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New TV time (1 Viewer)


Chicks dig the long ball
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2012
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Phoenix, AZ
Political Leaning
My wife let me know this morning that we are in the market for a new TV. The current TV is a nice 47" LG I got on Cyber Monday 4 or 5 years ago. It will go in the bedroom where there isn't a TV currently. Now what to choose. Been researching all day and I'm not any closer to making a decision. Not sure I need a 4K or not (leaning no as out current TV isn't and the resolution is just fine). Something in the 55" range. Have to look tomorrow and see what the deals are.
My wife let me know this morning that we are in the market for a new TV. The current TV is a nice 47" LG I got on Cyber Monday 4 or 5 years ago. It will go in the bedroom where there isn't a TV currently. Now what to choose. Been researching all day and I'm not any closer to making a decision. Not sure I need a 4K or not (leaning no as out current TV isn't and the resolution is just fine). Something in the 55" range. Have to look tomorrow and see what the deals are.

that's a fun problem to have. hope that you get a good one.
My wife let me know this morning that we are in the market for a new TV. The current TV is a nice 47" LG I got on Cyber Monday 4 or 5 years ago. It will go in the bedroom where there isn't a TV currently. Now what to choose. Been researching all day and I'm not any closer to making a decision. Not sure I need a 4K or not (leaning no as out current TV isn't and the resolution is just fine). Something in the 55" range. Have to look tomorrow and see what the deals are.

They were practically giving away tv's all weekend. Now it's probably best to wait for after X-mas.

They still make non 4k tvs? Are you looking for a crt too?

My wife let me know this morning that we are in the market for a new TV. The current TV is a nice 47" LG I got on Cyber Monday 4 or 5 years ago. It will go in the bedroom where there isn't a TV currently. Now what to choose. Been researching all day and I'm not any closer to making a decision. Not sure I need a 4K or not (leaning no as out current TV isn't and the resolution is just fine). Something in the 55" range. Have to look tomorrow and see what the deals are.

We got a $500 Samsung UHD from Walmart to replace our 42 inch LG [that's going in our bedroom] We got a 50 inch but wish I'd gone 65.
Go to Walmart, Best Buy, Frys, etc to see them before making a decision. Consumer reports is pushing the $3000 QLED models that don't have that much better pic IMO.
Go to Walmart, Best Buy, Frys, etc to see them before making a decision. Consumer reports is pushing the $3000 QLED models that don't have that much better pic IMO.

My budget is way under that. Currently I'm leaning towards a 55" TCL Roku TV.
We got a $500 Samsung UHD from Walmart to replace our 42 inch LG [that's going in our bedroom] We got a 50 inch but wish I'd gone 65.

We upgraded a few years ago. Went from a 42" plasma to a 60" Samsung. I think it doubled the viewing area. Wouldn't get anything less than 60" now. Don't think I'd get anything much bigger either as viewing distance is about 8'.
Now or just before the Super Bowl are the times that TV’s seem to be being hawked.......look at reviews!
My budget is way under that. Currently I'm leaning towards a 55" TCL Roku TV.

I got a Sony Bravia a couple of years ago and am very happy with it. Damned thing is sometimes (maybe often) smarter than I am.
I got a Sony Bravia a couple of years ago and am very happy with it. Damned thing is sometimes (maybe often) smarter than I am.

Way to set the bar high.
Ended up going with a 55" LG 4K TV.
My wife let me know this morning that we are in the market for a new TV. The current TV is a nice 47" LG I got on Cyber Monday 4 or 5 years ago. It will go in the bedroom where there isn't a TV currently. Now what to choose. Been researching all day and I'm not any closer to making a decision. Not sure I need a 4K or not (leaning no as out current TV isn't and the resolution is just fine). Something in the 55" range. Have to look tomorrow and see what the deals are.

I'm in the same boat, look for good local dimming amongst other things. I have a lot of reflection in my room, so I need a good screen that can handle that.

I always check out models here: https://www.rtings.com/

I am looking for 65 inch 4k with HDR and Local Dimming, with a fast refresh rate. Sony still makes the best, but $$$. OLED is the best screen, but again $$$$$.
We upgraded a few years ago. Went from a 42" plasma to a 60" Samsung. I think it doubled the viewing area. Wouldn't get anything less than 60" now. Don't think I'd get anything much bigger either as viewing distance is about 8'.

IIRC, ours is about 13 feet. There's a formula to determine the right size vs distance.
Go to Walmart, Best Buy, Frys, etc to see them before making a decision. Consumer reports is pushing the $3000 QLED models that don't have that much better pic IMO.

I just bought one of those on black Friday.

And I disagree about the picture.

The 480 sector active dimming gives blacks almost as good as an oled without the burn in. (I game,and its game Huds that do it)

Its also twice as bright as an oled.
I'm in the same boat, look for good local dimming amongst other things. I have a lot of reflection in my room, so I need a good screen that can handle that.

I always check out models here: https://www.rtings.com/

I am looking for 65 inch 4k with HDR and Local Dimming, with a fast refresh rate. Sony still makes the best, but $$$. OLED is the best screen, but again $$$$$.

Check out the Samsung q9fn qled.

480 element active dimming. Gives blacks almost as good as oled, twice as bright, and variable refresh rate for gaming with Xbox and some PC cards.

Image is clear with the sun shining directly on the screen.

It was 2999 on black Friday though. So there's that.
We got a new 70" 4K a few months back. I love it. The picture difference is amazing. Not as amazing, of course, as an OLED, but amazing still. :lol:

I paid about 1/4th what an OLED would have cost.

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