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No Rank?! (1 Viewer)



Whats with this No Rank business underneath my name?

His Majesty
No Rank

Does not look good, it undermines me!
HTColeman said:
Whats with this No Rank business underneath my name?

His Majesty
No Rank

Does not look good, it undermines me!

I have that too, and I do not agree with it. My wife thinks Im rank. I'd better take a bath. :)
galenrox said:
Yeah dude, plus it's wrong, it should say "General and President of the Joint Chiefs of Kicking Your Ass and Banging Your Wife and Mother Simultaniously"

:rofl, you are such a kidder, everyone knows ur gay.
galenrox said:
You best watch yoself foo, sees I's be rollin this bitch dawg, so if you dun trippin I's bout to go get me some welfare!

I'm sorry, but for some reason tonight I'm in a very mean spirited move.

But you best look out, cause I'm in business, the business of giving you the business, and business is booming!

I ain't intrested in yo busnazz, doughboy! And I know u ain't trippin bout welfare, cuz I ain't on no damn white man's welfare, yo momma pays my rent, long as I provide her with my busnazz!
galenrox said:
You best watch yoself foo, sees I's be rollin this bitch dawg, so if you dun trippin I's bout to go get me some welfare!
HTColeman said:
I ain't intrested in yo busnazz, doughboy! And I know u ain't trippin bout welfare, cuz I ain't on no damn white man's welfare, yo momma pays my rent, long as I provide her with my busnazz!

Why do I feel like I just walked into a What's Happening episode?...;)

Ooooooooohhhh!...I'm tellin' Mama!...
I am looking into this....
Should be working correctly now. :)
First, blame Canada. Then blame me. I tried to do something in the system and botched it up. Vauge has sent me to my room with no supper (but little does he know that us kids have computer access nowadays :lol: ) Thanks for fixin' this.

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