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New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesville (1 Viewer)

Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

we used to launch tennis balls with a piece of pipe and calcium Carbide (which once was cheap and easy to get-miners used it in their lamps and pistol shooters used it to blacken the front sight)

Ah...calcium carbide.

It's a miracle I still have all my fingers and both eyes!
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Can of hairspray can blow up too. Anything flammable, if the flame makes it back to the can will cause it to explode. It's a pressurized can, and fire usually can make those explode.

It happens as the pressure drops enough for the fire to travel back into the can.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

1. You have no idea of what you speak.
2. Such use of force can be used in defense of others. The guy was not at a distance where he was not actually a threat to others.

Does it make a difference how far away a protester with a lethal device is standing?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

(Use the clip on the link) The guy was shooting blanks. Notice he had to manually retract the slide, and there was no recoil. Also, he could not have avoided hitting someone.

Not smart, but far from attempted murder.

BTW, what is up with the flamethrower can. I can't find them anywhere at Walmart!

Butane lighter fuel will spit out a flame 8-10 feet long and a yard in diameter.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

(Use the clip on the link) The guy was shooting blanks. Notice he had to manually retract the slide, and there was no recoil. Also, he could not have avoided hitting someone......

The reason he racks the slide is because there wasn't one in the chamber when he first tried to shoot, derp, derp.

The shot hit the ground as can been seen here..........


You might want to look the video over again, or have your glasses checked ;)

Check out this video out too.......

Trumps America on display. :mrgreen:
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

The reason he racks the slide is because there wasn't one in the chamber when he first tried to shoot, derp, derp.

The shot hit the ground as can been seen here..........

View attachment 67221969

You might want to look the video over again, or have your glasses checked ;)

Check out this video out too.......

Trumps America on display. :mrgreen:

is Hillary's America the guys who shoot cops? the ones who smash the headstones on Civil war rebels' graves? the guy with the improvised flame gun?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

If that is the qualifier, did the man with the flame thrower actually get shot?

In this case, both people should be arrested and have their day in court. You cannot wield a flamethrower at people anymore than you can shoot someone without cause. But it is not warrant enough to generally infringe upon the rights and liberties of others whom did not shoot anyone or did not try to set others on fire.

I can agree with that. But I ask both were/are idiots, which once takes the cake
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesville

Matt Novak

Yesterday 6:00pm


New video has surfaced that shows a man drawing a gun and opening fire at counter protesters during the neo-Nazi protest in Charlottesville on August 12th. The man was reportedly taken into custody this morning, but many are asking why police didn’t do anything at the time......

Another video/source......

Wow, what is up with Trumps America ?

Sure could use is help on South Side of Chicago ... :2razz:

Do you think he'll show up?
Last edited:
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

I can agree with that. But I ask both were/are idiots, which once takes the cake

In Berkeley California, the left wing Mecca, the police are standing down and letting innocent conservatives get pummeled.

Mob rule is part of the Democrats playbook, it seems, and is sanctioned by the city.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

That takes two hands. The flame thrower was single handed.

Really quick to make a "trigger" with a coat hanger.

Both require lighting with a lighter.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

In Berkeley California, the left wing Mecca, the police are standing down and letting innocent conservatives get pummeled.

Mob rule is part of the Democrats playbook, it seems, and is sanctioned by the city.

Do you have a link, or is this just your fantasy?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi


Baltimore man is arrested for firing his gun in Charlottesville

A man who is suspected of firing a gun in the direction of a black man during the Charlottesville rally has been arrested. Richard Wilson Preston, 52, of Baltimore, Maryland, was charged with discharging a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, which is a felony that carries up to 10 years in prison. He was arrested Saturday on a fugitive warrant issued in Virginia, the Baltimore Sun reported and was in custody at the Baltimore County Detention Center in Towson, Maryland. Footage from the demonstrations and counter-protests on August 12 show Preston allegedly firing his gun towards a black man. The American Civil Liberties Union, which filmed the original incident, posted the video on its Twitter
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

He's a KKK wizard, and he took two shots. The vid in the OP doesn't show the first, when he pulled the trigger and nothing happened, because he either left the safety on, or hadn't chambered a round, then tried again, and missed.

Yeah I saw that, the moron didnt even know how to work his own gun. BRILLIANT.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Have you ever seen the wonderful film LITTLE BIG MAN?

Parts... Hoffman kinda bugged me in that role.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Parts... Hoffman kinda bugged me in that role.

How so? I thought he was just about perfect going from one world to the other. I love his conversation near the end with General Custer with the reverse barometer line. Great stuff.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

How so? I thought he was just about perfect going from one world to the other. I love his conversation near the end with General Custer with the reverse barometer line. Great stuff.

HE is supposed to be a NAtive American... right? That outdated casting style just bugs me.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

HE is supposed to be a NAtive American... right? That outdated casting style just bugs me.

No. He is suppose to be white who is adopted into Native American life but everybody still knows he is white including himself.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

No. He is suppose to be white who is adopted into Native American life but everybody still knows he is white including himself.

Oh, Maybe I should check it out then... it was 25 years ago last time I saw any of it. Thanks for the clarification.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Oh, Maybe I should check it out then... it was 25 years ago last time I saw any of it. Thanks for the clarification.

No problem. Somebody tried to explain THE MATRIX to me once ... and then twice ... and gave up after three times and I still have no idea what the hell it was about.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

No problem. Somebody tried to explain THE MATRIX to me once ... and then twice ... and gave up after three times and I still have no idea what the hell it was about.

That movie series is epic.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

That movie series is epic.

I did like the first one. The second decent but not so much as the first . And the third one...... forget about it.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

I did like the first one. The second decent but not so much as the first . And the third one...... forget about it.

Well, the third one was one gigantic battle that really didn't matter at all at the end of the day... Neo's final battle was all that mattered...

The first was epic, story, action, etc.

The second was just epic action... like nothing that had ever been done before. Still sets the standard for special effects greatness.

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