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New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC (1 Viewer)

Using Linux doesn't prevent you from getting scooped up in mass surveillance. Though it is objectively more private than default Windows and all the analytics they collect and send back.

But no, like I said I do not believe this is being done maliciously in any way. I just think it is a poorly thought out feature that should not be enabled by default for a number of reasons.

All the OSs have backdoors for the authorities anyway. If they really wanted to spy on you, they could do it.

Again, I'm not saying I agree with it.

At least the AI feature you're talking about can be turned off. That's something. I just hoping that turning it off isn't a rouse and it's really just performing that function in the background somehow anyway.

I agree... Linux is not 100% safe, but it's safer.
The British Govt is going to raise this issue with Microsoft who have replied that the feature is "optional....."

It won't be until the EU says "you won't be selling PCs in the EU with that feature" that Microsoft will really do something about it.
All the OSs have backdoors for the authorities anyway. If they really wanted to spy on you, they could do it.

Again, I'm not saying I agree with it.

At least the AI feature you're talking about can be turned off. That's something. I just hoping that turning it off isn't a rouse and it's really just performing that function in the background somehow anyway.

I agree... Linux is not 100% safe, but it's safer.
Oh don’t get me wrong. I’m overwhelmingly pro-Linux.

Nothing is unshakable, but this creates a much larger attack vector as well as a local privacy problem if you are using a shared PC.

That’s why I oppose it so much. But I wish most people used Linux :(
So, anyone who has read any of my other threads regarding technology shouldn't be surprised that I STRONGLY oppose this. This should, at worst, be an opt-in feature. At best I don't think it should exist at all.

At least for the EU, I expect MS will be ordered to introduce an easy to use disable function or have it banned entirely.
Data protection laws are only getting more stringent here, and having something automatically take screenshots of GDPR protected documents, online banking sessions, email correspondence, porn browsing, government web services, etc would raise a number of not only privacy- but also legal concerns.

So, anyone who has read any of my other threads regarding technology shouldn't be surprised that I STRONGLY oppose this. This should, at worst, be an opt-in feature. At best I don't think it should exist at all.

As is it could easily be enabled without many non-technical users even being aware. Breaking Windows account security is fairly trivial so this could be extremely dangerous for anyone who might be targeted by some kind of state surveillance and are having everything they do on their PC recorded without them even realizing.

I hate the direction Windows is going. I might have to switch to Linux as my main OS despite the couple of apps I use that don't really work there.
You mean he can find that porno I forgot to save?

Good, I can keep a list and not worry if they're illegal.
Damn, the feature is even more of a security vulnerability than I thought.
All operating systems have their flaws and pitfalls as I see it.

Linux is great for nerds, but horrible for everyone else. It is way too complicated when you want to fiddle with even simple things and gaming support is still not good enough. Also way too much choice for the average consumer. For example, I have an old laptop I want to use as a Plex server.. installing that and giving it permission to use a secondary drive is a freaking nightmare. But it is free!

MACOS is great for.. not sure, even though I am writing this on a Mac Book Air. I cant find many positives with the OS and after the sudden recall of decade old delete pictures on Apple devices...lets say.. I trust Apple even less. So much bloatware on MacOS. However it does work great if you are in the eco system and have other Apple devices. Love Air Drop.. when it works. However not being able to write to NTFS drives natively is freaking annoying.

Windows is great for gamers. Easier to fix than MacOS and Linux when something goes wrong, but that is hardly a big benefit.. More and more features are implemented taking it closer to MacOS.. so it even has an Air Drop type system now. But it all the ad and AI stuff is a bit.. why?

Overall, if you just use a browser to do your work or fun... any computer OS will do and that is where we are going to and Microsoft knows this. Thats why they are shifting hard towards Snapdragon chips with 20+ battery power and AI features. If I could replace this MacBook with a machine that gave me 20+ hours of battery life... brilliant. Now I would of course need my WIndows PC for my games, but even that is changing. Two of my primary games run on Linux natively, but not all of them so no switching just yet.

Just few decades later than thought.

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