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New Species of Killer Whale Discovered (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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A new species of killer whale has been discovered. It was found to have emerged a few hundred thousand years ago, but was not previously identified by Man.

This species is larger, more aggressive, and even has a different skull structure, among other things.

I discovered a new species of bear in North America and they asked me to keep quiet about it. It's not just the oceans that have species of other species.
Why at 4:40 was she wearing a single piece thong body suit for? I zoned about and forgot what she was saying for a bit. This generation of women are far far too loose visually.
A new species of killer whale has been discovered. It was found to have emerged a few hundred thousand years ago, but was not previously identified by Man.

This species is larger, more aggressive, and even has a different skull structure, among other things.

Don't tell the Japanese. They'll hunt it down and kill it for "research".
So the headline is slightly misleading and talks about a couple different things.

For clarity's sake

1) New population, and possibly ecotype, of previously unidentified and hyper aggressive killer whales in the Pacific that are separate from the already known resident, transient, and offshore ecotypes.

2) the new "species" of killer whales aren't a new discovery. It's simply a formal recognition that transient killer whales have drifted enough genetically from "resident" killer whales to warrant the designation of a separate species.

3) for context, there are many different ecotypes and populations of killer whales all over the world. Only further scientific research can deem which of these groups warrant classification as separate subspecies or species. 1000012599.jpg
Why at 4:40 was she wearing a single piece thong body suit for? I zoned about and forgot what she was saying for a bit. This generation of women are far far too loose visually.
It's literally just a swimsuit and she was swimming in the ocean.
This species is larger,

Not as large as the Transients though.

Why at 4:40 was she wearing a single piece thong body suit for? I zoned about and forgot what she was saying for a bit. This generation of women are far far too loose visually.

She was making the point about the different white outfits she wore in the way that most people look at one Orca and think they all look the same.

Obviously the thing outfit for swimming in was too much for you.

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