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New Benefit For Sponsors. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Vauge finally came to his senses, and allowed people to become sponsors of this great forum. :mrgreen:

In appreciation of those who donate, all gold, silver and platinum sponsors will be allowed to use “special avatars” that are 100 x 100.

We currently have over 50 avatars for you to choose from, or you can use your own.

As long as I am the Avatar Administrator, I will make a custom Avatar and Signature for platinum sponsors.

For the gold and silver sponsors, I will add a name to your favorite avatar. A couple examples are:


As a disclaimer, I made the avatars from paint shop pro tubes I acquired at different sites on the web, and do not claim them as my own artwork. They are not for distribution, or to use on your own site.
Nice system there;

I actually make my own signatures with Photoshop, you need me just give a buzz via PM.
New State Image for donors!

All US States are now available to add to your signature. Contact myself or other Moderator to request your State image.

These are nice. :)

You rock man!
I thought they were all pretty cool, except for Maine and Texas. The moose should have been side too, instead of ass front. lol What happened to the Texas longhorn? You don't have a state animal?


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