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Night 100 in Portland (1 Viewer)


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Jul 29, 2009
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This is a report from local CBS affiliate KOIN channel 6. The leftist rioters... oops... I mean "peaceful protesters" invaded a residential neighborhood.

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This is a report from local CBS affiliate KOIN channel 6. The leftist rioters... oops... I mean "peaceful protesters" invaded a residential neighborhood.

The liberal "whitesplainers" will be a long shortly to declare that 95% of protests are peaceful, and that we should not pay attention to the destruction and murders of the 5%.
The liberal "whitesplainers" will be a long shortly to declare that 95% of protests are peaceful, and that we should not pay attention to the destruction and murders of the 5%.

Oh no, we should pay attention to the violence of the 5% and it's not acceptable. However it doesn't give us a reason to completely reject the valid issues presented by the peacefully protesting 95%, as conservatives tend to claim.

Even if 100% of the protests were peaceful, conservatives would still reject their entire premise because they don't want to accept it. Let's not pretend you actually care about the issues.
Oh no, we should pay attention to the violence of the 5% and it's not acceptable. However it doesn't give us a reason to completely reject the valid issues presented by the peacefully protesting 95%, as conservatives tend to claim.

Even if 100% of the protests were peaceful, conservatives would still reject their entire premise because they don't want to accept it. Let's not pretend you actually care about the issues.

I don't see anyone complaining about peaceful protests, do you?
I don't see anyone complaining about peaceful protests, do you?

Yes, tons of you are. Trump and the Fox crew have been raging against the protests from the very beginning.

You're also pretending all the protests are violent because you reject their issues entirely. Stop pretending you'd magically care about racial justice if 100% of the protests were peaceful. It's an impossible goal and you'd still reject it anyway.
As if they are spray painting "biden 2020" on everything. ;)

Can't help but notice the cons are distancing themselves from quite a large chunk of the USA nowadays, like trump is only responsible for the "good parts".


You should face it, this is all on trump, unless you are saying that trump has finally divided the states of America.
You should face it, this is all on trump, unless you are saying that trump has finally divided the states of America.

I am not exactly a Trump supporter, but I am genuinely curious as to the chain of logic that leads you to this conclusion. Could you elaborate a little?
Oh no, we should pay attention to the violence of the 5% and it's not acceptable. However it doesn't give us a reason to completely reject the valid issues presented by the peacefully protesting 95%, as conservatives tend to claim.

Even if 100% of the protests were peaceful, conservatives would still reject their entire premise because they don't want to accept it. Let's not pretend you actually care about the issues.

Protests are 100% peaceful. Riots are 100% violent. Math and english will help the left become normal.
As if they are spray painting "biden 2020" on everything. ;)

Can't help but notice the cons are distancing themselves from quite a large chunk of the USA nowadays, like trump is only responsible for the "good parts".


You should face it, this is all on trump, unless you are saying that trump has finally divided the states of America.

Its Trumps fault that leftists are attacking innocent people? Spare me your leftist bull****. This violence is 100% on leftists. 100%. Keep spewing this TDS bull**** though...you are helping Trump win easily.
Yes, tons of you are. Trump and the Fox crew have been raging against the protests from the very beginning.

You're also pretending all the protests are violent because you reject their issues entirely. Stop pretending you'd magically care about racial justice if 100% of the protests were peaceful. It's an impossible goal and you'd still reject it anyway.

Everyone...he's confused at the definition of protest. He thinks riot = protest.
A*riot*(/ˈraɪət/) is a form of*civil disorder*commonly characterized by a group lashing out in a violent public disturbance against*authority,*property*or*people.

LEFTIES ARE RIOTING! That is our issue. Do you get it?
Stay classy Portland, stay classy!

(About what I have been going on about with Portland being a case study in what not to do.)
Yes, tons of you are. Trump and the Fox crew have been raging against the protests from the very beginning.

You're also pretending all the protests are violent because you reject their issues entirely. Stop pretending you'd magically care about racial justice if 100% of the protests were peaceful. It's an impossible goal and you'd still reject it anyway.

I only care about people in general without the color tag.

You care about your hate filled agenda.

Stop pretending.
Oh no, we should pay attention to the violence of the 5% and it's not acceptable. However it doesn't give us a reason to completely reject the valid issues presented by the peacefully protesting 95%, as conservatives tend to claim.

Even if 100% of the protests were peaceful, conservatives would still reject their entire premise because they don't want to accept it. Let's not pretend you actually care about the issues.

Yes, tons of you are. Trump and the Fox crew have been raging against the protests from the very beginning.

You're also pretending all the protests are violent because you reject their issues entirely. Stop pretending you'd magically care about racial justice if 100% of the protests were peaceful. It's an impossible goal and you'd still reject it anyway.

That's just a flat out lie. It is YOUR side who want to sweep the rioters under the rug and pretend they don't exist. Trump and the Fox crew have been calling out the rioters and yet you give them free reign. The peaceful protesters and the wall of moms also provide cover to the rioters.
This is a report from local CBS affiliate KOIN channel 6. The leftist rioters... oops... I mean "peaceful protesters" invaded a residential neighborhood.

For the life of me I just don't understand why they arrest all of these people and let them right back out to arrest them all over again the next night, the next 100 nights. When are they going to get an effin clue that once arrested, these rioters shouldn't be let right back out.
As if they are spray painting "biden 2020" on everything. ;)

Can't help but notice the cons are distancing themselves from quite a large chunk of the USA nowadays, like trump is only responsible for the "good parts".


You should face it, this is all on trump, unless you are saying that trump has finally divided the states of America.

This is Biden's America, allowing rioters to riot. And if the feds come in to stop the rioting, chase them out so that the riots can continue.
Well many of your buds here claim there is no difference.

Not true. The right want the rioters to stop and the left sweep them under the rug like it isn't even happening. Biden said he would call the rioters out but what will he actually do to stop the rioting? Nothing. He will let the rioters riot. Are they going to stop rioting just because Biden calls them out for it? No. They could care less what Biden says.
Its Trumps fault that leftists are attacking innocent people? Spare me your leftist bull****. This violence is 100% on leftists. 100%. Keep spewing this TDS bull**** though...you are helping Trump win easily.

Not only that but leftists are attacking leftists.
Welcome to Donald Trump's America. We're ready for change.

And no, neither Biden nor Harris has supported violence and both actively condemned it.

It's Trump's fault that leftists in lefty cities are attacking lefty cities?
Not true. The right want the rioters to stop and the left sweep them under the rug like it isn't even happening. Biden said he would call the rioters out but what will he actually do to stop the rioting? Nothing. He will let the rioters riot. Are they going to stop rioting just because Biden calls them out for it? No. They could care less what Biden says.

Strange since the Left has been arresting them for the last several nights, which is what law enforcement is supposed to do. But that said your comment had ZERO to do with what I posted, I was referring to the righties that cannot tell the difference between a protestor and a rioter.
Not true. The right want the rioters to stop and the left sweep them under the rug like it isn't even happening. Biden said he would call the rioters out but what will he actually do to stop the rioting? Nothing. He will let the rioters riot. Are they going to stop rioting just because Biden calls them out for it? No. They could care less what Biden says.

Neither Biden or Harris will call out BLM or ANTIFA by name... In fact, no democrat will.


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