some stances I could get behind, with single-payer healthcare being one. Since then he's tacked hard Right and even seemingly Evangelical.

Oh well ...

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