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No more gay kookaburra :( (1 Viewer)


Veni, vidi, dormivi!
DP Veteran
Nov 6, 2009
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BBC News - Head teacher drops gay from famous Kookaburra song

An Australian head teacher is under fire after removing the word gay from the famous song Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree.

Political correctness gone stupid, or reasonable change?

Personally I think the whole song should be changed, it is rife with sexual innuendo.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree<<<clearly a homoerotic reference, tree, could you get more phallic.
Merry, merry king of the bush is he<<<< That needs no explanation.
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!<<<subtle reference to orgasming.
Gay your life must be.
Personally, I think it's a stretch.
I remember when The Flinstones promised me a "gay old time" every morning.
BBC News - Head teacher drops gay from famous Kookaburra song

Political correctness gone stupid, or reasonable change?

Personally I think the whole song should be changed, it is rife with sexual innuendo.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree<<<clearly a homoerotic reference, tree, could you get more phallic.
Merry, merry king of the bush is he<<<< That needs no explanation.
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!<<<subtle reference to orgasming.
Gay your life must be.
YouTube - Lio - Banana Split
Personally, I think it's a stretch.

That's what the kookaburra said.
BBC News - Head teacher drops gay from famous Kookaburra song

Political correctness gone stupid, or reasonable change?

Personally I think the whole song should be changed, it is rife with sexual innuendo.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree<<<clearly a homoerotic reference, tree, could you get more phallic.
Merry, merry king of the bush is he<<<< That needs no explanation.
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!<<<subtle reference to orgasming.
Gay your life must be.

The teacher's explanation makes total sense to me:

"I knew if we sing 'Gay your life must be' the kids will roll around the floor in fits of laughter," Mr Martin told a local radio station.

"I wasn't trying to insult gay people."

But after a local newspaper reported his change to the campfire classic, Mr Martin began receiving angry e-mails from readers and criticism from gay rights groups.

It sends a signal that one of the meanings [of gay] is unacceptable and that's really putting us backwards”.

The school principal admitted he had probably been "hypersensitive", but said the word gay was commonly used as a playground insult and he was keen to minimise disruption in the classroom.

"Seventy years ago when the song was written gay meant you are happy. Nowadays we know it's got all sorts of different meanings," he said.

"I just suggested to kids, 'Nowadays that can mean different things, so let's just sing fun'.

"It wasn't any sort of school policy. It wasn't me being dictatorial or banning the word. All it was at the time was a behaviour management strategy... to stop them giggling."

His contrite follow-up, on the other hand, seems forced; I'm sure he doesn't really believe this; we all know it wouldn't have worked:

"In hindsight, he said he should have simply explained the meaning of gay as another word for happy, and told the children it should not be used disparagingly."

I mean, sure. Like that would've worked. Give me a break. :roll:
Children are irreverent these days; they will not have any respect for the fact that the song is traditional, and the word used to have another meaning which had since slipped into virtual obsolescence. They would've lost control utterly if compelled to sing it.

If a few obedient children wish to behave and sing the song properly, they would've been drowned out by their unruly and disobedient peers, and teased mercilessly for earnestly trying to sing the "gay" song.
It would've been stressful and upsetting for the children who actually wanted to be good and sing well.

I think this teacher's way was better than that scenario (although I might've substituted "glad" rather than "fun"; sounds better and more in keeping with the old-timey feel of the song).
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BBC News - Head teacher drops gay from famous Kookaburra song

Political correctness gone stupid, or reasonable change?

Personally I think the whole song should be changed, it is rife with sexual innuendo.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree<<<clearly a homoerotic reference, tree, could you get more phallic.
Merry, merry king of the bush is he<<<< That needs no explanation.
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!<<<subtle reference to orgasming.
Gay your life must be.

Listen I remember camping up at Blackdown tablelands and the ruddy Kookaburra's would steal your sausages from your fork!!

They are not the innocent laughing fools they pretend to be:lol:
DAMN YOU SPUD. I now have that song stuck in my head.
DAMN YOU SPUD. I now have that song stuck in my head.

Ha! I'll make it worse for you. A friend and I used to to leave this on each other's voice mail when we were corporate rats:

Kookaburra wacks on the old cum tree

Merry merry king of his dick is he

Wack kookaburra

Wack kookaburra

Wet your hand must be

Ha! I'll make it worse for you. A friend and I used to to leave this on each other's voice mail when we were corporate rats:

Kookaburra wacks on the old cum tree

Merry merry king of his dick is he

Wack kookaburra

Wack kookaburra

Wet your hand must be


Ewwww that is nasty.

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