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NFL Pick'Em Game 2016! (1 Viewer)

We talk **** here. But also here.
Carowhina was 15-1 last year. And they are already 0-1.

Crazy game it is.
God damn timeout.. LOL

The pic of Kubiac not looking was awesome, I mean, come dude, it's the first game of the season.

Like I said, Denver's D will keep them in a lot of games this year, but I doubt they win their division. Also, did anyone else notice the praise NFL analysts were putting on Siemien? Come on man.. Kid was ok, but teams and DC's are going to home in on this kid. Give it a few games before we start anointing anyone shall we?


the ref's kept the yellow hankies in their pockets for a lot of plays last night

there were 3-4 hits that easily would have drawn a roughing penalty, and if it had been Rodgers or Brady back there, i am sure they would have called them

For some reason Cam has a reputation for being a really tough guy (deserved imo) and because he rushes more than most other qb's he doesnt seem to get the same type of calls

the head to head shot was the most glaring no call....it was brutal

and i was surprised Cam stayed in the game myself
Carolina Panthers at Denver Broncos

Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons

Buffalo Bills at Baltimore Ravens

Chicago Bears at Houston Texans

Green Bay Packers at Jacksonville Jaguars

San Diego Chargers at Kansas City Chiefs

Oakland Raiders at New Orleans Saints

Cincinnati Bengals at New York Jets

Cleveland Browns at Philadelphia Eagles

Minnesota Vikings at Tennessee Titans

Miami Dolphins at Seattle Seahawks

New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys

Detroit Lions at Indianapolis Colts

New England Patriots at Arizona Cardinals

Pittsburgh Steelers at Washington Redskins

Los Angeles Rams at San Francisco 49ers

Bold = Winner

I realize that as a Patriots fan you are used to being able to break the rules. But here we follow them. Your Denver pick was late. Nice try Tom. :lamo
Late to the party, but still going to win.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons
Buffalo Bills at Baltimore Ravens
Chicago Bears at Houston Texans
Green Bay Packers at Jacksonville Jaguars
San Diego Chargers at Kansas City Chiefs
Oakland Raiders at New Orleans Saints
Cincinnati Bengals at New York Jets
Cleveland Browns at Philadelphia Eagles
Minnesota Vikings at Tennessee Titans
Miami Dolphins at Seattle Seahawks
New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys
Detroit Lions at Indianapolis Colts
New England Patriots at Arizona Cardinals

Monday, September 12, 2016
Pittsburgh Steelers at Washington Redskins
Los Angeles Rams at San Francisco 49ers

Good call on your first pick. Hit that "nail" right on the head.
You only missed one game so you'll be right on top of things, MG. :2wave:

Not to mention she probably would have picked Carolina like the rest of us
Carolina Panthers at Denver Broncos (I was on vacation)

Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Atlanta Falcons

Buffalo Bills at Baltimore Ravens

Chicago Bears at Houston Texans

Green Bay Packers at Jacksonville Jaguars

San Diego Chargers at Kansas City Chiefs

Oakland Raiders at New Orleans Saints

Cincinnati Bengals at New York Jets

Cleveland Browns at Philadelphia Eagles

Minnesota Vikings at Tennessee Titans

Miami Dolphins at Seattle Seahawks

New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys

Detroit Lions at Indianapolis Colts

New England Patriots at Arizona Cardinals

Pittsburgh Steelers at Washington Redskins

Los Angeles Rams at San Francisco 49ers

So many question marks this year. Week one could be crazy.
Not to mention she probably would have picked Carolina like the rest of us

Yup. Though I did originally pick the Broncos until I asked my brother his opinion. He's a huge Denver fan and was convinced they would lose.*

*note to self: **** everybody else's opinion. :lol:
Yup. Though I did originally pick the Broncos until I asked my brother his opinion. He's a huge Denver fan and was convinced they would lose.*

*note to self: **** everybody else's opinion. :lol:
I was leaning Denver, then I thought about it too hard and figured last year's SB win was just a fluke.

NFL is so unpredictable. That's what makes it fun.
I was leaning Denver, then I thought about it too hard and figured last year's SB win was just a fluke.

NFL is so unpredictable. That's what makes it fun.

Peyton Manning sucked major donkey balls last year. It was the "D" that won it for them.
Peyton Manning sucked major donkey balls last year. It was the "D" that won it for them.

Very rare for a team to do that--win a SB with a bad QB. I wrote it off as, "Well, they leaned on Peyton's field management skills." But, fact remains, yes, they won with a guy whose arm was a noodle.
Very rare for a team to do that--win a SB with a bad QB. I wrote it off as, "Well, they leaned on Peyton's field management skills." But, fact remains, yes, they won with a guy whose arm was a noodle.

Err... *cough, cough*... NY Giants....*cough, cough*
KC is getting their asses handed to them. At home no less.
They aren't the only ones

Trying to figure out if I have one pick right yet....:3oops:

Just giving you all a head start....lol
They aren't the only ones

Trying to figure out if I have one pick right yet....:3oops:

Just giving you all a head start....lol

Yeah this will be a bloodbath.
Err... *cough, cough*... NY Giants....*cough, cough*

lol...except he played like he was his brother of 2004 reincarnated in both of those games. It helped that he had a couple of really good receivers.
KC is getting their asses handed to them. At home no less.

KC was my only loss in the 1 O'clock games. And that was one I was pretty sure I had in the bag.
KC was my only loss in the 1 O'clock games. And that was one I was pretty sure I had in the bag.

lol...looks like KC pulled it out in O/T. I guess I didn't lose after all.
KC is getting their asses handed to them. At home no less.

Remarkable comeback. If I was a resident of San Diego or a fan of that team, there's no hope in hell I'd agree to spend one penny of taxpayer money to help fund a new stadium for them. The Chargers have done nothing but break hearts over and over and over again. Kiss'em goodbye and sic em on Los Angeles for a while.

BTW, 6-3 Dolphins at the half?? Seriously??
Go Pats!

Cards got lucky. No Brady or Gronk and at home.
Go Pats!

Cards got lucky. No Brady or Gronk and at home.


Sign of a insecure fan.

Already rooting for his divisional foes to lose. No confidence in his own team.

Only week 1.

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