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Netanyahu Pledges to Pursue Peace With Palestinians (1 Viewer)

Most? Just two. You and Agent Ferris.

You're way too defensive. Study Middle Eastern history and the legal aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict and, you'll be able to think more clearly and post more factually.

The legal distinction is the territories are occupied, as seen by every other country in the world.

International law is not controlled by popular opinion. The "territories" are, in fact, not occupied by the mere fact that they are territories, not sovereign states. If this is too simplistic for you, then, the only legally binding document weighing on the situation, the Palestinian Mandate, which received unanimous approval by the League of Nations, explicitly calls for Jews and only Jews to settle in Palestine, and, ALL of Palestine, including the West Bank and Gaza. Israel did an enormous good deed by not kicking the Pals out of the West Bank (and Gaza) as King Hussein did to Arafat and his posse in 1970.

This makes every settlement illegal. There is no legal institution in the world that takes the stance on the territories are "disputed". Only a handful of Israeli politicians and there supporters (mainly the Likud platform) argue this asinine reasoning.

The settlement of Israelis in all parts of Palestine is not every settlement. It has its own unique set of circumstances and history to support it.

Like I said before, this reasoning is mainly used by Israeli politicians who need the more right-wing supporters. I've proved countless times that the territories are occupied, and you have yet to digest that FACT.

And, your reasoning is mainly used by Arab politicians and anti-Israel propagandists. You've proven nothing except your lack of knowledge of the facts.
You're way too defensive. Study Middle Eastern history and the legal aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict and, you'll be able to think more clearly and post more factually.
I've studied enough on the Middle and Far East as well as the South Asia subcontinent. You could say I understand the legal aspects of this conflict more so than the average person, having already obtained a BoS in Political Science. I have posted empirical evidence on the territories being occupied, that is entirely factual. Meanwhile, you have only used portions of an irrelevant Convention and attempted to define 'occupation' through it. Your fallacious arguments will never work here.

International law is not controlled by popular opinion.
False and completely fallacious. International law is the dictation of the public conscience. It is fallacious because whatever you believe "controls" international law is completely irrelevant in respect to countries signing these Conventions (more importantly, The Hague) and CHOOSING to be regulated by them.

The "territories" are, in fact, not occupied by the mere fact that they are territories, not sovereign states.
False. I've already proven through the preamble of The Hague that all populations, regardless of sovereignty, are protected under it.
The Carter Administration View: "Settlements are Inconsistent with International Law" — FMEP
As noted above, Israeli armed forces entered Gaza, the West Bank, Sinai and the Golan Heights in June, 1967, in the course of an armed conflict. Those areas had not previously been part of Israel's sovereign territory nor otherwise under its administration. By reason of such entry of its armed forces, Israel established control and began to exercise authority over these territories; and under international law, Israel thus became a belligerent occupant of these territories.

Territory coming under the control of a belligerent occupant does not thereby become its sovereign territory.

If this is too simplistic for you, then, the only legally binding document weighing on the situation, the Palestinian Mandate, which received unanimous approval by the League of Nations, explicitly calls for Jews and only Jews to settle in Palestine, and, ALL of Palestine, including the West Bank and Gaza.
McMahon-Hussein Correspondence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Faisal?Weizmann Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Had these went through, Israel would be a national Jewish province in a larger country of Transjordan.

Israel did an enormous good deed by not kicking the Pals out of the West Bank (and Gaza) as King Hussein did to Arafat and his posse in 1970.
No, they just make them build houses for illegal settlers in the West Bank while Israeli firms dry up all the natural resources.

The settlement of Israelis in all parts of Palestine is not every settlement. It has its own unique set of circumstances and history to support it.
Can you be any less unclear and vague? I'm sure there was history in the settlements in Gaza, but guess what? They forcibly removed those illegal settlers.

And, your reasoning is mainly used by Arab politicians and anti-Israel propagandists. You've proven nothing except your lack of knowledge of the facts.
Actually, it's the same rationale behind every country and legal institution in the world.

Nice try though, better luck next time. :roll:
He isn't recognized the PM of all of them anymore, since June 2007. Hamas (Gaza) says they are the sole legitimate Palestinian authority in Gaza. He doesn't rule over Gaza.
That's not Israel's problem, okay. Stop being an apologists for the Arabs. They're baby-killing bastards. Jews bought and paid for their land 100 years ago. The Palestinians are fighting over something that never was theirs. Are you just trying to be a contrary person even when you're wrong?
That's not Israel's problem, okay. Stop being an apologists for the Arabs. They're baby-killing bastards.

lol I show you that one of their leaders is trying to reach peace and all you get to answer is that I'm an "Arab apologist" and that they're "baby killing bastards"?! :rofl

Jews bought and paid for their land 100 years ago. The Palestinians are fighting over something that never was theirs.

Do you support the 2-states solution with the 1967 borders, or the total annexion of West Bank & Gaza by Israel?

Are you just trying to be a contrary person even when you're wrong?

You believed that Mahmoud Abbas was an extremist Hamas leader from Gaza, while he is the Fatah leader in West-Bank and seeks peace, and then you say I'm wrong? :confused:
lol I show you that one of their leaders is trying to reach peace and all you get to answer is that I'm an "Arab apologist" and that they're "baby killing bastards"?! :rofl

Do you support the 2-states solution with the 1967 borders, or the total annexion of West Bank & Gaza by Israel?

You believed that Mahmoud Abbas was an extremist Hamas leader from Gaza, while he is the Fatah leader in West-Bank and seeks peace, and then you say I'm wrong? :confused:
What has Abbas done to stop the violence??? What? They're still firiing rockets, so nothing. I'm glad you think this is funny, hardy har har.
What has Abbas done to stop the violence??? What? They're still firiing rockets, so nothing. I'm glad you think this is funny, hardy har har.

Abbas = Fatah = West Bank => no more rockets

Rockets = Gaza = Hamas => not Abbas
Abbas = Fatah = West Bank => no more rockets

Rockets = Gaza = Hamas => not Abbas

When was his last new conference condemning these acts?
When was his last new conference condemning these acts?

"President Mahmoud Abbas condemns the attack in Jerusalem that claimed the lives of many Israelis and he reiterated his condemnation of all attacks that target civilians, whether they are Palestinians or Israelis," said Abbas aide Saeb Erekat.

Reuters AlertNet - Abbas condemns shooting attack in Jerusalem

"I strongly condemn this act in Jerusalem," Abbas said in Gaza City. "It is a terrible act against the Israeli civilians and this is not helping the interests of the Palestinian people."

Abbas condemns bus bombing, calls off Hamas talks

Abbas also condemned the launching of rockets by Hamas against Israeli territory.

Abbas asks EU to send peacekeepers to Middle East - Haaretz - Israel News

On 25 May, Abbas gave Hamas a ten-day deadline to accept the 1967 ceasefire lines.

Abbas warned Hamas on 8 October 2006 that he would call new legislative elections if it does not accept a coalition government. To recognize Israel was a condition he has presented for a coalition

[ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Abbas]Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]


Abbas talks out of both sides of his mouth, like his predecessor. He condemns terrorist acts, never on moral grounds, but, because he feels they don't result in strategic advantage, for Western consumption, and, turns around and calls for continued resistance, and other anti-Israel rhetoric, to his Arab constituency. MEMRI and Palestinian Media Watch, among others, do a great job of translating speeches made by Abbas and other Arabs and revealing just how duplicitous they really are.
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Okay, I'll give you partial credit. However Abbas falls short for some key reasons. He calls Israeli actions "war crimes" while Hamas' action he does not. That is a huge issue. He never condemns Hamas' action alone, without condemning Israel at the same time. He is one sided, because he does condemn Israeli action by themselves. He depends too much on the UN, who is a joke. Terrorists laugh at the UN. He needs to tell the Palestinian people the truth and tell it like it is. When Hamas is wrong, say so unconditionally. Don't say Israel is also wrong to be PC. Israel has given up more than anyone in the ME. The Palestinians and other Arabs are usually wrong because they never accept Israeli concessions, and they call for the destruction of Israel.
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Okay, I'll give you partial credit.


However Abbas falls short for some key reasons. He calls Israeli actions "war crimes" while Hamas' action he does not. That is a huge issue. He never condemns Hamas' action alone, without condemning Israel at the same time. He is one sided, because he does condemn Israeli action by themselves. He depends too much on the UN, who is a joke. Terrorists laugh at the UN. He needs to tell the Palestinian people the truth and tell it like it is. When Hamas is wrong, say so unconditionally. Don't say Israel is also wrong to be PC.

He is not perfect but he is still better than Bin Laden. Be pragmatic

Israel has given up more than anyone in the ME.


The Palestinians and other Arabs are usually wrong because they never accept Israeli concessions, and they call for the destruction of Israel.

- does not call for the destruction of Israel
- is not a terrorist
- condemns terrorist attacks against Israeli
- recognizes Israel
- accepts the 1967 borders and wants to create a Palestinians state

what concessions could he make? Do you know that Israeli are busy annexing more land in West Bank (the aera controlled by Abbas) right now? Why are they doing that?!?

He is not perfect but he is still better than Bin Laden. Be pragmatic


- does not call for the destruction of Israel
- is not a terrorist
- condemns terrorist attacks against Israeli
- recognizes Israel
- accepts the 1967 borders and wants to create a Palestinians state

what concessions could he make? Do you know that Israeli are busy annexing more land in West Bank (the aera controlled by Abbas) right now? Why are they doing that?!?

Hamas does.
You know, there are some people from the pro-Israeli side that do have open, honest, and intelligent thoughts on the subject and appear to be geuniely interested in finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

However, of late, they have been curiously absent from this forum?

Could it be that the appearence of Ben Netanyahu and his public declarations abandoning the two state solution including dropping the previously agreed upon Annapolis Accord, his placement of extremists in key ledaership positions, and his guttural and clearly ideological driven attacks on Iran have exposed more than a few previously applied doubel standards in the area?

Instead we are left with the spurious and specious, a couple of never full mugs who continue to take everything that flows into their mugs from Israel as gospel and thus beyond question.

That Mrs. Livni exists, that she won the largest block in the election indicating that most Israeli don't agree with Ben, and that Ben had to form an unholy alliance with the most radical and extreme in Israel to be knighted sovreign is not applicable.

It's likely effects on the peace process, lamentable though they may be, can be ignored.

Nope, just say the magic word, "terrorist", three times and click your Ruby slippers three times and everything is magically solved. No need for pragmatism or problem solving, we've got genaric magic words instead!
You know, there are some people from the pro-Israeli side that do have open, honest, and intelligent thoughts on the subject and appear to be geuniely interested in finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

However, of late, they have been curiously absent from this forum?

Could it be that the appearence of Ben Netanyahu and his public declarations abandoning the two state solution including dropping the previously agreed upon Annapolis Accord, his placement of extremists in key ledaership positions, and his guttural and clearly ideological driven attacks on Iran have exposed more than a few previously applied doubel standards in the area?

Instead we are left with the spurious and specious, a couple of never full mugs who continue to take everything that flows into their mugs from Israel as gospel and thus beyond question.

That Mrs. Livni exists, that she won the largest block in the election indicating that most Israeli don't agree with Ben, and that Ben had to form an unholy alliance with the most radical and extreme in Israel to be knighted sovreign is not applicable.

It's likely effects on the peace process, lamentable though they may be, can be ignored.

Nope, just say the magic word, "terrorist", three times and click your Ruby slippers three times and everything is magically solved. No need for pragmatism or problem solving, we've got genaric magic words instead!

Given past Palestinian duplicity and intransigence in getting a peace deal done, do you acually expect Netanyahu to reappear on the political scene jumping for joy over a new round of peace negotiations? Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Barak lost his job over the debacle of offering Arafat a rich deal that was greeted with an intifada, a deal that Saudi Prince Bandar said the Palestinians would never receive again. When Arafat walked away from it, Bandar said Arafat's rejection of the Israeli peace proposal was "a crime against the Palestinians and a crime against the entire region" So, take your rose-colored glasses off.
Wanna bet?


PROVE that Hamas represents all Palestinians.

Bear in mind that does not mean they claim it, but that they do it. After all the Pope claims to lead all Christians, but that is clearly not the case in actuality.

I'll go first.

Current head of Palestinian government is Abbas, his party is Fatah, and head of one of the factions in what amounts to a civil war in Palestine (hence that whole Gaza - West Bank split thingy).

Now, you show me how he is somehow a loyal Hamas party member. Which will be difficult if HIS forces are arrayed against .... well, Hamas.

Agh, just more of the specious and spurious.
Given past Palestinian duplicity and intransigence in getting a peace deal done, do you acually expect Netanyahu to reappear on the political scene jumping for joy over a new round of peace negotiations? Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Barak lost his job over the debacle of offering Arafat a rich deal that was greeted with an intifada, a deal that Saudi Prince Bandar said the Palestinians would never receive again. When Arafat walked away from it, Bandar said Arafat's rejection of the Israeli peace proposal was "a crime against the Palestinians and a crime against the entire region" So, take your rose-colored glasses off.

I would have settled for Mrs. Livni, who won the largest portion of the vote being given the rulership as her policies are not wedded to the extremists in Isarel. What a shame.

So, ummm, why don't you put your regular glasses on and see if can take a good hard accurate look at the situation that bears some semblance to reality? :yt

That Ben appeared and as u have avoided?

Could it be that the appearence of Ben Netanyahu and his public declarations abandoning the two state solution including dropping the previously agreed upon Annapolis Accord, his placement of extremists in key ledaership positions, and his guttural and clearly ideological driven attacks on Iran have exposed more than a few previously applied double standards in the area?

Kinda relevant Marc, whether the glasses be clear or rose colored, these policies should be plainly visible. :2wave:
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Given past Palestinian duplicity and intransigence in getting a peace deal done, do you acually expect Netanyahu to reappear on the political scene jumping for joy over a new round of peace negotiations? Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Barak lost his job over the debacle of offering Arafat a rich deal that was greeted with an intifada, a deal that Saudi Prince Bandar said the Palestinians would never receive again. When Arafat walked away from it, Bandar said Arafat's rejection of the Israeli peace proposal was "a crime against the Palestinians and a crime against the entire region" So, take your rose-colored glasses off.

You forgot to add that they were nazi too


And none of this PROVES that Hamas represents ALL Palestinians does it?

However, it DOES prove that if you attack Hamas and kill a bunch of innocent Palestinians to achieve .... you tell me, that this actually CREATES MORE SUPPORT FOR HAMAS.

There is a clear policy implication there :2wave:
And none of this PROVES that Hamas represents ALL Palestinians does it?

Hamas has the allegiance of most Pals today, vis-a-vis Fatah, despite disillusionment over their miscalculations in provoking Israel into war in Gaza. Abbas is seen as a puppet of the West and the long history of Fatah corruption remains fresh in the minds of Pals.

However, it DOES prove that if you attack Hamas and kill a bunch of innocent Palestinians to achieve .... you tell me, that this actually CREATES MORE SUPPORT FOR HAMAS.

It's a circular argument: if you attack Israel and kill a bunch of innocent Israelis, this creates more resistance to being a peace partner with the Pals and less support, among Israelis, for Hamas and any other Pal government, for that matter.

There is a clear policy implication there :2wave:

Yeah, don't bite the hand that used to feed you.
That Mrs. Livni exists, that she won the largest block in the election indicating that most Israeli don't agree with Ben, and that Ben had to form an unholy alliance with the most radical and extreme in Israel to be knighted sovreign is not applicable.
The Livni block did indeed garner the most votes, but not enough to form a working government without embracing the various minority blocks and thus diluting the Kadima platform. I told you the Israeli system sucks.

On another note. Remember that the election was held in the midst of conflict with Hamas. Olmert and Kadima had adopted a very moderate postion in regards to negotiations with Abbas. It was Livni's intent to continue this moderate stance.

Olmert asked, cajoled, pleaded, and warned Hamas to stop the incessant rocket attacks. Hamas refused. Due to the great internal pressures from Israelis fed up with the Hamas attacks, Olmert had virtually no viable alternative except to initiate blunt force.

I personally believe that if Hamas had stopped with the attacks (even temporarily), Livni would have garnered the plurality necessary to claim uncontested victory and form a majority moderate government. But Hamas didn't stop. It instead increased the attacks. Many voters who had intended to vote for Livni considered the situation and came to the conclusion that Hamas had no intention whatsoever of meeting a moderate Kadima government even halfway. Continued warfare was unavoidable. In such a war environment, many people understandably prefer a hawkish government. This preference sucked precious votes away from Livni and the moderates.

One could easily speculate that the increased Hamas attacks were calculated to almost ensure that post-election, Abbas would have to deal with the implacable Netanyahu rather than the more moderate and flexible Livni.

The calculated Hamas rocket attacks were political arrows rather than resistence weaponry. The implications are clear. The result is before your eyes. One could venture to say that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is the love child of Hamas intransigence.
The Livni block did indeed garner the most votes, but not enough to form a working government without embracing the various minority blocks and thus diluting the Kadima platform. I told you the Israeli system sucks.

On another note. Remember that the election was held in the midst of conflict with Hamas. Olmert and Kadima had adopted a very moderate postion in regards to negotiations with Abbas. It was Livni's intent to continue this moderate stance.

Olmert asked, cajoled, pleaded, and warned Hamas to stop the incessant rocket attacks. Hamas refused. Due to the great internal pressures from Israelis fed up with the Hamas attacks, Olmert had virtually no viable alternative except to initiate blunt force.

I personally believe that if Hamas had stopped with the attacks (even temporarily), Livni would have garnered the plurality necessary to claim uncontested victory and form a majority moderate government. But Hamas didn't stop. It instead increased the attacks. Many voters who had intended to vote for Livni considered the situation and came to the conclusion that Hamas had no intention whatsoever of meeting a moderate Kadima government even halfway. Continued warfare was unavoidable. In such a war environment, many people understandably prefer a hawkish government. This preference sucked precious votes away from Livni and the moderates.

One could easily speculate that the increased Hamas attacks were calculated to almost ensure that post-election, Abbas would have to deal with the implacable Netanyahu rather than the more moderate and flexible Livni.

The calculated Hamas rocket attacks were political arrows rather than resistence weaponry. The implications are clear. The result is before your eyes. One could venture to say that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is the love child of Hamas intransigence.

Beny also had an almost unlimited source of revenue from CUFI the largest Israel support structure in the US. Whether or not one bleeves that is entirely up to them....but being a contributing member I have access to a few facts. Zippy was NOT on the "short" list of CUFI

However....Rani Levy is the new "bright spot" on the Israeli political horizen
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That Mrs. Livni exists, that she won the largest block in the election indicating that most Israeli don't agree with Ben, and that Ben had to form an unholy alliance with the most radical and extreme in Israel to be knighted sovreign is not applicable.
"unholy alliance"? "not applicable"? Maybe for modern haters of Am Yisrael like you. I was surprised that you didn't mention also the word "illegal". Your friends bub and G-Man, the "moral ones", love to mention that word all the time. I related to it lengthily in my previous post.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

The reason why Livni isn't a prime minister and Netanyahu is a prime minister is because the majority of the Israelis voted for Netanyahu to be the prime minister.

Israel is a parliamentary democracy and in parliamentary democracy in Israel you don't have to be the chairman of the largest party (Kadima got 28 mandates and Halikud 27) in the Knesset in order to be a prime minister. Kadima and Halikud aren't the only parties in the Knesset, there are also other parties, and also 60 years ago there were other and small parties.

In order to be a prime minister in Israel there's a need of a majority of at least 61 Knesset members who will recommend the president to ask one of them own to form a government (and the ones who forms a government becomes the prime minister of course). It doesn't matter what the political opinion of the president, if there are at least 61 Knesset members who declare that they recommend one of them own to be the prime minister then the president gives him 45 days to form one and if he fails there are new elections - A thing that afaik didn't happen in Israel. Rotation is a different issue and I remember one in the mid 80's.

Netanyahu is the prime minister because he had 65 recommenders while Livni had only 44 recommenders (not exactly, she had even less because Haavoda party which could have recommended Livni - wasn't among the parties who recommended Livni) because the Arab parties (11 mandates) didn't want to recommend Livni – which means they didn't support her to be a prime minister.

Even KM Dr. Ahmad Tibi said prior to the elections: "Every vote for Kadima is another bullet in the chest of a Palestinian boy."


The Knesset members represent the public who choose them!

Israeli who voted for Shas party, didn't only vote in order to insert his Shas people to the Knesset but also voted for Netanyahu to be the prime minister because the chairman of Shas, Eli Yishai, declared prior to the elections that his party, Shas, supports Netanyahu to be the prime minister and will join his coalition.

Same goes for the ones who voted for Yisrael Beiteinu, Habayit Hayehudi, Haichud Haleumi and Yahadut Hatorah.

When Israelis voted for these parties they did it out of knowing that their people in the Knesset will recommend Netanyahu to be the prime minister, in the same way that the ones who voted for Meretz and Haavoda did it in order to support Livni or Barak, but they failed because they are minorities.

So it goes that the majority of the Israelis wanted Netanyahu to be the prime minister and the Israelis chose 65 Knesset members who support that move while the Israelis who wanted Livni to be a prime minister stayed with a minority of 44 Knesset members. Not to mention the minority of those who supported Barak, lol.

Netanyahu had 65 recommenders, you know how many recommenders Rabin had in 1992? Only 61! And among these 61 were Arab Knesset members who supported him to form a government/to be a prime minister but they refused to be members in it and didn't join his government.

So why when Rabin had only 61 recommenders it's "legitimate", "legal", "democratic", "applicable", "moderate" but when Netanyahu has 65 (which is more than 61 and much more than 44) it's "not moderate", it's "not applicable" and all the rest of the nonsense that the left and the Israeli left in particular is very good at?

In all the elections of Israel there were coalitions with small parties, afaik there wasn't a situation in which one party had a majority of 61 recommenders!

You need to give up of your own if you want to form coalitions, this is how it has always been!

Netanyahu has a strong and stable government, to Livni and her likes' chagrin.

You talk about "radical and extreme" parties in the coalition of Netanyahu? LOL, which one? Shas? Shas was also in the coalition of Olmert and of Barak's 10 years ago and also of Rabin's. Yisrael Beiteinu? Yisrael Beiteinu was also in the coalition of Olmert. Habayit Hayehudi (which was called Mafdal in the past)? Mafdal was also in the coalition of Barak. Yahadut Hatorah? It joined also left coalitions.

People who say that the Israeli politics sucks (if it's sucks then it's sucks in all the countries that follow this system) because Livni isn't a prime minister are either haters of Am Yisrael, or stupid or prefer to please the goyim -nations in Hebrew - which most of them hate Am Yisrael and not only since 1948, rather than to stand by their own nation.

Livni didn't want to join the coalition because her media adviser in the name of Eyal Arad told her that the coalition of Netanyahu will fall anyhow the following year so she'd better wait one year and then she will become a prime minister – Every Israeli who lives in Israel knows that and not because things Livni said as if Netanyahu refused to recognize in the silly saying: "2 states for 2 nations" which is nothing but an empty balloon which Livni herself and Olmert's government didn't do anything to promote this saying because they also know it's an empty balloon with no basis in reality.

So when these parties, which represent the public, are fed up with 8 years of Qassams, Grads, mortar shells, terror attacks and hundreds of attempts of terror attacks that we foiled, and support Netanyahu to be the prime minister because he declared that he will work in order to destroy Hamas' regime in Gaza - a thing that the former prime ministers didn't do and didn't declare - then you call them "radical and extreme"?

Oh, I forgot that for you (and also for the Israeli left which apart from wanting to please the enemies of Israel don't do anything), every Israeli who got out of the death camps and doesn't want to enter them again is "radical and extreme".

Netanyahu could have formed a coalition of 65 members but Netanyahu promised and declared prior to the elections that if he will be the prime minister he will work in order to form a wide coalition which means to join Kadima and Haavoda and because Netanyahu is a an honest man he had to follow his declaration and that's what he did. Unlike Rabin who lied to us Israelis. He promised us (and I remember it very well) prior to the elections of 1992 that he will never give the Golan to Syria apart from very tiny border fixings. In the end of the day he promised Assad all of the Golan. I remember that, I was an adult then, I was a citizen by then. Rabin also lied about the Oslo process. Negotiations with the enemies of Israel about parts of the land of Israel and allowing tens of thousands of Arab murderers to enter Israel - weren't part of his campaign at all, he cast it as a big surprise in the summer of 1993.

1500 Israelis were killed since then, and we continue to count them "korbanot hashalom" ("peace victims") according to Shimon Peres in the elections television confrontation of 1996.

Also regarding the UN and the other haters of Am Yisrael, it doesn't really matter for them who is the prime minister of Israel, for the likes of these it doesn't matter if Olmert is the prime minister or Livni is the prime minister or Netanyahu is the prime minister because for them haters they are all the same. The UN has recently accused Israel in committing war crimes in operation Cast Lead and barely mentioned Hamas in its report. The prime minister was Olmert, not Netanyahu.

We never interfered in your elections, why do you interfere in ours?? Or want to interfere? But we know the reason why you do.

How Arafat used to say? If you don't like it you are invited to drink the water of the Gazan sea, lol.
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