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Note to President Bush (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 17, 2004
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I was there, now I'm here
Political Leaning
In your Oval Office speech on Sunday, you specifically addressed those of us who “did not support my decision to send troops to Iraq.” You went on to request that we “not give in to despair” and “not give up on this fight for freedom.”

We want to clarify your misrepresentation of our position: We are not in “despair” (except at the thought of three more years of your administration), nor do we want to “give up on this fight for freedom.” On the contrary: we believe that now that we are in Iraq, we can’t leave until we clean up the mess you’ve made. We have to “win” this war, if for no other reason than we owe it to the poor, battered Iraqi people, who never attacked us and never threatened us, and are now as much the victims of your unresolved father issues and crass exploitation of 9/11 as they were of Saddam Hussein.

The beef we have with you, Mr. President, is that we don’t think you’re the man to do it. Since the inception of this misbegotten fiasco, you’ve proven yourself to be a colossally incompetent commander-in-chief, who didn’t miss an opportunity to bungle this war at every stage, and whose egregiously poor planning and mishandling of the war may have permanently scuttled any chance of victory we ever had. Considering your astonishing record of blunders, gaffs, mistakes, errors, botches, and failures, we have absolutely no faith in your ability to lead this effort to anything resembling “mission accomplished.” That’s why we voted for a horse-faced, “flip-flopping” gasbag in the last election. We wouldn’t trust you to handle a paper route, let alone a war.

Are we clear now?


Those of Us Who May or May Not Have Supported Sending Troops To Iraq, But Definitely Didn’t Support You Sending Them
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argexpat well said m8,u are so right in what u say,the lives he has lost is

I hope one day it is pay back time for him and his administrion.

God bless U.

my kind regards

Wait....uh.....did I write that.....tecoyah looks in his word binder....nope...well then, I agree
Good post, I completely agree. Though I must yield this to Pres. Bush, though I disagree with everything he stands for, he does take responsibility for his actions.
Bravo!!! I couldn't have said it better myself....

Well, ok, maybe I could have, but....it'd take awhile. And considerable thought. And extensive rewrites to tone it down for a PG-13 crowd.

liberal1 said:
Good post, I completely agree. Though I must yield this to Pres. Bush, though I disagree with everything he stands for, he does take responsibility for his actions.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. Bush has got to be the most buck passing president in history. The buck doesn't stop within a 10 mile radius of the White House. All he does is blame others for his mistakes. It was the CIA that got the intel wrong. It was Congress who "voted for the war." When he's criticized, he attacks his critics. Even now, with his new "kinder, gentler" act he's been peddling since his poll numbers tanked, he still calls critics of the war "defeatists." It's they who are "emboldening the enemy," not his bungling of the war. This is a guy who compares the war in Iraq with WW II and even the Civil War, but doesn't ask anyone but the families of soldiers to make any kind of sacrifice. He takes yet another of his marathon vacations during one of the bloodiest months in the war he started, and then seems annoyed that he still has to talk about it, instead of his pet projects like dismantling Social Security. He promotes incompetent cronies like "Brownie" to important goverment posts, then bristles at the idea that he should be held responsible for those stupid choices. He avoids serving in Vietnam by getting his dad to pull strings with the Texas Air National Gaurd, then goes AWOL. His dad sets him up with an oil company, then runs it into the ground. This guy has lived his entire life weaseling out of responsibility.
argexpat said:
I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. Bush has got to be the most buck passing president in history. The buck doesn't stop within a 10 mile radius of the White House. All he does is blame others for his mistakes. It was the CIA that got the intel wrong. It was Congress who "voted for the war." When he's criticized, he attacks his critics. Even now, with his new "kinder, gentler" act he's been peddling since his poll numbers tanked, he still calls critics of the war "defeatists." It's they who are "emboldening the enemy," not his bungling of the war. This is a guy who compares the war in Iraq with WW II and even the Civil War, but doesn't ask anyone but the families of soldiers to make any kind of sacrifice. He takes yet another of his marathon vacations during one of the bloodiest months in the war he started, and then seems annoyed that he still has to talk about it, instead of his pet projects like dismantling Social Security. He promotes incompetent cronies like "Brownie" to important goverment posts, then bristles at the idea that he should be held responsible for those stupid choices. He avoids serving in Vietnam by getting his dad to pull strings with the Texas Air National Gaurd, then goes AWOL. His dad sets him up with an oil company, then runs it into the ground. This guy has lived his entire life weaseling out of responsibility.

argexpat, Bush has taken responsibility here and there. Where he has failed is in accountability. There was a great editorial in the Washington Post yesterday on this very issue. Here is an except:

Listen to your president:

"I take responsibility," he said Sept. 13 about the botched Hurricane Katrina relief effort. "I take personal responsibility for everything I say, of course," he said back in 2003. "I also take responsibility for making decisions on war and peace."

"I take responsibility for putting our troops into action," he said a bit earlier in 2003. "I take responsibility for making that decision."

This recitation of the obvious is a bit of clumsy rhetorical strutting, but also a way of ducking the ultimate in responsibility: accountability. This is something Bush will not accept or countenance. He will not be trammeled or constrained or answer to any person. He will, as we recently learned, not give a fig for the law as passed by Congress when it comes to restrictions on domestic spying. He asserts, but does not show, that asking for a warrant from the special intelligence court would endanger the country and -- his idea of a jolly good debating point -- he shows irritation when pressed. He's the president, damn it. Look it up.

aps said:
argexpat, Bush has taken responsibility here and there. Where he has failed is in accountability. There was a great editorial in the Washington Post yesterday on this very issue. Here is an except:

Listen to your president:

"I take responsibility," he said Sept. 13 about the botched Hurricane Katrina relief effort. "I take personal responsibility for everything I say, of course," he said back in 2003. "I also take responsibility for making decisions on war and peace."

"I take responsibility for putting our troops into action," he said a bit earlier in 2003. "I take responsibility for making that decision."

This recitation of the obvious is a bit of clumsy rhetorical strutting, but also a way of ducking the ultimate in responsibility: accountability. This is something Bush will not accept or countenance. He will not be trammeled or constrained or answer to any person. He will, as we recently learned, not give a fig for the law as passed by Congress when it comes to restrictions on domestic spying. He asserts, but does not show, that asking for a warrant from the special intelligence court would endanger the country and -- his idea of a jolly good debating point -- he shows irritation when pressed. He's the president, damn it. Look it up.


Ouch! That's a great editorial. Apparently you and I disagree only in semantics. So, OK, he "takes responsibility" (meaning he pays lots and lots of lip service to it), but when the sh!t hits the fan, he's never accountable.

On that I definitely agree.
Wow, argexpat! Excellent job. I don't usually write "good for you" posts, but *******, good for you!

I think you tapped into universal consciousness.
I also agree with the protestant² adjudicator... although I'm not a democrat.

Well said.
argexpat said:
unresolved father issues and crass exploitation of 9/11

Election jealousy, nothing more. :smile:

argexpat said:
The beef we have with you, Mr. President, is that we don’t think you’re the man to do it.

Tough toenails. Are you going to lie and belly-ache until 2008?

argexpat said:
you’ve proven yourself to be a colossally incompetent commander-in-chief

desperate hate filled opinion

argexpat said:
who didn’t miss an opportunity to bungle this war at every stage

desperate hate filled opinion

argexpat said:
whose egregiously poor planning and mishandling of the war may have permanently scuttled any chance of victory we ever had.

desperate hate filled opinion

argexpat said:
Considering your astonishing record of blunders, gaffs, mistakes, errors, botches, and failures, we have absolutely no faith in your ability to lead this effort to anything resembling “mission accomplished.”

Go ahead, tell that tired mission accomplised lie again. Thankfully, the voters knew better and saw through it.

argexpat said:
That’s why we voted for a horse-faced, “flip-flopping” gasbag in the last election. We wouldn’t trust you to handle a paper route, let alone a war.

desperate hate filled opinion

argexpat said:
Are we clear now?

Yes, you'll spread hate and misinformation until your party gets it's power back. We're very clear.
KCConservative said:
Election jealousy, nothing more. :smile:

Who said anyhing about an election? Didn't you read Coulter's Novel? How do you debate a sycophantic nutjob? You let them take the issue way the "bleep" out of context, then you laugh at them "quietly". HAR!

Tough toenails. Are you going to lie and belly-ache until 2008?

The only person(s) who is/are lying and belly aching are the administration and their subservient political conscripts... such as yourself.

desperate hate filled opinion

THe summary of your position here-in is not only ironic.. it is quite eloquent.

desperate hate filled opinion

Remember Kids.. when you have nothing else to say; just be redundant!

desperate hate filled opinion

Don't stop at redundancy.. truly show the world how much a complete sniveling apologist that you cannont be! Always offer a redundant quip on top of a redundant quip!

Go ahead, tell that tired mission accomplised lie again. Thankfully, the voters knew better and saw through it.

More color commentary about our troops.. albeit subversive. It's funny how so many of us don't want to send our troops to die to benefit the will of Bush and his administration... yet it's so plain and simple to you. Support Bush unconditionally or you're a leftist treasonous ******.

I think the American people are beginning to hold a better understanding of who exactly has commited treason here... and low and behold it will be a dissenting opinion!

desperate hate filled opinion

It's okay.. you don't have to run and hide every time you can't respond to an issue with any type of objectivity or logic. You haven't done so anyway so why didn't you just post your sycophantic spiel here too? Talk about cutting and running. Hooooo! You are a degenerate and a simple man.

Yes, you'll spread hate and misinformation until your party gets it's power back. We're very clear.

This whole issue has escalated so far that it is not about partisanship, politics, perceptions or beliefs. This is a serious issue of course you're too busy apologizing to your Master to lend an ear to a dissenting opinion. That withing itself is a fallacy of democratic republic. Not that you would have any idea what those words mean.
Dear useful idiot hypocrit liberal elitests and their subservient akolytes:

Why do you continue to attempt to redefine treason as patriotism? Why do you call our troops terrorists? Why do you side with the enemy that blew up the world trade? Why do you create insane conspiracy theories? Why do you think Bush is worse than Bin Ladin? Why do you think that it's o.k. to steal from the average American then give what you take to the people who don't deserve it and call it helping the poor when you keep your money in tax exempt off shore accounts? Why do you claim to despise capitalism yet invest in companies; such as, Halliburton? Why do you claim to support affirmative action yet not hire minorities to work for you? Why do you compare the saviors of Democracy and freedom to Nazi Germany? Why have you supported communist genocidal regimes throughout the world for the last three decades? Why are you all liers who continue to misrepresent the truth at every turn? Why do you continue to attempt to erect an Orwellian state? Why do you hate capitalism? Why do you hate America? Why do you want to create a one world government of a socialist nature despite the proof that socialism doesn't work? Why are you opposed to individualism and individual responsobility? Why do you share talking points with AlQaeda and Osamma bin Ladin? Why do you put partisan politics above our nations security? Why do you have selective amnesia in that you claim that terrorism isn't a threat allthough 9-11 was only 4 years ago? Why do you want Saddam back in power? Why do you want to tie the hands of the military? Why do you go to energy conservation meetings in your private jets? Why do you support genocide and/or contend that it is only a myth? Why do you hate the constitution and the Bill of Rights especially the 1st amendment? Why do you attempt to rewrite history even the events of the last five years? Why do you use the tactics of the nazis in your war against free speech and open debate? Why don't you win elections? (the answer should be obvious by now) real Americans hate you and all that you stand for.


The Radical liberals worst enemy and nightmare . . . a conservative

P.S. see ya in 06 ****ers it's gonna be a good year that we vote even more of you out of office, replace you with real Americans, and take away your powers of fillibuster by getting a 60 vote majority,
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Dear useful idiot hypocrit liberal elitests and their subservient akolytes:

Why do you continue to attempt to redefine treason as patriotism? Why do you call our troops terrorists? Why do you side with the enemy that blew up the world trade? Why do you create insane conspiracy theories? Why do you think Bush is worse than Bin Ladin? Why do you think that it's o.k. to steal from the average American then give what you take to the people who don't deserve it and call it helping the poor when you keep your money in tax exempt off shore accounts? Why do you claim to despise capitalism yet invest in companies; such as, Halliburton? Why do you claim to support affirmative action yet not hire minorities to work for you? Why do you compare the saviors of Democracy and freedom to Nazi Germany? Why have you supported communist genocidal regimes throughout the world for the last three decades? Why are you all liers who continue to misrepresent the truth at every turn? Why do you continue to attempt to erect an Orwellian state? Why do you hate capitalism? Why do you hate America? Why do you want to create a one world government of a socialist nature despite the proof that socialism doesn't work? Why are you opposed to individualism and individual responsobility? Why do you share talking points with AlQaeda and Osamma bin Ladin? Why do you put partisan politics above our nations security? Why do you have selective amnesia in that you claim that terrorism isn't a threat allthough 9-11 was only 4 years ago? Why do you want Saddam back in power? Why do you want to tie the hands of the military? Why do you go to energy conservation meetings in your private jets? Why do you support genocide and/or contend that it is only a myth? Why do you hate the constitution and the Bill of Rights especially the 1st amendment? Why do you attempt to rewrite history even the events of the last five years? Why do you use the tactics of the nazis in your war against free speech and open debate? Why don't you win elections? (the answer should be obvious by now) real Americans hate you and all that you stand for.


The Radical liberals worst enemy and nightmare . . . a conservative

P.S. see ya in 06 ****ers it's gonna be a good year that we vote even more of you out of office, replace you with real Americans, and take away your powers of fillibuster by getting a 60 vote majority,

I don't do a single one of these things, many democratic politicians do, but guess what Trajan....come here real close.......your guys do them, too.

Wake the hell up and wipe the drool off your chin, little man. You're a sucker.
mixedmedia said:
I don't do a single one of these things, many democratic politicians do, but guess what Trajan....come here real close.......your guys do them, too.

Wake the hell up and wipe the drool off your chin, little man. You're a sucker.

Actually I can provide firm documentation of liberals doing everything I just said (if you want me to I'll give it to you I got the time) I challenge you to provide the same evidence of the Right.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Actually I can provide firm documentation of liberals doing everything I just said (if you want me to I'll give it to you I got the time) I challenge you to provide the same evidence of the Right.

You want me to provide evidence of the right being hypocritical and corrupt? History is littered with this stuff, Trajan, but after the holiday I'll be happy to fulfill that request, if'n ya still want it. But you're smart enough to know that. You're smart enough not to fall so hard for this party line bullshit. If you want a bunch of bloated, self-important politicians to be your ultimate heroes, then go right ahead. But trying to convince me that the politicians on the right are any less aggregiously profligate and delinquent with the sentiments of their constituents? It is comical. There are good, sound-minded politicians on both sides of the aisle, dominated by the rest whose real motivation for being in Washington is power. And that is the truth. I would say you are blinded by....something. I'm not going to use the word hate...but maybe anger? Anger does not make for a balanced viewpoint. Maybe you need to take a little break from this stuff.
And I'm sorry for calling you a sucker. What I mean is you are being played for a sucker. Like a friggin' violin.

Align yourself with the political party that most closely expresses your views, but don't fall for the tired rhetoric. It dilutes your more salient arguments.
mixedmedia said:
You want me to provide evidence of the right being hypocritical and corrupt? History is littered with this stuff, Trajan, but after the holiday I'll be happy to fulfill that request, if'n ya still want it. But you're smart enough to know that. You're smart enough not to fall so hard for this party line bullshit. If you want a bunch of bloated, self-important politicians to be your ultimate heroes, then go right ahead. But trying to convince me that the politicians on the right are any less aggregiously profligate and delinquent with the sentiments of their constituents? It is comical. There are good, sound-minded politicians on both sides of the aisle, dominated by the rest whose real motivation for being in Washington is power. And that is the truth. I would say you are blinded by....something. I'm not going to use the word hate...but maybe anger? Anger does not make for a balanced viewpoint. Maybe you need to take a little break from this stuff.

I'm sorry the Democrats have been damn right treasonous in the war on terror, they have put partisan politics ahead of national security, and they are far more hypocritical than the right when it comes to social issues at least you know the right stands for individualism and hate taxes but when the Senator Kennedy tells me that the inheretence tax is a good idea but finds loop holes not only to not pay taxes but to pass all his money onto the next Kennedy generation you know we don't live in a monarchy right? Furthemore the liberal elitests are the worst kind of Orwellian scum bags when it comes to the black man they have done nothing but keep him down yet have hoodwinked him into being their base so that they can maintain power through political bribery. In actuality welfare does nothing but keep people down while keeping them in power. As for social security you and me aint going to see a dime you know it, I know it, and the Democrats know it too even Clinton's second term plan was to reform S.S. but now that Bush is in office what do they do? Turn it into a partisan issue. **** the Democrats.
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Beautiful, very articulate and well said. I wish King Bush could actually read that.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Dear useful idiot hypocrit liberal elitests and their subservient akolytes:

Why do you continue to attempt to redefine treason as patriotism? Why do you call our troops terrorists? Why do you side with the enemy that blew up the world trade? Why do you create insane conspiracy theories? Why do you think Bush is worse than Bin Ladin? Why do you think that it's o.k. to steal from the average American then give what you take to the people who don't deserve it and call it helping the poor when you keep your money in tax exempt off shore accounts? Why do you claim to despise capitalism yet invest in companies; such as, Halliburton? Why do you claim to support affirmative action yet not hire minorities to work for you? Why do you compare the saviors of Democracy and freedom to Nazi Germany? Why have you supported communist genocidal regimes throughout the world for the last three decades? Why are you all liers who continue to misrepresent the truth at every turn? Why do you continue to attempt to erect an Orwellian state? Why do you hate capitalism? Why do you hate America? Why do you want to create a one world government of a socialist nature despite the proof that socialism doesn't work? Why are you opposed to individualism and individual responsobility? Why do you share talking points with AlQaeda and Osamma bin Ladin? Why do you put partisan politics above our nations security? Why do you have selective amnesia in that you claim that terrorism isn't a threat allthough 9-11 was only 4 years ago? Why do you want Saddam back in power? Why do you want to tie the hands of the military? Why do you go to energy conservation meetings in your private jets? Why do you support genocide and/or contend that it is only a myth? Why do you hate the constitution and the Bill of Rights especially the 1st amendment? Why do you attempt to rewrite history even the events of the last five years? Why do you use the tactics of the nazis in your war against free speech and open debate? Why don't you win elections? (the answer should be obvious by now) real Americans hate you and all that you stand for.


The Radical liberals worst enemy and nightmare . . . a conservative

P.S. see ya in 06 ****ers it's gonna be a good year that we vote even more of you out of office, replace you with real Americans, and take away your powers of fillibuster by getting a 60 vote majority,

Most of what you posted here? I know more conservatives that fit the description than liberals.

The rest of it? Sounded kinda like "wha wha wha wha wha whank".....you know, like the teacher on the old Charlie Brown cartoons.
Stace said:
Most of what you posted here? I know more conservatives that fit the description than liberals.

The rest of it? Sounded kinda like "wha wha wha wha wha whank".....you know, like the teacher on the old Charlie Brown cartoons.

Like I said to Vergiss I challenge you to find out when conservatives do these things these are the hallmarks of liberal big government elitests who are self important and lustful of power I'll grant you that the Republicans have strayed a bit from their conservative roots (that's why I'm a Libertarian) but that's probably because most of the neo-cons are reformed socialists who have seen the light and they're still no where near as bad as the Democrats and as promised here's the proof of every assertion that I made:

Dear useful idiot hypocrit liberal elitests and their subservient akolytes:

Why do you continue to attempt to redefine treason as patriotism?

I have been to Paris. I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government and of all eight of Madam Binh's points it has been stated time and time again, and was stated by Senator Vance Hartke when he returned from Paris, and it has been stated by many other officials of this Government, if the United States were to set a date for withdrawal the prisoners of war would be returned.

I think this negates very clearly the argument of the President that we have to maintain a presence in Vietnam, to use as a negotiating block for the return of those prisoners. The setting of a date will accomplish that.

-- John Kerry, testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 22, 1971

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

-- U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 45, Section 953: Private correspondence with foreign governments

Why do you call our troops terrorists?

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country. -- John Kerry, testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 22, 1971

Sen. KERRY: Let me--I--first of all, there is so much more that unites Democrats than divides us. And Democrats have much more in common with each other than they do with George Bush's policy right now. Now Joe Lieberman, I believe, also voted for the resolution which said the president needs to make more clear what he's doing and set out benchmarks, and that the policy hasn't been working. We all believe him when you say, `Stay the course.' That's the president's policy, which hasn't been changing, which is a policy of failure. I don't agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment. You've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis. And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not -John Kerry on A.B.C.'s face the nation.

Why do you side with the enemy that blew up the world trade?

'This war earns millions of dollars for big companies, whether those who manufacture weapons or those involved in reconstruction, such as Halliburton and its sisters and daughters. . . . Rational people do not risk their security, money and sons to appease the White House liar.' - This ones not from a Democrat guess who it's from it's from ****ing O.B.L. sound familiar???

Why do you create insane conspiracy theories?

Well one needs look no further than the conspiracy threads on this sight to prove this assertion.

Why do you think Bush is worse than Bin Ladin?

Again this one is simply common sense I don't see Democrats comparing O.B.L. to Hitler I do however see them comparing Bush to Hitler.

Why do you think that it's o.k. to steal from the average American then give what you take to the people who don't deserve it and call it helping the poor when you keep your money in tax exempt off shore accounts?

Ted Kennedy has fought for the estate tax and spoken out against tax shelters. But he has repeatedly benefited from an intricate web of trusts and private foundations that have shielded most of his family's fortune from the IRS.

One Kennedy family trust wasn't even set up in the U.S., but in Fiji.

Another family member, environmentalist Robert Kennedy Jr., has said that it is not moral to profit from natural resources. But he receives an annual check from the family's large holdings in the oil industry.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have spoken in favor of the estate tax, and in 2000 Bill vetoed a bill seeking to end it. But the Clintons have set up a contract trust that allows them to substantially reduce the amount of inheritance tax their estate will pay when they die.

Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros says the wealthy should pay higher, more progressive tax rates. But he holds the bulk of his money in tax-free overseas accounts in Curacao, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

Why do you claim to despise capitalism yet invest in companies; such as, Halliburton?

Filmmaker Michael Moore insists that corporations are evil and claims he doesn't invest in the stock market due to moral principle. But Moore's IRS forms, viewed by Schweizer, show that over the past five years he has owned shares in such corporate giants as Halliburton, Merck, Pfizer, Sunoco, Tenet Healthcare, Ford, General Electric and McDonald's.

Why do you claim to support affirmative action yet not hire minorities to work for you?

Air America radio host Al Franken says conservatives are racist because they lack diversity and oppose affirmative action. But fewer than 1 percent of the people he has hired over the past 15 years have been African-American.

Why do you compare the saviors of Democracy and freedom to Nazi Germany?

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners." -Rep Turbin Durbin (D)

Why have you supported communist genocidal regimes throughout the world for the last three decades? Why are you all liers who continue to misrepresent the truth at every turn? Why do you continue to attempt to erect an Orwellian state? Why do you hate capitalism? Why do you hate America? Why do you want to create a one world government of a socialist nature despite the proof that socialism doesn't work? Why are you opposed to individualism and individual responsobility? Why do you share talking points with AlQaeda and Osamma bin Ladin? Why do you put partisan politics above our nations security? Why do you have selective amnesia in that you claim that terrorism isn't a threat allthough 9-11 was only 4 years ago? Why do you want Saddam back in power? Why do you want to tie the hands of the military? Why do you go to energy conservation meetings in your private jets? Why do you support genocide and/or contend that it is only a myth? Why do you hate the constitution and the Bill of Rights especially the 1st amendment? Why do you attempt to rewrite history even the events of the last five years? Why do you use the tactics of the nazis in your war against free speech and open debate? Why don't you win elections? (the answer should be obvious by now) real Americans hate you and all that you stand for.


The Radical liberals worst enemy and nightmare . . . a conservative

As for the rest I'm getting to it off to the forums to kick some more liberal ass.


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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Like I said to Vergiss I challenge you to find out when conservatives do these things these are the hallmarks of liberal big government elitests who are self important and lustful of power I'll grant you that the Republicans have strayed a bit from their conservative roots (that's why I'm a Libertarian) but that's probably because most of the neo-cons are reformed socialists who have seen the light and they're still no where near as bad as the Democrats and as promised here's the proof of every assertion that I made:

Dear useful idiot hypocrit liberal elitests and their subservient akolytes:

I have been to Paris. I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government and of all eight of Madam Binh's points it has been stated time and time again, and was stated by Senator Vance Hartke when he returned from Paris, and it has been stated by many other officials of this Government, if the United States were to set a date for withdrawal the prisoners of war would be returned.

I think this negates very clearly the argument of the President that we have to maintain a presence in Vietnam, to use as a negotiating block for the return of those prisoners. The setting of a date will accomplish that.

-- John Kerry, testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 22, 1971

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

-- U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 45, Section 953: Private correspondence with foreign governments

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country. -- John Kerry, testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, April 22, 1971

Sen. KERRY: Let me--I--first of all, there is so much more that unites Democrats than divides us. And Democrats have much more in common with each other than they do with George Bush's policy right now. Now Joe Lieberman, I believe, also voted for the resolution which said the president needs to make more clear what he's doing and set out benchmarks, and that the policy hasn't been working. We all believe him when you say, `Stay the course.' That's the president's policy, which hasn't been changing, which is a policy of failure. I don't agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is you've got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment. You've got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis. And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the--of--the historical customs, religious customs. Whether you like it or not -John Kerry on A.B.C.'s face the nation.

'This war earns millions of dollars for big companies, whether those who manufacture weapons or those involved in reconstruction, such as Halliburton and its sisters and daughters. . . . Rational people do not risk their security, money and sons to appease the White House liar.' - This ones not from a Democrat guess who it's from it's from ****ing O.B.L. sound familiar???

Well one needs look no further than the conspiracy threads on this sight to prove this assertion.

Again this one is simply common sense I don't see Democrats comparing O.B.L. to Hitler I do however see them comparing Bush to Hitler.

Ted Kennedy has fought for the estate tax and spoken out against tax shelters. But he has repeatedly benefited from an intricate web of trusts and private foundations that have shielded most of his family's fortune from the IRS.

One Kennedy family trust wasn't even set up in the U.S., but in Fiji.

Another family member, environmentalist Robert Kennedy Jr., has said that it is not moral to profit from natural resources. But he receives an annual check from the family's large holdings in the oil industry.

Bill and Hillary Clinton have spoken in favor of the estate tax, and in 2000 Bill vetoed a bill seeking to end it. But the Clintons have set up a contract trust that allows them to substantially reduce the amount of inheritance tax their estate will pay when they die.

Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros says the wealthy should pay higher, more progressive tax rates. But he holds the bulk of his money in tax-free overseas accounts in Curacao, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

Filmmaker Michael Moore insists that corporations are evil and claims he doesn't invest in the stock market due to moral principle. But Moore's IRS forms, viewed by Schweizer, show that over the past five years he has owned shares in such corporate giants as Halliburton, Merck, Pfizer, Sunoco, Tenet Healthcare, Ford, General Electric and McDonald's.

Air America radio host Al Franken says conservatives are racist because they lack diversity and oppose affirmative action. But fewer than 1 percent of the people he has hired over the past 15 years have been African-American.

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners." -Rep Turbin Durbin (D)

As for the rest I'm getting to it off to the forums to kick some more liberal ass.



Trajan... I agree in part with much of which you have stated here. I also disagree in whole about the way in which you approach it. It is clear that you are very polarized in your belief. There are very few elite democrats. THere are some.. I admit... but when comparing the DNC to the PNAC (the political foundation of the war in Iraq)... it takes the concept of elitism to a whole new level. Let's get back to the topic and stop trying to semantically hack the issue. Let's not live in the past. Let's live here in today. Who is the elitist now? Who takes no responsiblity for their actions? Who has bankrupted a number of legitimate capital organisations..... like the Texas Rangers... Enron... Merck.. ....who has supported immunity for such corruption? Not Clinton. There is a term that I think is highly relevant here when dealing with the elite.... that term is "corporate responsibility".

Huh? Michael Moore holds stock in Merck (aka ViOxx)? I wouldn't doubt it. Moore sells and idea that opposes the president's market. Perhaps they're both halfway literate and irrational entities.....

I guess the main thing here is that the president of the US should be held more accountable for his acceptance of contributions from establishments such as Merck, Halliburton, Worldcom, Enron or any other fiscal entity that is going downhill as I speak. Not that I think you will look at any of this with any objectivity. I am anticipating that you will determine that I am treasonous thug whos only intent is te cripple the good people of the United States... when in fact the elite are doing an excellent job at exploiting the masses themselves... and guess what.. they're the epitome of lobby in terms of the Bush Administration.

You kow Trahan we do have paper trails.
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Conflict said:
Trajan... I agree in part with much of which you have stated here. I also disagree in whole about the way in which you approach it. It is clear that you are very polarized in your belief. There are very few elite democrats. THere are some.. I admit... but when comparing the DNC to the PNAC (the political foundation of the war in Iraq)... it takes the concept of elitism to a whole new level. Let's get back to the topic and stop trying to semantically hack the issue. Let's not live in the past. Let's live here in today. Who is the elitist now? Who takes no responsiblity for their actions? Who has bankrupted a number of legitimate capital organisations..... like the Texas Rangers... Enron... Merck.. ....who has supported immunity for such corruption? Not Clinton. There is a term that I think is highly relevant here when dealing with the elite.... that term is "corporate responsibility".

Huh? Michael Moore holds stock in Merck (aka ViOxx)? I wouldn't doubt it. Moore sells and idea that opposes the president's market. Perhaps they're both halfway literate and irrational entities.....

I guess the main thing here is that the president of the US should be held more accountable for his acceptance of contributions from establishments such as Merck, Halliburton, Worldcom, Enron or any other fiscal entity that is going downhill as I speak. Not that I think you will look at any of this with any objectivity. I am anticipating that you will determine that I am treasonous thug whos only intent is te cripple the good people of the United States... when in fact the elite are doing an excellent job at exploiting the masses themselves... and guess what.. they're the epitome of lobby in terms of the Bush Administration.

You kow Trahan we do have paper trails.

Spoken like a true socialist, as for the Halliburton conspiracy theorists tell me sir what do you mean about getting contributions from them?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Spoken like a true socialist, as for the Halliburton conspiracy theorists tell me sir what do you mean about getting contributions from them?

Paper trail.




Yes it's all a conspiracy theory.

Yup I'm just some left wing nut job (and like yourself I'm an avid fan of Coulter).

No, there are no paper trails. The truth will never come out.

I am not here to educate you.

You have a mind.... use it.

(That means use your mind.... do the research... understand the issue.. don't cite op-eds as facts)

For the most part stop trying to use reverse psychology in your translucent attempts to be a semantical hack.
Conflict said:
Paper trail.




Yes it's all a conspiracy theory.

Yup I'm just some left wing nut job (and like yourself I'm an avid fan of Coulter).

No, there are no paper trails. The truth will never come out.

I am not here to educate you.

You have a mind.... use it.

(That means use your mind.... do the research... understand the issue.. don't cite op-eds as facts)

For the most part stop trying to use reverse psychology in your translucent attempts to be a semantical hack.

What financial links does the Bush administration have to Halliburton? Where is the conflict of interests if Halliburton profits how does the the Bush administration benefit? If you cannot back up your claims then why do you make them are you just a brainwashed liberal or can you think for yourself?
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