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New Jersey Senate & Governor Election Update (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 24, 2013
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Central Jersey
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Very Liberal
Rick Perry is in New Jersey to campaign for Republican Senate candidate Steve Lonegan.

Which means, for the moment, Lonegan is still the craziest politician in the State... but he's no longer the dumbest.

It won't matter: Democratic nominee Cory Booker will win in a landslide. And he would have even if Lonegan were sane.

However, I am a bit disappointed in Booker. I wanted him to run for Governor. Instead, Barbara Buono, who is (at least for the next 3 months) my State Senator, is unlikely to come close to beating Jabba the Guv.

This is mainly because the President of the State Senate, Steve Sweeney, is more interested in protecting his own job than in knocking Christie out of his, and he's too chicken to take him on even though he's got Democratic majorities in both houses of the legislature, and that this is likely to remain so for years to come. Sweeney figures, if he can keep the State's big Dems quiet, Christie will appreciate this, and cut him some slack, and, come 2017, with a Democrat (possibly Sweeney himself) running against a Republican who doesn't have Christie's populist personality, the Christie era will prove to be a big fat anomaly. and normal service will be resumed in January 2018.
Isn't New Jersey the first state to have two women for Governor/Lt. Governor on the same ticket? You would think President Obama would support such a ticket since they are both D's.
Rick Perry is in New Jersey to campaign for Republican Senate candidate Steve Lonegan.

Which means, for the moment, Lonegan is still the craziest politician in the State... but he's no longer the dumbest.

It won't matter: Democratic nominee Cory Booker will win in a landslide. And he would have even if Lonegan were sane.

However, I am a bit disappointed in Booker. I wanted him to run for Governor. Instead, Barbara Buono, who is (at least for the next 3 months) my State Senator, is unlikely to come close to beating Jabba the Guv.

This is mainly because the President of the State Senate, Steve Sweeney, is more interested in protecting his own job than in knocking Christie out of his, and he's too chicken to take him on even though he's got Democratic majorities in both houses of the legislature, and that this is likely to remain so for years to come. Sweeney figures, if he can keep the State's big Dems quiet, Christie will appreciate this, and cut him some slack, and, come 2017, with a Democrat (possibly Sweeney himself) running against a Republican who doesn't have Christie's populist personality, the Christie era will prove to be a big fat anomaly. and normal service will be resumed in January 2018.

Booker did the right thing and picked a race he know he could win. Plus he gets a national stage.

How ironic would it be if he beat out Hillary in 2016. If he ran against her he would have a great shot.

Heard him at my son's graduation ceremony, very impressive. More accomplished than Obama was in 2008.
Booker does have a better resume, but he's just not ready. If he was the nominee it would prove that Democrats care more about glitz than actual qualifications. Plus he's not even doing that impressively in the Senate race anymore. He'll almost certainly win, but it's looking a lot closer than it should be.

Let him govern New Jersey before giving him the White House. He's young enough, let him prove he can do the job.
Booker does have a better resume, but he's just not ready. If he was the nominee it would prove that Democrats care more about glitz than actual qualifications. Plus he's not even doing that impressively in the Senate race anymore. He'll almost certainly win, but it's looking a lot closer than it should be.

Let him govern New Jersey before giving him the White House. He's young enough, let him prove he can do the job.

I think he will do a real good job in the senate. You are right he is young and can pay some dues. He would have to wait until 2024 if he doesn't go in 2016, as Hillary will to for re-election in 2020.

Not sure if you have had a chance to hear his background, but it is impressive.
Booker is going to be a great Senator. Lonegan is a lunatic. I saw him on a documentary about NJ local politics when he ran for re-election as mayor of Union City. Pure nutcase. Booker was actually pretty smart to not run for governor. Christie, because of his national popularity, would win, and then Booker would be out of the limelight for a while. This gives him the opportunity to win an important, NATIONAL election, something that could propel him further in the future.
Yes, running for Senate was wise, but historically the senate is usually the end of the line. Obama's election aside, the best way to get into the White House is still through a governors' mansion.

the public likes to see people who have actually governed, rather than just people who can give speeches. Obama got away with just giving speeches because they were really good speeches and a mythology got built up around the guy. Plus he benefitted from some serious good luck in the Democratic primary and then the financial crisis. It will be very hard for future Senators to duplicate his path.
Yes, running for Senate was wise, but historically the senate is usually the end of the line. Obama's election aside, the best way to get into the White House is still through a governors' mansion.

he public likes to see people who have actually governed, rather than just people who can give speeches. Obama got away with just giving speeches because they were really good speeches and a mythology got built up around the guy. Plus he benefitted from some serious good luck in the Democratic primary and then the financial crisis. It will be very hard for future Senators to duplicate his path.

Not for Democrats. Executive experience is not a prerequisite in the DNC, at least not as much as it is for Republicans.
Yes, running for Senate was wise, but historically the senate is usually the end of the line. Obama's election aside, the best way to get into the White House is still through a governors' mansion.

the public likes to see people who have actually governed, rather than just people who can give speeches. Obama got away with just giving speeches because they were really good speeches and a mythology got built up around the guy. Plus he benefitted from some serious good luck in the Democratic primary and then the financial crisis. It will be very hard for future Senators to duplicate his path.

Just for the record, 16 senators became presidents. Some were good some were not.
Not for Democrats. Executive experience is not a prerequisite in the DNC, at least not as much as it is for Republicans.

Not for the nomination, but certainly for winning the Presidency.
Just for the record, 16 senators became presidents. Some were good some were not.

The post-New Deal era has different requirements. Now a President must be a skilled administrator and leader to succeed. In the post-New Deal era, only two Senators have been Presidents. And the other one had experience as a military leader.
The post-New Deal era has different requirements. Now a President must be a skilled administrator and leader to succeed. In the post-New Deal era, only two Senators have been Presidents. And the other one had experience as a military leader.

Four have been: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Obama.
I meant from the Senate to the Presidency: that's two. Nixon was VP, as was Johnson. Although Johnson could be the prime example of what happens when a President thinks like a legislator-in-chief rather than a commander-in-chief. He's known for being extremely successful getting stuff passed, and the worst failure in history at managing a war.
Booker did the right thing and picked a race he know he could win. Plus he gets a national stage.

How ironic would it be if he beat out Hillary in 2016. If he ran against her he would have a great shot.

Heard him at my son's graduation ceremony, very impressive. More accomplished than Obama was in 2008.

He won't run for President -- not in 2016, anyway. Too soon. He could, however, be the next Secretary of Housing & Urban Development, a post held by Andrew Cuomo in Bill's 2nd term.

I still think Hillary won't run. I think she's had enough of this stuff. I think it's Biden, then a second tier of Cuomo and Martin O'Malley, and then a third tier of everybody else. If Biden doesn't run either, then it's a free-for-all between Cuomo and O'Malley, which opens the door for a cooler head. Fortunately, anybody in the GOP with a cooler head doesn't have a chance to win THEIR nomination.

I wonder how many people in New York and New Jersey, old enough to have been Brooklyn Dodger fans, will vote for someone named O'Malley.
Booker is going to be a great Senator. Lonegan is a lunatic. I saw him on a documentary about NJ local politics when he ran for re-election as mayor of Union City. Pure nutcase. Booker was actually pretty smart to not run for governor. Christie, because of his national popularity, would win, and then Booker would be out of the limelight for a while. This gives him the opportunity to win an important, NATIONAL election, something that could propel him further in the future.

Lonegan is indeed a lunatic, but he was Mayor of Bogota, a small town in Bergen County. I assure you, he would have been filleted in Union City, which is full of poor Hispanics, the kind of people that Teabags like Lonegan hate. The other Senator, Bob Menendez, WAS Mayor there, before getting elected to the House and then the Senate.

Lonegan has been compared to Murray Sabrin, the libertarian "Nutty Professor" who's twice failed to get GOP nominations for the Senate. But he's starting to remind me of Carl Paladino, the psycho who ran against Cuomo for Governor of New York in 2010, taking only 13 of the 62 Counties, all but 3 of them in the western edge that produced Congressmen like William E. Miller (Goldwater's 1964 running mate) and Jack Kemp. Paladino was caught on camera threatening Fred Dicker, the State Politics columnist at the New York Post. If you're a Republican in New York State, Dicker is one of the first people you should be nice to, and one of the last you should tick off; he can make you for the nomination, or break you for the general. I gotta admit, Paladino's concession speech (where he said he got 40 percent of the vote, but really only got 34 percent) was the most victorious-sounding concession speeches I've ever heard. I can certainly imagine Lonegan conceding like that.
Yes, running for Senate was wise, but historically the senate is usually the end of the line. Obama's election aside, the best way to get into the White House is still through a governors' mansion.

the public likes to see people who have actually governed, rather than just people who can give speeches. Obama got away with just giving speeches because they were really good speeches and a mythology got built up around the guy. Plus he benefitted from some serious good luck in the Democratic primary and then the financial crisis. It will be very hard for future Senators to duplicate his path.

No, Obama did not benefit from good luck in the Primary. He benefited from being on the right side of what was then the biggest issue, the Iraq War, when Hillary refused to admit she was wrong to support it. If she had admitted that, she would have won. It's really that simple. There was nothing lucky about it -- unless you want to say Hillary had BAD luck.
I meant from the Senate to the Presidency: that's two. Nixon was VP, as was Johnson. Although Johnson could be the prime example of what happens when a President thinks like a legislator-in-chief rather than a commander-in-chief. He's known for being extremely successful getting stuff passed, and the worst failure in history at managing a war.

When it comes to Presidents from Texas, there has never been a President better at running a war than Johnson.

Yes, I know, Eisenhower ended the Korean War, and was born in Texas. But he always considered himself to be from Kansas. And George Bush the father is New England through and through.

That means the number of Presidents from Texas who've run a war is exactly two.
Cory Booker, (D) is the current mayor of Newark, New Jersey. He is running for the U.S. Senate in a special election to fill the seat that resulted by the death of Frank Lautenberg Today at the Daily Caller (where they still do investigative reporting) sent some journalists out to interview Cory Booker's neighbors. There is a video posted at the link below that is a must see. :lol:

When Booker filled out the paperwork to run for Senate, he gave a P.O. box number for his address. :lol:

Cory Booker has raised all kinds of money for his campaign with the aid of celebrities like Oprah Winfrey. Even Obama has made an ad asking folks to vote for "his friend, Cory Booker".

The election is on 10/16. The past couple of weeks the polls have been really tightening between Booker and Republican candidate Lonegan.

Neighbors: Cory Booker never lived in Newark | The Daily Caller
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Cory Booker, (D) is the current mayor of Newark, New Jersey. He is running for the U.S. Senate in a special election to fill the seat that resulted by the death of Frank Lautenberg Today at the Daily Caller (where they still do investigative reporting) sent some journalists out to interview Cory Booker's neighbors. There is a video posted at the link below that is a must see. :lol:

When Booker filled out the paperwork to run for Senate, he gave a P.O. box number for his address. :lol:

Cory Booker has raised all kinds of money for his campaign with the aid of celebrities like Oprah Winfrey. Even Obama has made an ad asking folks to vote for "his friend, Cory Booker".

The election is on 10/16. The past couple of weeks the polls have been really tightening between Booker and Republican candidate Lonegan.

Neighbors: Cory Booker never lived in Newark | The Daily Caller
Would anyone be surprised if this were true? Just another fake politician in a long line of them. I actually like listening to Cory Booker speak. I'm not very well read on his stances, however, he seems personable. Guess that means he'll be POTUS someday....
Would anyone be surprised if this were true? Just another fake politician in a long line of them. I actually like listening to Cory Booker speak. I'm not very well read on his stances, however, he seems personable. Guess that means he'll be POTUS someday....

The link I posted earlier finally made it to the Drudge Report this afternoon. What I find so fascinating is Cory Booker not only has had Obama doing ads for him, but celebrities like Oprah, Eva Longoria and Steven Spielberg have been out campaigning for him. Add to that a couple of weeks ago billionaire businessman Ron Burkle, partial owner of the NHL’s Pittsburgh Penguins, co-hosted a Booker fundraiser along with Michael Eisner, J.J. Abrams, Jennifer Garner, Weintraub, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Jerry Weintraub a big Hollywood producer, also had a party in his home and raised 500,000 in one night for contributions to Booker's campaign. Co-hosts included Disney CEO Bob Iger, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, Sony CEO Michael Lynton and Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara. So when the folks of Newark call him Mr. Hollywood, it is with good reason.

But in the recent weeks Rand Paul campaigned for the Republican candidate, Lonegan as did Rick Perry. That is when Booker's huge lead started to decline significantly that the media picked up on it. Then this past weekend The Tea Party Express wilh Palin and Mark Levin stopped by the state and the last two days have shown a significant tanking in Booker's lead that was produced by so many rich and famous folks from Hollywood which was in double digits not that long ago and has now narrowed to single digits. Unfortunately for Lonegan, the RNC and the Republican elites scantily invested in him from the beginning. But with a wing and a prayer, it would be sooooo sweet if Lonegan could pull this one off. It's a long shot for sure....
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So Booker should just STFU and go back to his 'black hole' of a city..
Today's Dems no longer fight with both hands tied behind their backs, which some Repubs still demands.
The link I posted earlier finally made it to the Drudge Report this afternoon. What I find so fascinating is Cory Booker not only has had Obama doing ads for him, but celebrities like Oprah, Eva Longoria and Steven Spielberg have been out campaigning for him. Add to that a couple of weeks ago billionaire businessman Ron Burkle, partial owner of the NHL’s Pittsburgh Penguins, co-hosted a Booker fundraiser along with Michael Eisner, J.J. Abrams, Jennifer Garner, Weintraub, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Jerry Weintraub a big Hollywood producer, also had a party in his home and raised 500,000 in one night for contributions to Booker's campaign. Co-hosts included Disney CEO Bob Iger, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, Sony CEO Michael Lynton and Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara. So when the folks of Newark call him Mr. Hollywood, it is with good reason.

But in the recent weeks Rand Paul campaigned for the Republican candidate, Lonegan as did Rick Perry. That is when Booker's huge lead started to decline significantly that the media picked up on it. Then this past weekend The Tea Party Express will Palin and Mark Levin stopped by the state and the last two days have shown a significant tanking in Booker's lead that was produced by so many rich and famous folks from Hollywood which was in double digits not that long ago and has now narrowed to single digits. Unfortunately for Lonegan, the RNC and the Republican elites scantily invested in him from the beginning. But with a wing and a prayer, it would be sooooo sweet if Lonegan could pull this one off. It's a long shot for sure....
What is "normal service" when it comes to NJ governors?

The undiluted leftist idiocy, as exemplified by John "I simply don't know where the money is" Corzine?
So Booker should just STFU and go back to his 'black hole' of a city..
Today's Dems no longer fight with both hands tied behind their backs, which some Repubs still demands.

What you fail to recognize is what Booker has been claiming in his campaign, about the "black hole" of a city called Newark is that he has turned it around. Made it safer, yada yada. But his constituents don't agree with him and also claim he doesn't even live in the city he claims to have reformed.

Dems have a lot of support from big business which includes Hollywood. And one thing Dems have proved over the years to big business, if they take care of them by golly they will spread the corporate welfare their way. Last week shows how deep in bed Wall Street is with the Democrat party with Obama's pick of Yellen as chairman of the Federal Reserve. She will continue the QE allowing the corporations to continue to make huge profits while no one on Main Street benefits. Hell the list of Obama's biggest contributors is like reading a list of the top crony capitalists. And it was big banks and hedge funds operators starting with Soros that funded Obama's first election bid. Yet they call the Republican party the party of Big Business.... Hahahahahahaha. But when your base is full of the un-informed, you can sh!t and call it apple butter and they would believe it! :lamo
What you fail to recognize is what Booker has been claiming in his campaign, about the "black hole" of a city called Newark is that he has turned it around. Made it safer, yada yada. But his constituents don't agree with him and also claim he doesn't even live in the city he claims to have reformed.
good campaign smack..
Dems have a lot of support from big business which includes Hollywood. And one thing Dems have proved over the years to big business, if they take care of them by golly they will spread the corporate welfare their way.
Didn't know business had switched to Dems..
Last week shows
How shaky T-Bills are..
how deep in bed Wall Street is with the Democrat party with Obama's pick of Yellen as chairman of the Federal Reserve. She will continue the QE allowing the corporations to continue to make huge profits while no one on Main Street benefits.
Which is why Senate Repubs Cornyn and Thune have found a conscience..

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