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New footage of the army of burglars sending their loot home (1 Viewer)

You’d be amazed how much stuff made in Germany suddenly ended up in America and Russia after world war 2
True. I imagine your ancestors and/or their community brethren were just as wrong as the Russians are looting Ukraine today... not to imply that you have any familial connections to those who fought Nazis, of course, I wouldn't deign to infer any such nobility to you and yours. In any case, this is a solid 5/10 Whataboutism. You did a yeoman's job deflecting attention toward America, sure, but then you mentioned Russia's complicity in WW2 which rather undid your argument. Up until your post, I imagine your avatar tagline ("No Russian ever called me deplorable") was true, but now I'm not so sure. Thoughts and prayers on that.
You’d be amazed how much stuff made in Germany suddenly ended up in America and Russia after world war 2
Look everybody. Somebody pointed out a Russian war crime and *POOF* like magic, EMN is here to defend them and attack America instead.

Your inability to criticize Russia in any way, shape or form shows that you're a partisan hack and a Kremlin sympathizer.

True. I imagine your ancestors and/or their community brethren were just as wrong as the Russians are looting Ukraine today... not to imply that you have any familial connections to those who fought Nazis, of course, I wouldn't deign to infer any such nobility to you and yours. In any case, this is a solid 5/10 Whataboutism. You did a yeoman's job deflecting attention toward America, sure, but then you mentioned Russia's complicity in WW2 which rather undid your argument. Up until your post, I imagine your avatar tagline ("No Russian ever called me deplorable") was true, but now I'm not so sure. Thoughts and prayers on that.
No one in EMN's cowardly bloodline has been within a thousand miles of combat.
The Russian Army has shown its true colors.
You’d be amazed how much stuff made in Germany suddenly ended up in America and Russia after world war 2
My uncle had a mint Walter P38 that he brought back
Look everybody. Somebody pointed out a Russian war crime and *POOF* like magic, EMN is here to defend them and attack America instead.

Your inability to criticize Russia in any way, shape or form shows that you're a partisan hack and a Kremlin sympathizer.

No one in EMN's cowardly bloodline has been within a thousand miles of combat.
Wow, truthful and honest posts really get you riled up.
My uncle had a mint Walter P38 that he brought back
A relative of mine Got a Luger. Along with all of the SS insignia and uniform items of its original carrier.
A relative of mine Got a Luger. Along with all of the SS insignia and uniform items of its original carrier.

That is not equivalent to looting televisions and washing machines from civilians that have just been executed.
That is not equivalent to looting televisions and washing machines from civilians that have just been executed.
The killing of grandfather's in front of there familiy, is this protecting Ukraine from Neo Nazis?
You’d be amazed how much stuff made in Germany suddenly ended up in America and Russia after world war 2
You pretty much say anything to defend Russia at this point won't you?

Are you even against the murders?
The killing of grandfather's in front of there familiy, is this protecting Ukraine from Neo Nazis?

Have you read this?


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