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New analysis of Kenosha shooting (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning

The Twitter user that posted this is a member of the NY Times Video Investigations - Christiaan Triebert - The New York Times

It looks like there is a whole article he did but, since I don't have a NYT subscription and try not to post paywalled links, maybe someone else can sort out what he has to say beyond the Tweets.

If his analysis is correct then the initial shooting could have been prompted by one of the other protesters shooting into the air. That would certainly bolster a self-defense claim. It still doesn't explain why Rittenhouse was down the street instead of in the parking lot, defending the business, but it does give him a valid reason to turn and shoot at his pursuer.


I guess I will post the link to the NYT piece - Tracking Kyle Rittenhouse in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings - The New York Times

Who knew that you could see NYT articles if you use Chrome instead of Firefox? Sure wish someone had told me that 5 damned years ago!
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The Twitter user that posted this is a member of the NY Times Video Investigations - Christiaan Triebert - The New York Times

It looks like there is a whole article he did but, since I don't have a NYT subscription and try not to post paywalled links, maybe someone else can sort out what he has to say beyond the Tweets.

If his analysis is correct then the initial shooting could have been prompted by one of the other protesters shooting into the air. That would certainly bolster a self-defense claim. It still doesn't explain why Rittenhouse was down the street instead of in the parking lot, defending the business, but it does give him a valid reason to turn and shoot at his pursuer.


I guess I will post the link to the NYT piece - Tracking Kyle Rittenhouse in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings - The New York Times

Who knew that you could see NYT articles if you use Chrome instead of Firefox? Sure wish someone had told me that 5 damned years ago!

Isn't that interesting? I can't get the Times article either so I'm of no help to you. When I used Chrome I had to use an extension to get through a pay wall. That computer has since crashed, and am not using Chrome or Firefox, but am using Edge.

That said, was Rittenhouse the legal owner of his weapon? I haven't seen that verified. I've also read that he was not old enough to legally carry the rifle. Anyone know for sure?
What I find interesting is that, under almost any other circumstances, a 17 year old killing someone during an altercation would have a few people saying this shouldn’t effectively end his life and rehabilitation should be given a chance and 17 year olds brains aren’t developed especially if the victim also isn’t exactly pure as the wind driven snow.

Not with this kid though, **** him.
What I find interesting is that, under almost any other circumstances, a 17 year old killing someone during an altercation would have a few people saying this shouldn’t effectively end his life and rehabilitation should be given a chance and 17 year olds brains aren’t developed especially if the victim also isn’t exactly pure as the wind driven snow.

Not with this kid though, **** him.

Tends to be the case with mass shooters no matter how young they are.
I use FF, and I have a no-script extension that allows me to read NYtimes without any problems.

From what I read, its clear that the kid didnt start the altercation, and he was just defending himself. Hopefully the court will find he acted in self defense.
What I find interesting is that, under almost any other circumstances, a 17 year old killing someone during an altercation would have a few people saying this shouldn’t effectively end his life and rehabilitation should be given a chance and 17 year olds brains aren’t developed especially if the victim also isn’t exactly pure as the wind driven snow.

Not with this kid though, **** him.

Rittenhouse is the wrong color and wrong political ideology to get that kind of benefit of the doubt.

The Twitter user that posted this is a member of the NY Times Video Investigations - Christiaan Triebert - The New York Times

It looks like there is a whole article he did but, since I don't have a NYT subscription and try not to post paywalled links, maybe someone else can sort out what he has to say beyond the Tweets.

If his analysis is correct then the initial shooting could have been prompted by one of the other protesters shooting into the air. That would certainly bolster a self-defense claim. It still doesn't explain why Rittenhouse was down the street instead of in the parking lot, defending the business, but it does give him a valid reason to turn and shoot at his pursuer.


I guess I will post the link to the NYT piece - Tracking Kyle Rittenhouse in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings - The New York Times

Who knew that you could see NYT articles if you use Chrome instead of Firefox? Sure wish someone had told me that 5 damned years ago!

I can't read it and I'm on Chrome but whatever I was able to follow it on the twitter link.

I do feel bad for the kid, he was in way over his head. A teenager from the suburbs is no match for a bunch of street smart teens/adults rioting and looting. Yes, he didn't go about it the right way and yes, he was breaking curfew just like everyone else but also like the protestors they all think they are doing the right thing until it spirals out of control.
Still does not change the identity of the real criminal. The real criminal is us. Too many guns...gun laws that are too lax.....too much easy access to them leads to nimrods carrying guns convincing themselves they are defending something that is not theirs to defend and carrying guns into obviously hostile and dangerous environments to do it. Who does the kid think he is....Some action hero. He so proudly proclaimed that "I head into the danger" as if at 17 he had any earthly idea what he was talking about. RIDICULOUS. Danger for him would be his first shave which appears not to have happened yet.

Guns carried into Kenosha apparently to protect protestors. Guns carried in to protect property that those defending did not own and had no legitimate responsibility to defend. My God the Kid crossed the state line to engage in this nonsense.

Whatever happens to the Kid can't be decided in these pages and can't be decided by the NY Times either.,
I can't read it and I'm on Chrome but whatever I was able to follow it on the twitter link.

I do feel bad for the kid, he was in way over his head. A teenager from the suburbs is no match for a bunch of street smart teens/adults rioting and looting. Yes, he didn't go about it the right way and yes, he was breaking curfew just like everyone else but also like the protestors they all think they are doing the right thing until it spirals out of control.

My biggest concern is that he appears to have been on his own. I know he didn't start that way because there is video of him with a group. It's MUCH easier to get in over your head when you stop doing what you were supposed to do and start doing what you want to do. I don't have proof that he was supposed to be guarding the car lot but that would make sense based on the overall situation and the fact that he was being chased back to that lot indicates he had gone off for some reason.

I'm sure we'll get more details in the relatively near future. Right now I kind of feel bad for his family. They really can't know much more than we do. I'd feel worse for the people that got shot if they had just been minding their own business but they weren't. It kind of sucks all around and people on all side of this political issue would do well to take some time to be equally concerned about the human aspect of it all.
I have posted the various levels of homicide charge in Wisconsin in two threads at this forum. The Wisconsin self defense statute is not hard to find. I would suggest you read them and read the various state charges for Homicide before knee-jerk reacting and reaching a ruling of innocent.
My biggest concern is that he appears to have been on his own. I know he didn't start that way because there is video of him with a group. It's MUCH easier to get in over your head when you stop doing what you were supposed to do and start doing what you want to do. I don't have proof that he was supposed to be guarding the car lot but that would make sense based on the overall situation and the fact that he was being chased back to that lot indicates he had gone off for some reason.

I'm sure we'll get more details in the relatively near future. Right now I kind of feel bad for his family. They really can't know much more than we do. I'd feel worse for the people that got shot if they had just been minding their own business but they weren't. It kind of sucks all around and people on all side of this political issue would do well to take some time to be equally concerned about the human aspect of it all.

I completely agree.
I have posted the various levels of homicide charge in Wisconsin in two threads at this forum. The Wisconsin self defense statute is not hard to find. I would suggest you read them and read the various state charges for Homicide before knee-jerk reacting and reaching a ruling of innocent.

With all due respect, in this country, at least until the SJWs manage to take over, it is wholly appropriate to PRESUME innocence of the accused and to afford them the opportunity to defend themselves. Merely discussing the evidence IS NOT "reaching a ruling of innocent".

The Twitter user that posted this is a member of the NY Times Video Investigations - Christiaan Triebert - The New York Times

It looks like there is a whole article he did but, since I don't have a NYT subscription and try not to post paywalled links, maybe someone else can sort out what he has to say beyond the Tweets.

If his analysis is correct then the initial shooting could have been prompted by one of the other protesters shooting into the air. That would certainly bolster a self-defense claim. It still doesn't explain why Rittenhouse was down the street instead of in the parking lot, defending the business, but it does give him a valid reason to turn and shoot at his pursuer.


I guess I will post the link to the NYT piece - Tracking Kyle Rittenhouse in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings - The New York Times

Who knew that you could see NYT articles if you use Chrome instead of Firefox? Sure wish someone had told me that 5 damned years ago!

I'm using Chrome and can view the entire article, which is unusual.

He shows a still from a video showing the muzzle flash (aka the first shot) from a hand gun that promps Rittenhouse (who was being chased by someone) to turn and fire 4 shots toward the person who fired the hand gun.

To answer your question about why the kid wasn't at the dealership, this is what the article says:

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.

Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.

With all due respect, in this country, at least until the SJWs manage to take over, it is wholly appropriate to PRESUME innocence of the accused and to afford them the opportunity to defend themselves. Merely discussing the evidence IS NOT "reaching a ruling of innocent".

There is already one post in your own thread claiming that "he was just defending himself" and the forum if full of knee jerk reactions like "he won't even be charged", etc etc etc.

So pardon me if I remain unimpressed and unconvinced that anybody has seen anything like all the evidence.

There are no posters in this forum that can "judge" anything at this point. Neither can you and neither can I and neither can the NY Times.

As I said earlier, my view of it is that the true criminal is us in our gun madness which has led to more guns in this country than people and more idiots toting them.
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Tends to be the case with mass shooters no matter how young they are.

He’s not tho. He wasn’t shooting people execution style, he was involved in an altercation with them. I don’t mean to defend the kid. He shoulda just stayed home.
With all due respect, in this country, at least until the SJWs manage to take over, it is wholly appropriate to PRESUME innocence of the accused and to afford them the opportunity to defend themselves. Merely discussing the evidence IS NOT "reaching a ruling of innocent".

these leftist on here do not understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty which is what this country is founded on.
they very much rank in the dangerous mindset of guilty until proven innocent and even then your still guilty.
these leftist on here do not understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty which is what this country is founded on.
they very much rank in the dangerous mindset of guilty until proven innocent and even then your still guilty.

Rightists tend to do the same thing when the person in question is black.
Rightists tend to do the same thing when the person in question is black.

your projection and whataboutism is astounding.
see unlike you i wait for facts and evidence then give an opinion.

PS your race card is worn out but expected for all the overuse of it.
why are leftist so racist that they have to drag someone's skin color into everything.
This is what the piece of **** leftists at the Washington Post wrote about the incident.

"Shots were fired around 11:45 p.m. Tuesday, police said. After the first shots, a young White man carrying a rifle began running north on Sheridan Road, away from a crowd of protesters. Video shows the armed man fall to the ground and then fire multiple rounds into the crowd. Two more people fell to the ground, one shot in the arm and the other in the chest, the Journal Sentinel reported. Another graphic video shows a man with blood running down the back of his neck and bystanders shouting that he had been shot in the head."

Draw a visual using that narrative and you will find a completely different picture from what really happened.
He’s not tho. He wasn’t shooting people execution style, he was involved in an altercation with them. I don’t mean to defend the kid. He shoulda just stayed home.

All of those citizens carrying guns into that situation should have stayed home. None of them had any responsibility to the property they claimed to be protecting and none of then had any responsibility to the protestors they claimed to be protecting. Virtually everybody that was in either category is an IDIOT. Sorry to be so terse. But there is not room for another response, not in my world. Anybody in either group that fired a weapon that night is an extremely dangerous IDIOT including the bonehead that apparently fired into the air. What the crap was he trying to accomplish?

Personally, I am tired of the Second Amendment being used to justify any kind of gun purchase and gun ownership other than those weapons on the Federal Restricted List. We are clearly too stupid to have so much access to lethal weaponry. When we pass a Bill that makes it easier for the Mentally Ill to buy guns, that rips it for me. We are out of our ever loving minds in this country and have been for a goodly time now.

I have an idea. Gun enthusiasts want to throw around the Second Amendment at the drop of a hat. Fine, you can buy any number of black powder muskets you want. Buy a thousand for all I care. Modern weapons with their obviously enhanced lethality....NOT SO MUCH. I will even give you single shot breech loading rifles if you want. Knock your minds out. But you want a semi-auto, a revolver, anything that can shoot multiple rounds and I would force a different standard on you. That is coming from a gun owner! I am sick and tired of this crap! Tired of IDIOTS playing soldier with real weapons and IDIOTS playing cop with real weapons.
your projection and whataboutism is astounding.
see unlike you i wait for facts and evidence then give an opinion.

PS your race card is worn out but expected for all the overuse of it.
why are leftist so racist that they have to drag someone's skin color into everything.

You speculate like everyone else. Obviously this kid is innocent until proven guilty. Obviously people are going to be speculating if he will be proven guilty or not.
You speculate like everyone else. Obviously this kid is innocent until proven guilty. Obviously people are going to be speculating if he will be proven guilty or not.

not speculating at all. I am waiting for facts and evidence. until then he is innocent according to our countries laws.
not sure what country you live in.

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