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No, Trump's Migrant Child Separation Policy Isn't The 'Exact Same' As Obama's (1 Viewer)

Indeed. In fact, it's worse than that.

Obama detained families together. So the first dishonesty by a huge section of the right on this subject is in their false claim that Trump is only doing what Obama did.

Obama was ordered to release the families by the court because he held them too long, violating the 1997 Flores Agreement. That is what resulted in the "catch and release" program for which dishonest persons on the right attacked him. They attacked him for respecting a constitutional branch of government. And they call themselves bigger patriots?

So that's the second bit of dishonesty.

The third bit is that the program Obama was implemented was extremely successful. There was electronic monitoring and assistance with getting people through the legal process of asylum seeking. The rate was over 90% - I want to say 96% - of those "released" people showing up in court. And of course, if the program was really so unwise, then why don't we hear a constant uproar from the right over the similarly highly successful use of electronic monitoring for released prisoners?

Well, the answer is yet again obvious: DISHONESTY

And since sin is now virtue, they're proud to triple down on their dishonest attacks on Obama and defense of Trump. They're even prouder to blame "the left" for their own vile behavior.

That's where we are in politics.
Indeed. In fact, it's worse than that.

Obama detained families together. So the first dishonesty by a huge section of the right on this subject is in their false claim that Trump is only doing what Obama did.

Obama was ordered to release the families by the court because he held them too long, violating the 1997 Flores Agreement. That is what resulted in the "catch and release" program for which dishonest persons on the right attacked him. They attacked him for respecting a constitutional branch of government. And they call themselves bigger patriots?

So that's the second bit of dishonesty.

The third bit is that the program Obama was implemented was extremely successful. There was electronic monitoring and assistance with getting people through the legal process of asylum seeking. The rate was over 90% - I want to say 96% - of those "released" people showing up in court. And of course, if the program was really so unwise, then why don't we hear a constant uproar from the right over the similarly highly successful use of electronic monitoring for released prisoners?

Well, the answer is yet again obvious: DISHONESTY

And since sin is now virtue, they're proud to triple down on their dishonest attacks on Obama and defense of Trump. They're even prouder to blame "the left" for their own vile behavior.

That's where we are in politics.

Trump has set the standard for conservative dishonesty:

Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims since he became president, 588 days ago

Conservatives across the USA seem determined to meet this standard.
Huffpost lies. Obama's policy changed across 8 years. They are only telling of his practice at the end. Prior, he separated 10,000s of thousands of migrant children from their parents.
Huffpost lies. Obama's policy changed across 8 years. They are only telling of his practice at the end. Prior, he separated 10,000s of thousands of migrant children from their parents.

Evidence please.

Also were they for class B misdemeanor border crossing as is the case of trump?

Also if you watch the 60 Minutes special on this the number was more like 5,000 families by Trump.

But since you've made an extraordinary claim please provide the evidence
Huffpost lies. Obama's policy changed across 8 years. They are only telling of his practice at the end. Prior, he separated 10,000s of thousands of migrant children from their parents.

Show us.

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