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New health insurance requirement.....was a GOP idea (1 Viewer)

MA is hardly a finished product either. It also isn't universal single payer system. Hawaii is a much closer example. It too isn't single payer, but neither is the national effort.

Medicare isn't a good example because it is limited to people who need care without the well counter balance. Despite this and the problems, there isn't a large line of people clamoring to end the program.

MA is a blueprint for what we are going to get and is basically bankrupt costing more than intended. Hawaii is a disaster, not for the patient but for the state that is subsidizing it and taxpayers are paying for it.

Single payer does nothing to lower actual costs which you see to think are premiums paid. You have no idea how business operates and the investment required to operate a business. Growing up in today's world I can understand your problem
MA is a blueprint for what we are going to get and is basically bankrupt costing more than intended. Hawaii is a disaster, not for the patient but for the state that is subsidizing it and taxpayers are paying for it.

Single payer does nothing to lower actual costs which you see to think are premiums paid. You have no idea how business operates and the investment required to operate a business. Growing up in today's world I can understand your problem

No, as I showed you, Hawaii has done rather well. And a blueprint, not that you've actually shown it is THE blueprint, is only the beginning. Works in progress can be modified and improved. Doing nothing is still doing nothing.

Also, instead of telling us what we lack, trying proving your case. It would be more effective. ;)
No, as I showed you, Hawaii has done rather well. And a blueprint, not that you've actually shown it is THE blueprint, is only the beginning. Works in progress can be modified and improved. Doing nothing is still doing nothing.

Also, instead of telling us what we lack, trying proving your case. It would be more effective. ;)

You don't know that Hawaii is doing well because you have no idea as to the cost to the taxpayer vs. any benefits. I have a sister in law in Hawaii so tell me what your experience is?

It doesn't matter what I post since MA healthcare costs, U.S. Medicare projections don't matter because today we have a different group of liberals practicing insanity.
You don't know that Hawaii is doing well because you have no idea as to the cost to the taxpayer vs. any benefits. I have a sister in law in Hawaii so tell me what your experience is?

It doesn't matter what I post since MA healthcare costs, U.S. Medicare projections don't matter because today we have a different group of liberals practicing insanity.

Your sister can not represent the whole. She's too small a sample and using her is called over generalizing. I linked sources for you. Do you need them linked again?
Your sister can not represent the whole. She's too small a sample and using her is called over generalizing. I linked sources for you. Do you need them linked again?

LOL, my sister in law lives in Hawaii, works in Hawaii, pays Hawaii taxes but according to you doesn't really matter because she is too small of a sample. Just like all arrogant liberals you know more than people actually living and working in the area that has the program being thrust upon us. That is probably why you won't accept MA results. Doesn't really matter to naive and gullible people. You want it therefore you are going to get it. Good luck.
LOL, my sister in law lives in Hawaii, works in Hawaii, pays Hawaii taxes but according to you doesn't really matter because she is too small of a sample.

Hey, cool! I have a brother in New York. I am now an expert on health care in New York!
LOL, my sister in law lives in Hawaii, works in Hawaii, pays Hawaii taxes but according to you doesn't really matter because she is too small of a sample. Just like all arrogant liberals you know more than people actually living and working in the area that has the program being thrust upon us. That is probably why you won't accept MA results. Doesn't really matter to naive and gullible people. You want it therefore you are going to get it. Good luck.

Again, when you give a single example, it is only valid if you can back it up with a larger sample. Nothing about your sister is implied, but it is too small a sample to be considered valid.
Hey, cool! I have a brother in New York. I am now an expert on health care in New York!

Never claimed I was an expert but she is more credible than Boo or you. She gets that "free" healthcare that she pays for everytime she buys something there and in the state income taxes just like your brother in NY.
Again, when you give a single example, it is only valid if you can back it up with a larger sample. Nothing about your sister is implied, but it is too small a sample to be considered valid.

I gave you MA but that wasn't good enough for you. Nothing is going to change your mind because you drank the Kool-aid.
I gave you MA but that wasn't good enough for you. Nothing is going to change your mind because you drank the Kool-aid.

No, because it isn't what you say it is. Nor is it even a finished project.

BTW, I don't see you're mind changing too much. Couldn't I say you're drinking too much koolaid? Such silliness works both ways you know.
No, because it isn't what you say it is. Nor is it even a finished project.

BTW, I don't see you're mind changing too much. Couldn't I say you're drinking too much koolaid? Such silliness works both ways you know.

History is on my side as is logic and common sense. You want a bigger model Medicare is a bigger model, so is SS. Look at their original intent and cost compared to now. Remember you contribute to both as well.
History is on my side as is logic and common sense. You want a bigger model Medicare is a bigger model, so is SS. Look at their original intent and cost compared to now. Remember you contribute to both as well.

Yes, they went beyond the original intent, doing even more than intended. That's very effective. How many business do more than intended? ;)

Again, where are the masses clamoring for us to end those programs. Even the tea party wants to keep them.
Yes, they went beyond the original intent, doing even more than intended. That's very effective. How many business do more than intended? ;)

Again, where are the masses clamoring for us to end those programs. Even the tea party wants to keep them.

Do you understand the term "contribution?" Why would anyone want to do away with a program before getting their so called investment back? How old did you say you were? Seems to me I am debating a kid.

Take the money you are putting into SS every month, put it in a simple savings account along with your employer's contribution, and see how much you would have and retain control over at retirement? It is going to make you sick but like far too many you blindly follow what you are told but only by those that for some reason you believe even though they continue to lie to you.

SS and Medicare did indeed go beyond what was intended, costing more and paying a lower return than a simple savings account. No one expected either to cost more and actually pay out benefits. It was a ponzi scheme and is worse today.
Do you understand the term "contribution?" Why would anyone want to do away with a program before getting their so called investment back? How old did you say you were? Seems to me I am debating a kid.

Take the money you are putting into SS every month, put it in a simple savings account along with your employer's contribution, and see how much you would have and retain control over at retirement? It is going to make you sick but like far too many you blindly follow what you are told but only by those that for some reason you believe even though they continue to lie to you.

SS and Medicare did indeed go beyond what was intended, costing more and paying a lower return than a simple savings account. No one expected either to cost more and actually pay out benefits. It was a ponzi scheme and is worse today.

Like I said, did more than advertised and there is no clamoring to have it done away with. If it was bad, pouring money down a rat whole as it were, then no one would expect their contribution returned, and would like to end it before they lost any more. But that's not the case. Instead, they want it to continue, and will rally against politicians who suggest it be ended.
Like I said, did more than advertised and there is no clamoring to have it done away with. If it was bad, pouring money down a rat whole as it were, then no one would expect their contribution returned, and would like to end it before they lost any more. But that's not the case. Instead, they want it to continue, and will rally against politicians who suggest it be ended.

No answer to the question, do you understand how much people have "contributed" to SS and thus expect to get that contribution back. As for you again you ignored what would happen if you put the same amount into a savings account and how much you would have at retirement. Not surprising that you divert from that.
No answer to the question, do you understand how much people have "contributed" to SS and thus expect to get that contribution back. As for you again you ignored what would happen if you put the same amount into a savings account and how much you would have at retirement. Not surprising that you divert from that.

I actually did answer that. Read it again:

If it was bad, pouring money down a rat whole as it were, then no one would expect their contribution returned, and would like to end it before they lost any more. But that's not the case. Instead, they want it to continue, and will rally against politicians who suggest it be ended.
I actually did answer that. Read it again:

If it was bad, pouring money down a rat whole as it were, then no one would expect their contribution returned, and would like to end it before they lost any more. But that's not the case. Instead, they want it to continue, and will rally against politicians who suggest it be ended.

And you didn't respond to my post, millions and millions of people have contributed their money into the SS account and that money has been spent. Today's retirees are being funded by you and the other young people or all that money would indeed be lost. How compassionate of you?

I have no problem ending the program and would support it but the problem is the account is full of IOU's not real cash. You just don't understand it and never will.
And you didn't respond to my post, millions and millions of people have contributed their money into the SS account and that money has been spent.

So is your private retirement account(s) sitting in a bank vault as a pile of cash, or has it been "spent" too?
And you didn't respond to my post, millions and millions of people have contributed their money into the SS account and that money has been spent. Today's retirees are being funded by you and the other young people or all that money would indeed be lost. How compassionate of you?

I have no problem ending the program and would support it but the problem is the account is full of IOU's not real cash. You just don't understand it and never will.

Again, I don't know why you don't understand the answer. If your claim is true, better to end it now and forget getting anything back. But people actually want what is provided. It's more than just wanting what they contributed, which wouldn't like cover what they will need to begin with.
So is your private retirement account(s) sitting in a bank vault as a pile of cash, or has it been "spent" too?

Actually my private investment accounts have been invested, not put into the general fund of the company and used to fund other programs.

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