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New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesville (1 Viewer)

Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesville

Matt Novak

Yesterday 6:00pm


New video has surfaced that shows a man drawing a gun and opening fire at counter protesters during the neo-Nazi protest in Charlottesville on August 12th. The man was reportedly taken into custody this morning, but many are asking why police didn’t do anything at the time......

Another video/source......

Wow, what is up with Trumps America ?

You mean the guy who fired the handgun in the direction of someone who was using an aerosol can and a lighter as an improvised flame thrower? was anyone hit? seems to be both of them ought to have been at least arrested.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Both should be arrested.

How do you know that was a warning shot?

at that range with no one hit?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

at that range with no one hit?

That is what I was thinking... instead of arresting the guy they should mandate fire arm training instead.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Yes people were actually close enough. So stop with the bs.
1. One slip or someone from his rear pushing him and damage would have been done because he was close enough and was a threat. There isn't a Court of law that would say he wasn't actually a threat.
2. Had you bothered to notice when the guy with the gun first passed by Mr.Flamethrower, he didn't get it ignited but he sure hit him with the spray.

Flame thrower? :lol:

It was a guy with a spray can and a lighter...
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Yes people were actually close enough. So stop with the bs.
1. One slip or someone from his rear pushing him and damage would have been done because he was close enough and was a threat. There isn't a Court of law that would say he wasn't actually a threat.
2. Had you bothered to notice when the guy with the gun first passed by Mr.Flamethrower, he didn't get it ignited but he sure hit him with the spray.

The guy aside from being a nutjob was an idiot because the biggest danger in using a spray can as a "flame thrower" was that it would have blown up in his hand.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

legally couldnt the racist guy shoot him 15 times like a cop could if he seen someone with a flamethrower?

Yep. The way I was trained was to shoot the guy as many times as possible until he is no longer a threat... that means emptying my clip, reloading and continuing firing. The guy had a flame thrower for Pete's Sake. That is lethal so I would respond in kind in order to maintain safety to me and those around me.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

The guy aside from being a nutjob was an idiot because the biggest danger in using a spray can as a "flame thrower" was that it would have blown up in his hand.

So not just a flame thrower but a bomb as well... just think if this terrorist was more competent. Responding with lethal force was necessary.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

So not just a flame thrower but a bomb as well... just think if this terrorist was more competent. Responding with lethal force was necessary.

Idk, but obviously responding to the thread with a trolling comment was necessary. ;)
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Idk, but obviously responding to the thread with a trolling comment was necessary. ;)

Think of me as the guy with the gun but instead I deal in words... not lead. When I see terrorists like this lethal flame throwing maniac casting about wanton death and mayhem in such a cavalier manner... well, I start firing from the hip.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

You mean the guy who fired the handgun in the direction of someone who was using an aerosol can and a lighter as an improvised flame thrower? was anyone hit? seems to be both of them ought to have been at least arrested.

Anyone besides me unsurprised that the state ACLU cropped the footage so you don't know what the other guy was doing? Talk about manipulation!
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi


No. Simply no.

The act of carrying is benign and is not a threat to public safety.
If there is a threat to public safety in this issue, it presented itself with the counter protestors.

You do not restrict ones rights when the other is causing the actual issue.
Nor do you take away any of the group's rights.

The only rational solution, given the Rights we have (and to preserve them), is to prohibit counter protestors from being around the original protests.

That is an absolutely absurd argument. Basically you are saying that Nazis and other white supremacists have 2nd Amendment rights, thus they should be able to carry, and your solution is to restrict the 1st Amendment rights of everyone else.

1. Pointing out how others are wrong is not really defending anyone.
2. Bigoted nonsense intended to shut down argument.

No, just calling a spade a spade. You can make whatever arguments you want. The fact is though that white supremacists are responsible for the majority of domestic terrorism.



Irrational hyperbole.
No one started a race war.

Based on experience, they planned to come prepared to defend their selves from those who were armed to attack them, not start a race war.

I never said they started a race war, I said that is one of their stated intentions. At the core of white supremacist ideology is the notion that there needs to be a race war. That is why they arm themselves like some kind of militia.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Anyone besides me unsurprised that the state ACLU cropped the footage so you don't know what the other guy was doing? Talk about manipulation!

you mean the Anarchists' and Communists lobbying union might be dishonest?

Holy Manipulation Batman!!
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Well... that is a pretty ridiculous comment.

For you to react that way tells me it hit a home run.............. with the bases loaded............... over the wall .............. into the street beyond.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

For you to react that way tells me it hit a home run.............. with the bases loaded............... over the wall .............. into the street beyond.

It tells you that?

I kinda hoped that you would do some introspection instead...
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

That is an absolutely absurd argument. Basically you are saying that Nazis and other white supremacists have 2nd Amendment rights, thus they should be able to carry, and your solution is to restrict the 1st Amendment rights of everyone else.

No, just calling a spade a spade. You can make whatever arguments you want. The fact is though that white supremacists are responsible for the majority of domestic terrorism.



I never said they started a race war, I said that is one of their stated intentions. At the core of white supremacist ideology is the notion that there needs to be a race war. That is why they arm themselves like some kind of militia.

that doesn't include the millions of crimes caused by leftwing black gangstas as "acts of terrorism" even when the cases involve rape or murder or assault on white victims. For example, crap like the "knockout" game is not listed as acts of terrorism even though its clearly racist inspired terrorism.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

that doesn't include the millions of crimes caused by leftwing black gangstas as "acts of terrorism" even when the cases involve rape or murder or assault on white victims. For example, crap like the "knockout" game is not listed as acts of terrorism even though its clearly racist inspired terrorism.

I have it on good authority that those actually number in the kabillions. Shocking, I know.

The knockout game, insignificant myth that it is, isn't terrorism no matter how you slice it.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

I have it on good authority that those actually number in the kabillions. Shocking, I know.

The knockout game, insignificant myth that it is, isn't terrorism no matter how you slice it.

How do you define "terrorism"?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

How do you define "terrorism"?

Not as simple criminal battery. And certainly not in terms of criminal battery based on what is essentially histrionic urban legend.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

The idiot was charged with discharging a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, a felony that carries up to 10 years in prison. Bye bye douchbag.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

The idiot was charged with discharging a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school, a felony that carries up to 10 years in prison. Bye bye douchbag.

is there an intent requirement in that statute?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

is there an intent requirement in that statute?
B. If any person willfully discharges or causes to be discharged any firearm upon any public, private or parochial elementary, middle or high school, including the buildings and grounds or upon public property within 1,000 feet of such school property, he shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony,
Come on now, ya think he "accidentally" fired the weapon?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

Come on now, ya think he "accidentally" fired the weapon?

that's not the point. Did he know he was within 1000 feet of a school? are you familiar with US v Lopez?
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

No one did, and no one was close enough

I actually saw that whole thing happen on tv. The supremacist was swinging his confederate flag and the pole to which it was attached at a group of protesters (non-armed, non-helmeted, non-masked regular protesters). The other guy picked the can off the ground, and sprayed flame at the flag.

I didn't actually see the guy with the gun until watching this replay from another angle, but that was no damned warning shot. He leveled it chest-high and fired straight into the crowd. How he missed all those people is beyond me, but frankly it was not from a lack of trying. The old guy standing behind the man with the flames looks about 90 years old, and completely bewildered.

And as usual that day, not a single police officer in sight.
Re: New Video Shows Man Shooting Gun Near Crowd of Counter Protesters in Charlottesvi

I actually saw that whole thing happen on tv. The supremacist was swinging his confederate flag and the pole to which it was attached at a group of protesters (non-armed, non-helmeted, non-masked regular protesters). The other guy picked the can off the ground, and sprayed flame at the flag.

I didn't actually see the guy with the gun until watching this replay from another angle, but that was no damned warning shot. He leveled it chest-high and fired straight into the crowd. How he missed all those people is beyond me, but frankly it was not from a lack of trying. The old guy standing behind the man with the flames looks about 90 years old, and completely bewildered.

And as usual that day, not a single police officer in sight.
hard to say if he was a bad shot, a good shot or a lucky shot. I was sort of perplexed too that he didn't hit anyone if he was trying to

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