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NFL 2024 discussion thread. (1 Viewer)

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Chicago is in a tough spot. They have Fields...and there is popular support to keep him. If there was a way for them to trade away their number one pick which most people believe will be Williams and get something for the number one pick and still land Harrison Jr...I think it will be their best play. if they cant make that deal then they commit to Fields and just draft Harrison number 1 and I think that will work out for them. They could swap picks with Washington ideally or maybe make a deal with New England. The next team really in the market for a QB is Tennessee and no way Harrison stays on the board that long.
He’s not an easy evaluation because there isn’t a large sample of production.

I would agree with that much. I think if he is in the right system, he could be effective, and I don't doubt his arm strength. I don't think scouts would be rating him that high if he didn't have the arm, but I wonder about his accuracy at distance, and his ability to check down and facilitate when his go-to is covered. Truthfully, that could be said of anyone at the college level coming into the NFL, but I'm even more skeptical given what I've seen.

I'd say the same is true of Bo Nix. Really accurate within 15 yards, and he can scamper to keep plays alive. But to really have staying power, he's going to need to stretch opposing defenses. Not sure how well he can do that.

I've seen Jayden Daniels' accuracy downfield - it's impressive. But I also saw him take punishment he didn't need to make and force things when the pocket caved in on him.
I've seen Jayden Daniels' accuracy downfield - it's impressive. But I also saw him take punishment he didn't need to make and force things when the pocket caved in on him.
He has RG111 written all over him.

BTW I must give you Kudos. You mentioned Daniels as a top prospect in the draft a while back and I laughed at you. I was wrong. He’s got all the special sauce. The only concern is whether he can take the beating in the NFL The team that drafts him should bring in a base stealer to teach him how to slide.
He has RG111 written all over him.

BTW I must give you Kudos. You mentioned Daniels as a top prospect in the draft a while back and I laughed at you. I was wrong. He’s got all the special sauce. The only concern is whether he can take the beating in the NFL The team that drafts him should bring in a base stealer to teach him how to slide.

My concern is he has a bad pre-season and reverts to his tendency of trying to do everything with his legs and not trusting his arm and eyes. He overcame that when he went through his first season at LSU, but I could see him going back to that if he gets off to a rough start misreading defenses.
There haven't been many "can't miss" QB prospects in the history of the draft. The best QB's in the NFL like Mahomes, Allen and Jackson were not "can't miss" prospects.

JJ had plenty of games against the best competition and fared very well. He went 28-1 in his career including a National Championship. He has the "it" factor. He knows how to play the QB position. He is young and will be getting better. His stock is gonna rise after the combine when he shows off his athleticism. The top three QB prospects are by no means perfect. Caleb has freak abilities but I question his ability to handle adversity. Running into your moms arms and crying like a little baby is something you'd neve see from the Brady's or Manning's or Elway's. He wears nail polish. Jayden Daniels has all the special sauce but he is a twig. He won't last long in the NFL. Drake Maye has the prototypical QB build and talent. Unfortunately, he leaves me wanting more. He can make the plays but doesn't matriculate the ball up the field consistently.

As a scout you need to see what a player will be, not what he has been. JJ wasn't asked to do much but when he was he came through. He may need to sit for a year. I'm hoping the Vikings resign Kirk and the Falcons trade for Fields to limit the competition to get JJ. I have no doubt the Broncos will have to move up to make sure the Raiders or Saints don't leap frog them.

I'm predicting Drake Maye might fall in the draft. I have bad vibes about him.
that dose of humility is exactly what he needs
if they cant make that deal then they commit to Fields and just draft Harrison number 1 and I think that will work out for them.
Zero chance MHJ goes no.1.

The only way they don't take a QB (Williams is my guess) is if another team wows them with a deal that makes the 2023 haul look like peanuts.
They could swap picks with Washington ideally or maybe make a deal with New England. The next team really in the market for a QB is Tennessee and no way Harrison stays on the board that long.
MHJ won't fall past 4 unless there is a trade... the Cardinals are in need of playmakers.

Until teams actually work players out, it's all speculation regardless of fandom. What we do know is the top pick is going to be a QB. It's entirely possible the first three picks are QBs and baring a trade, the first 4.
Isn't this the other way around?
Yes, my mistake.
There is a lot of pressure on Chicago to get this decision correct. If they see Williams as a true generational talent they will take him. Every Bear fan I have talked to wants to keep Fields and get a haul for the number one pick. His teammates seem to love him.
I listen to Chicago sports radio everyday. Judging from the callers, it's split, with a slight edge going to Fields.
Yes, my mistake.

I listen to Chicago sports radio everyday. Judging from the callers, it's split, with a slight edge going to Fields.
Some fans want to keep Fields, Trade the number one pick and get a haul and then draft Harrison. The problem here is you can only move down a couple spots and still get Harrison. The compensation would be good but I wouldn’t call it a haul.

I think they are gonna pick Caleb. I think they will trade Fields before other teams sign free agents so they can keep the bids high. This will happen soon. The Bears know what they have in Fields. He was a slow processor in college and held on to the ball too long. He has struggled with this in the pros and it’s hard to think it will change. He’s still a dynamic player and has some upside. Only two teams won Super Bowls with QB’s who took up more than 12% of the salary cap. The QB’s were Mahomes and Brady. The template to win a championship is to draft a young QB and use the money saved to build up the team. The Bears can probably get a number two pick for Fields. There are some good WR’s they can pick in the second.

This team has searched for a franchise QB forever. It’s staring them in the face with the number one pick. I don’t think they will pass on that.
I would take Penix over Nix. Haven't seen enough of Maye. Daniels could go either way, IMO. He's got the athleticism for sure and he's an accurate thrower. I just wonder if he has the durability. He needs to add a little more mass.
Penix throws a beautiful ball. He’s had three season ending injuries. He’s been healthy the last two years. I like him over Nix as well. Nix kind of seems like the wildcard in this draft. I see a wide range of outcomes for him. I have a feeling we are also gonna get some Spencer Rattler hype leading up to the draft.
Only two teams won Super Bowls with QB’s who took up more than 12% of the salary cap. The QB’s were Mahomes and Brady. The template to win a championship is to draft a young QB and use the money saved to build up the team. The Bears can probably get a number two pick for Fields. There are some good WR’s they can pick in the second.
3 QBs. Peyton Manning in 2015. And Mahomes did it twice, so it's 4 teams.
Yes, my mistake.

I listen to Chicago sports radio everyday. Judging from the callers, it's split, with a slight edge going to Fields.

If Fields stays in Chicago, I could actually see a case for selecting MHJ to pair him up with Fields. Not saying it would happen but I could see the logic in it. But I don't know what other needs the Bears have.
If Fields stays in Chicago, I could actually see a case for selecting MHJ to pair him up with Fields. Not saying it would happen but I could see the logic in it. But I don't know what other needs the Bears have.
They also have the ninth pick so they could trade down with the Pats or Skins get Harrison and then go BPA at 9.

The sexiest scenario would be taking MH3 with their fist pick and Brock Bowers at nine to pair with Kmet.
How many games has Fields won in three years? As a Packer fan I would love to see Chicago keep him. Like please keep him.
If Fields stays in Chicago, I could actually see a case for selecting MHJ to pair him up with Fields. Not saying it would happen but I could see the logic in it. But I don't know what other needs the Bears have.
Not at no.1 though. Depends on who wants to move up and the size of the Kings ransom. Williams is pegged as generational.

Ideally and feasibly, it would have to be NE wanting to take their guy.
The sexiest scenario would be taking MH3 with their fist pick and Brock Bowers at nine to pair with Kmet.
That would literally be the stupidest thing that Chicago could do. Fields is 11-29 as a starting QB, he's a bust, but you think that the Bears are going to be dumb enough to spend their top 2 draft picks on guys Fields can't get the ball to?
Not at no.1 though. Depends on who wants to move up and the size of the Kings ransom. Williams is pegged as generational.

Ideally and feasibly, it would have to be NE wanting to take their guy.

I think Williams would be my first overall pick and absolutely first QB. Lincoln Riley may not be the best college HC but he's got a proven track record of developing QBs, and Williams had the benefit of working with Riley, though I'm sure a lot of it is just Williams raw talent. If I were an NFL scout, I'd be confident that Williams understands the passing game, offensive schemes, and defensive schemes. He's athletic but he beats defenses with his arm and spatial intelligence/recognition first.

The hard part is that we saw flashes of what Fields could do this year, and Fields can do a lot. But maybe both Chicago and Fields need to wipe the slate clean. There are other good receivers in the draft besides MHJ.
That would literally be the stupidest thing that Chicago could do. Fields is 11-29 as a starting QB, he's a bust, but you think that the Bears are going to be dumb enough to spend their top 2 draft picks on guys Fields can't get the ball to?
Relax fella! I’m just throwing out scenarios. If you’ve been paying attention I’ve made it clear they probably will and should take Williams number one.

Fields record up to now hasn’t been good which coincides with the team not being good. He has his limitations but he also has his special sauce. If the Bears kept Fields and built around him they could win a lot of games. I wouldn’t call Fields a bust. I would say his evaluation is incomplete.
Not at no.1 though. Depends on who wants to move up and the size of the Kings ransom. Williams is pegged as generational.

Ideally and feasibly, it would have to be NE wanting to take their guy.
The only way they are gonna get a “Kings ransom” is if Atlanta or Denver were to move up. I doubt the Bears want to move down that far.
Looks like no Tags for these guy’s.

My current QB draft rankings

1) Caleb Williams
2) Jayden Daniels
3) JJ McCarthy
4) Bo Nix
5) Michael Penix
6) Drake Maye
7) Spencer Rattler
8) Michael Pratt
9) Joe Milton.
That would literally be the stupidest thing that Chicago could do. Fields is 11-29 as a starting QB, he's a bust, but you think that the Bears are going to be dumb enough to spend their top 2 draft picks on guys Fields can't get the ball to?
The Bears were dumb enough to move up for Trubisky and pass on Mahomes. I’m not a fan of Ryan Poles. He looks like a deer in headlights.
I think the QB’s in the 2024 draft are closer together than people think.

I’m starting to hear more and more buzz for Jayden Daniels to go number one.
My current QB draft rankings

1) Caleb Williams
2) Jayden Daniels
3) JJ McCarthy
4) Bo Nix
5) Michael Penix
6) Drake Maye
7) Spencer Rattler
8) Michael Pratt
9) Joe Milton.

I'm seeing Bo Nix consistently picked to go high but I just don't get it. I'm not saying he can't succeed in the NFL, but most of his completions were under 15 yards against overmatched defenses. In the Senior Bowl (at least I think it was that or some other comp), he was struggling to hit deeper targets in coverage. Penix was not, but unfortunately, people are going to remember Penix against Michigan. The Wolverines D confused pretty much everyone they played, though.
I'm seeing Bo Nix consistently picked to go high but I just don't get it. I'm not saying he can't succeed in the NFL, but most of his completions were under 15 yards against overmatched defenses. In the Senior Bowl (at least I think it was that or some other comp), he was struggling to hit deeper targets in coverage. Penix was not, but unfortunately, people are going to remember Penix against Michigan. The Wolverines D confused pretty much everyone they played, though.
Bill Walsh once said that if you have seen a QB play at a high level consistently in the past don't worry so much if they have a bad performance. The ability is there and it will be up to the coaches to make sure the player reaches his potential. This is why landing spots is so important for these guy's. I could see Caleb Williams struggle in Chicago. I could see Nix flourish in Denver.

Oregon threw a ton of short passes and screens. Nix was very good at this. People assume he doesn't have a big arm but he does.

Mcarthy wasn't asked to do much at Michigan but when he was he made the plays. He has the highest passer rating on third down out of any of these QB prospects.

I wouldn’t doubt if Penix turns out to be the gem of the draft. People still remember the championship game. He has injury concerns. That being said, he has been healthy the last two years. He is one of two players to throw for more than 4500 yards two years in a row. The other is Pat Mahomes.

Spencer Rattler started out as a cocky unlikable person. It sounds like he’s turned the corner attitude wise. He was once compared to Mahomes. I bet he sneaks into the second round.
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