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New Rasmussen poll. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 9, 2013
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President Obama in a press conference on Friday announced tighter restrictions on the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance program, but most voters still don’t trust the government to protect their constitutional rights. Very few expect the program to cut back on monitoring the phone calls of innocent Americans.

Despite the president’s pronouncement of greater “transparency,” only 11% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is now less likely that the federal government will monitor the private phone calls of ordinary Americans.

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So, the answer is - we're not going to stop doing it, we're just going to restrict when we tell you we're doing it. Yeah, that's a solution.
So, the answer is - we're not going to stop doing it, we're just going to restrict when we tell you we're doing it. Yeah, that's a solution.

The bigger gov't "solution" will likely be to add a privacy nanny (or a maybe few of them) to watch over the current army of snooping nannies. The job of the privacy nanny (or nannies) will be to regularly assure us that bigger gov't fixed the problem caused by big gov't.
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So, the answer is - we're not going to stop doing it, we're just going to restrict when we tell you we're doing it. Yeah, that's a solution.
If it weren't for certain 'leaks' we wouldn't be hearing anything.
The bigger gov't "solution" will likely be to add a privacy nanny (or a maybe few of them) to watch over the current army of snooping nannies. The job of the privacy nanny (or nannies) will be to regularly assure us that bigger gov't fixed the problem caused by big gov't.

Better yet...PRIVACY CZAR
So, the answer is - we're not going to stop doing it, we're just going to restrict when we tell you we're doing it. Yeah, that's a solution.

Hey CB, good to see ya again. Yeah interestingly enough it's the older crowd that perceive the danger. Under 40 or so are frustratingly unconcerned. But then they put their entire lives up on Facebook for god and everybody to see.
If it weren't for certain 'leaks' we wouldn't be hearing anything.

That's not true. Senator Church (of the Church committee) warned explicitly of the dangers of the NSA way back in 1975. Sandra Day O'Conner warned of the NSA's warrantless (illegal) wiretapping during the Bush administration, and the slippery slope toward dictatorship. This is not new, though it is to many.
That's not true. Senator Church (of the Church committee) warned explicitly of the dangers of the NSA way back in 1975. Sandra Day O'Conner warned of the NSA's warrantless (illegal) wiretapping during the Bush administration, and the slippery slope toward dictatorship. This is not new, though it is to many.

First time during Barry's presidency.

People have very short memories
Sorry WCH, perhaps it's the first time during Obama's term that you have heard about it.

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