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North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistaken f (1 Viewer)

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Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Linda Hovensky, a 54-year-old resident of Charlotte, was tased multiple times by police officers as she was forced outside of the ladies washroom with her pants down and in front of a large crowd.

And guess what? She was not transgendered. She was born a woman, but was tased and beaten because, under North Carolina's new law, the police thought she was transgendered.

Welcome to Nazi North Carolina, where if you are only suspected of being a transgendered person, you only have the right to grit your teeth while the police beat the living crap out of you.

She is suing, of course, and I hope she ends up a millionaire. And the cop who beat her needs a serious ass whooping, or even a shooting. IMHO, this is a situation where a Second Amendment solution would be appropriate.

**** North Carolina. Lock and load.

Article is here
Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

oh god i knew this would happen. The party of small government at work!

Well those cops and legislators should be charged with assault and this incident will definitely provide ammunition in the ACLU lawsuit and denying federal funding

And this was in charlotte too, as was the lesbian waitress who was insulted instead of tipped. So whoever says the boycotts are only harming those who have our backs are full of it

The other crazy thing about this is if she was transgender, some ****heads would be defending the brutality she endured. Well i am all for an equal brutal response now

We all knew it's just a witch hunt. Well i can't think of anything more indicative of that than barging into bathroom stalls. What a terrible state, just a disgrace. **** putin-land and **** north carolina!
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Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

I can't search right now to verify, but this reads as way over the top and likely untrue. You could be forgiven for thinking you were reading an article from the onion.
Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

I can't search right now to verify, but this reads as way over the top and likely untrue. You could be forgiven for thinking you were reading an article from the onion.

why? They're just treating her like they do to harmless drug users all the time. North carolina has simply added a war on lgbt
Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

World News Daily is satire. Dana ****ed up again.
Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

World News Daily is satire. Dana ****ed up again.

Again? Crap. I was hoping to see lesbians with guns. :mrgreen:
Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

World News Daily is satire. Dana ****ed up again.

Should this be transferred to the CT forum then? :mrgreen:
Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

And guess what? She was not transgendered. She was born a woman, but was tased and beaten because, under North Carolina's new law, the police thought she was transgendered.

Welcome to Nazi North Carolina, where if you are only suspected of being a transgendered person, you only have the right to grit your teeth while the police beat the living crap out of you.

She is suing, of course, and I hope she ends up a millionaire. And the cop who beat her needs a serious ass whooping, or even a shooting. IMHO, this is a situation where a Second Amendment solution would be appropriate.

**** North Carolina. Lock and load.

Article is here

Here is the source for the picture used by WNDR (seriously, **** those guys)

Re: North Carolina: Woman kicked out of ladies’ bathroom by police after being mistak

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