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Neo-Nazis & Blacks Attack (1 Viewer)


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Toledo Ohio. Today, a neo-nazi demostration appears to have upset the Toledo black community, throwing them into riots. A tavern was burned, and baseball sized rocks were thrown at emergency management and various other things/people. The Nazis, I heard, had actually attracted educators, relgious people and just people in general. They were protesting black gangs. Blacks should have just ignored them... they're only lowly nazis. Instead, they went crazy. What does everyone have to say about this? Whos at fault... the nazis or the blacks?
FinnMacCool said:
They are both at fault, obviously.

Um... ok... why is that so obvious?? The nazis were excersising their constitutional rights, blacks go crazy. Conservatives dont riot at war-protesters. Liberals don't riot at pro-war rallies (well.... most of the time). I don't think its just "obvious" that a protest would lead to mass chaos.
From the articles that I have read about it, it was young men who are members of gangs that confronted the neo-nazis. Painting these law-breaking men as an entire race in a city doesn't do the question fairness when one is asked to judge whether or not neo-nazis or blacks(as a whole population) are to blame. Obviously, the neo-nazis and gang-members are both to blame. I would wager that most of Toledo ignored the neo-nazis, including the majority of blacks.
KevinWan said:
Um... ok... why is that so obvious?? The nazis were excersising their constitutional rights, blacks go crazy. Conservatives dont riot at war-protesters. Liberals don't riot at pro-war rallies (well.... most of the time). I don't think its just "obvious" that a protest would lead to mass chaos.

Yes, they were exercising their constitutional rights. However, comparing neo-Nazis to anti-war or pro-war protestors is ridiculous. Most people don't view neo-Nazis as simply a political group that they disagree with; they are very repulsed by the neo-Nazi's ideology.

This is probably what the neo-Nazis wanted to happen. The police should have forseen this and gotten the riot gear ready ahead of time.
Um... ok... why is that so obvious?? The nazis were excersising their constitutional rights, blacks go crazy. Conservatives dont riot at war-protesters. Liberals don't riot at pro-war rallies (well.... most of the time). I don't think its just "obvious" that a protest would lead to mass chaos.
Ah I see where this is going. First of all, how can you possibly compare nazis to war and anti war protestors? Second of all, what is it what that little Liberals don't riot most of the time thing you inserted in there? You don't think conservatives act violent too? What about that guy that ran over those memorial crosses down in Texas?

Now about whats so obvious. Ah yes! The nazis were excercising their constitutional right. . .to do a racist demonstration in a black community! But of course the nazis didn't intend for that to happen at all and its all just a big coincidence.
Won't be long these occurances will be frequent in America
Americans will see more and more poverty and more and more violence in the streets
KevinWan said:
Toledo Ohio. Today, a neo-nazi demostration appears to have upset the Toledo black community, throwing them into riots. A tavern was burned, and baseball sized rocks were thrown at emergency management and various other things/people. The Nazis, I heard, had actually attracted educators, relgious people and just people in general. They were protesting black gangs. Blacks should have just ignored them... they're only lowly nazis. Instead, they went crazy. What does everyone have to say about this? Whos at fault... the nazis or the blacks?
I don't know what's so shocking about it. Neo-Nazis follow the Hilter point of view of the word that "The white man is the most domanent", and African-Americans think "White man is against me, especially cops", I mean who can't see the two in fight. It was bound to happen some time or another, and who is to blame, EVERYONE that was involved!
This stuff occurred in North Toledo, about half a mile from where I lived for several years. It was white then, but blacks started moving in little by little. My brother moved out of there because things like burglaries and thefts started going up. Like one year someone stole the christmas lights off the outside of his house, and his kids toys off the front porch. All news coverage of an event like this will be politically correct, e.g. "Nazis cause riot" headlines. Nowhere except a brief mention on Fox News have I heard anything analyzing why the nazis said they were there - to protest that black gangs were harassing white people. Did any newsmen go around in the neighborhood and ask about this? Not as far as I can tell. I initially grew up in a completely black slum, and I can guess what the white are probably facing.
Is there a link to this story?
FinnMacCool said:
Ah I see where this is going. First of all, how can you possibly compare nazis to war and anti war protestors? Second of all, what is it what that little Liberals don't riot most of the time thing you inserted in there? You don't think conservatives act violent too? What about that guy that ran over those memorial crosses down in Texas?

Not all, but some anti-war protesters are indeed radical, just on the opposite spectrum compared to the neo-nazis. This maked them comparable... they both are hardcore leftists or rightists. Cindy Sheehan had some pretty far-left things to say. America never did anything good, her son died for Israel, etc. etc. Liberals most certainly protest more often, and hence get into violence more often. It occured continuously throughout the 1960's and '70's and now its getting bad again.

FinMacCool said:
Now about whats so obvious. Ah yes! The nazis were excercising their constitutional right. . .to do a racist demonstration in a black community! But of course the nazis didn't intend for that to happen at all and its all just a big coincidence.

The city of Toledo knew about it before. Isn't a black community the people who the Nazi's wanted to hear their message. They were protesting black gangs... hence they wanted to protest in a black area. The city of Toledo shouldn't have given them a permit for this location. But, they did. And perhaps this made for a somewhat successful demonstration on the part of the Nazis... I think the message about gangs is clear now.
scottyz said:
Is there a link to this story?

Have tried simply reading the news reports? Everyone I have read indicate that the white group as marching under police protection to protest the black gang violence against white citizens in the neighborhood. Don't they have a right to do that regardless of what we think about their ne0-nazi views? And what did the burning of buildings, throwing rocks at police an ambulances have to do with a counter protest. The blacks in that neighbor showed a total breakdown of civil behavior much as those in New Orleans showed.

The question is what to do about it.

1. The preying of black gangs on whites
2. The civil disorder blacks engage in at every opportunity.

And I bet I don't get a reasoned response but instead the hammer of a racist charge because people are too afraid to discuss it.
Stinger said:
Have tried simply reading the news reports?

Nope. I've been on the road all weekend. I thought posters were supposed to post a link to the news story they were referring to so... A. we knew what the hell they were talking about and B. we knew it was a real story.
scottyz said:
Nope. I've been on the road all weekend. I thought posters were supposed to post a link to the news story they were referring to so... A. we knew what the hell they were talking about and B. we knew it was a real story.

Sorry, I just figured since we're all "debating politics," that everyone had already heard the story. I just saw it on TV. I didn't even bother to look it up.
Toledo Ohio. Today, a neo-nazi demostration appears to have upset the Toledo black community, throwing them into riots. A tavern was burned, and baseball sized rocks were thrown at emergency management and various other things/people. The Nazis, I heard, had actually attracted educators, relgious people and just people in general. They were protesting black gangs. Blacks should have just ignored them... they're only lowly nazis. Instead, they went crazy. What does everyone have to say about this? Whos at fault... the nazis or the blacks?

From what I can tell it is the fault of the individuals who rioted.People need to grow the **** up instead of looking for excuses to do wrong.It is **** like this that makes the Nazi scum feel as though the are above other races.
I've haven't heard the story but it seems like the Nazis wanted to bait them into violence and succeeded.
scottyz said:
Nope. I've been on the road all weekend. I thought posters were supposed to post a link to the news story they were referring to so... A. we knew what the hell they were talking about and B. we knew it was a real story.

Well you're online and the newsreports are all over the internet, all well qualified sites. No need to link what is commonknowledge IMO.

So back to the debate, even if you don't support what these so-called neo-nazi's groups stand for as far as nazism or white supremecy, don't they have a right to protest what they see as wrongful treatment of whites? And why do blacks seem to use such occasions as a excuse to loot and act uncivily? What to do about it, why does society as a whole have to put up with it?
jamesrage said:
From what I can tell it is the fault of the individuals who rioted.People need to grow the **** up instead of looking for excuses to do wrong.It is **** like this that makes the Nazi scum feel as though the are above other races.

I think it actually makes them feel as if their point was proven, they are probably sitting back and laughing at it while we in civilised society have to deal with it.
scottyz said:
I've haven't heard the story but it seems like the Nazis wanted to bait them into violence and succeeded.

Hmm so they, the neo-nazi's, were protesting the violence blacks are committing on the whites in the city and that is baiting the blacks into violence.

There is NO excuse for the behavior of the blacks in Toledo.
KevinWan said:
Um... ok... why is that so obvious?? The nazis were excersising their constitutional rights, blacks go crazy. Conservatives dont riot at war-protesters. Liberals don't riot at pro-war rallies (well.... most of the time). I don't think its just "obvious" that a protest would lead to mass chaos.
You are comparing war protesters to Nazis? That is disgusting. Regardless with whether or not a person believes peace demonstrators to be right or wrong, it would be hard to argue that their motivations are not based in good intentions.

Neo-Nazis on the other hand, represent an ideology that is responsible for the murder of over 6 million Jews, Blacks, and communists. Those Neo-Nazis are within their constitutional rights to demonstrate, but the constitution only protects them from the government, not the people. If some Nazis want to protest, they are taking the chance that some black people are going to want to kick their ass for it. That is not to say that those blacks were right to do what they did, because they certainly were not, but rather, I can see how they could get that angry.

Imagine if you will a group of child molesters conducting a demonstration through neigborhoods full of families with children. I bet we would have people loosing it then too. Those Nazis are every bit the scum that child molesters are.
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SouthernDemocrat said:
Neo-Nazis on the other hand, represent an ideology that is responsible for the murder of over 6 million Jews, Blacks, and communists.
Actually it was 6 million Jews and 5 million Slavs, Poles, Russians, homosexuals, Communists, physically and metally disabled and political opponents. A total of atleast 11 million.
Most every news account that I've seen on this event clearly states the alledged purpose of the Nazi demonstration. So any jab at the so-called politically correct media is unfounded. Many of those who loathe political correctness, do so out of their sense of entitlement to be bigots, racists and misogynists.

Whereas it's obvious there is indeed a problem with rampant crime spurred on by black gangs in that neighborhood, I'm curious as to why a group such as the Neo-Nazis would be the ones to exclusively lead such a "peaceful protest"? It doesn't tale a rocket scientist to figure this one out. And a few on this thread want to covetly defend the Neo-Nazis on some lame principle of freedom of speech and assembly. That organization that many of the whitewingers love to loathe, has defended many a Nazi organization on this very principle.

I certainly know that if I were the victim of such crimes, or lived in a community affected by that crime, I'd be motivated to participate in such a demonstration. What's better, I'd be down at city hall and in the faces of city government officials any chance I could get. Wonder why the Nazi's didn't attempt to form a neighborhood coalition so that the march didn't have to be about white supremacy. Arguably, the crime portion of this thing was a pretextual cover for a racist agenda, something which easily garners the sympathy of closet racist conservatives.

One other "reaching" conclusion that seems to be missing from the Nazi supporters on this thread, is that Neo-Nazis are a reliable representation of the Toledo white community. There seem to be some of you on this thread that are quite comfortable with having them represent the white and/or civilized perspective here. If I were a recruiter for the Nazis, I'd be inboxing a few of you with applications...


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