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New York Times' analysis of satellite images pokes holes in Russia's denials about civilian bodies found in Bucha (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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New York Times' analysis of satellite images pokes holes in Russia's denials about civilian bodies found in Bucha


Satellite images out of the Ukrainian town of Bucha corroborate recent reports of civilian deaths in the Kyiv-Oblast suburb, while simultaneously refuting Russia's denials about the civilian bodies found, according to a New York Times visual analysis. Gruesome images and videos of dead bodies lying in the streets of Bucha emerged on social media over the weekend, prompting international outcry and condemnation. Russia's Ministry of Defense denied responsibility for the casualties in a Sunday Telegram post, accusing Ukraine of staging the footage and calling the scene a "hoax." The Russian Ministry even suggested that Ukraine had placed the bodies in the street sometime after March 30, after "all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha."

Satellite images from Maxar Technology reviewed by The Times (and also sent to Insider), however, show that some of the bodies have been lying in the streets for more than three weeks, during a time when Russian troops occupied the town. The outlet conducted a before-and-after analysis of the satellite imagery, which shows the dark objects appearing along a half-mile section of Yablonska Street between March 9 and March 11. The objects are in identical positions to the bodies recorded in a graphic video filmed by a local council member in early April, after Ukrainian forces retook Bucha, according to the report. A separate video reviewed by The Times shows three more bodies on a different section of Yablonska Street next to abandoned vehicles. Satellite photos show that the abandoned car and body appear sometime between March 20 and 21, the outlet reported. More recent Maxar satellite images, taken Thursday, appear to show a partially excavated mass grave outside a church in Bucha.

Surely Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will say the MAXAR satellite images are forgeries. What else can he say to valid evidence of Russian war crimes?

Today the US will request a UN vote to remove Russia from the UN Human Rights Council.

trump's genius is so stupid that he thought he could con the entire world while we (and Ukrainians) that pics.
Surely Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will say the MAXAR satellite images are forgeries. What else can he say to valid evidence of Russian war crimes?
Or maybe not. They can always use the classic;
That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it.

Russia will often just go full doublethink mode. Here are their claims in the chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime in Douma;
Russia dismissed reports of a deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Douma, Interfax news service reported on Sunday, citing Russia’s Ministry of Defence. (Source)
Not so, said Russia, Assad's most powerful ally. Russia's military insisted that the chemicals were dispersed when Syrian warplanes bombed a facility where rebels were building chemical weapons. (Source)
General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for Russia's defence ministry, said: "We have... evidence that proves Britain was directly involved in organising this provocation." (Source)
So...the chemical attack never happened. But also it did happen but it was actually the rebels building chemical weapons. But it was also a staged provocation by the British.

I predict the same for current atrocities. In fact we have already seen many of these. "It didn't happen at all", "it happened but it was staged by the Ukrainians", "it was us but they were enemy combatants in civilian clothes", "they were civilians but they were Nazi sympathizers" and who knows what else.
Or maybe not. They can always use the classic;


Russia will often just go full doublethink mode. Here are their claims in the chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime in Douma;

So...the chemical attack never happened. But also it did happen but it was actually the rebels building chemical weapons. But it was also a staged provocation by the British.

I predict the same for current atrocities. In fact we have already seen many of these. "It didn't happen at all", "it happened but it was staged by the Ukrainians", "it was us but they were enemy combatants in civilian clothes", "they were civilians but they were Nazi sympathizers" and who knows what else.

You left out “I was not personally aware of it”. ;)

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