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NBA 2017-18 Season (1 Viewer)

I watched the first half of this game. Let's just say, it was even worse than this article paints it, if you can imagine that.

Cleveland Cavaliers at a loss after falling by 28 points to Minnesota Timberwolves

The upside? Watching Minnesota clicking on all cylinders like it did gives me hope that GS may soon have a legitimate contender to deal with in the West. Oh, and the fact that no one watched this game since it was on during the CFB Championship Game. :lol:
I watched the first half of this game. Let's just say, it was even worse than this article paints it, if you can imagine that.

Cleveland Cavaliers at a loss after falling by 28 points to Minnesota Timberwolves

The upside? Watching Minnesota clicking on all cylinders like it did gives me hope that GS may soon have a legitimate contender to deal with in the West. Oh, and the fact that no one watched this game since it was on during the CFB Championship Game. :lol:

3rd game of a 5-game road trip, and 10 of 12 on the road dating back to 12/17, finishing with back-to-back games at a hot TOR and and improving IND on 1/11 and 1/12.

Cavs have 6 straight on the road from 3/7 to 3/17 later on. Travel is indeed a huge factor for the NBA, NHL and MLB ...
3rd game of a 5-game road trip, and 10 of 12 on the road dating back to 12/17, finishing with back-to-back games at a hot TOR and and improving IND on 1/11 and 1/12.

Cavs have 6 straight on the road from 3/7 to 3/17 later on. Travel is indeed a huge factor for the NBA, NHL and MLB ...
Funky game. K Love's second three was an airball that flew 3 feet over the rim. Pretty much set the tone.
Funky game. K Love's second three was an airball that flew 3 feet over the rim. Pretty much set the tone.

Bulls are on their 3rd run; 1st 3-20, then 10-2, now 1-5; Blackhawks are pedestrian; Bears could only beat the AFC North, all of them--we'll see on this new coach; Cubs took a big step backwards even with the Nats choking; White Sox are building ...
Bulls are on their 3rd run; 1st 3-20, then 10-2, now 1-5; Blackhawks are pedestrian; Bears could only beat the AFC North, all of them--we'll see on this new coach; Cubs took a big step backwards even with the Nats choking; White Sox are building ...

I'm a Vegas fan this year. Vikings too. I'd love to see them go to their own Super Bowl.
I'm a Vegas fan this year. Vikings too. I'd love to see them go to their own Super Bowl.

I 100% agree. Watching the Patriots win a "road" Super Bowl with Tom Brady able to win a SB in his home state, that would be a joy.
3rd game of a 5-game road trip, and 10 of 12 on the road dating back to 12/17, finishing with back-to-back games at a hot TOR and and improving IND on 1/11 and 1/12.

Cavs have 6 straight on the road from 3/7 to 3/17 later on. Travel is indeed a huge factor for the NBA, NHL and MLB ...

This team will not beat the Warriors unless they make a trade.
I 100% agree. Watching the Patriots win a "road" Super Bowl with Tom Brady able to win a SB in his home state, that would be a joy.

His home state is California, fanboy.
Toronto looked great last night. They could have beat the Cavs by 50. Cavs looked like they couldn't even beat the Lakers.
You have some very disturbing things happening in the NBA.

The Clippers and Rockets really have put a black mark on the NBA. That was an absolute disgrace!
You have some very disturbing things happening in the NBA.

The Clippers and Rockets really have put a black mark on the NBA. That was an absolute disgrace!

Did you use the term "black" by coincidence? :roll:
The Knicks seem to have stabilized since Phil Jackson left.

I would consider trading for Kemba Walker, perhaps giving up Frank Ntilikina and a first-round pick. If they can get Walker, perhaps they can attract a good wing player in free agency.
The Knicks seem to have stabilized since Phil Jackson left.

I would consider trading for Kemba Walker, perhaps giving up Frank Ntilikina and a first-round pick. If they can get Walker, perhaps they can attract a good wing player in free agency.
Looks like Jordan is pushing the reset button in Charlotte again.
Yes, but he has hired an engineer at Boeing to be his GM for the last 7 years.

Knowing MJ, his goal is to make money. And, in that, he has been incredibly successful with the Hornets.

You don't become a billionaire from jock itch without keeping a sharp eye on the bottom line.
Owners do not draft players. :doh

He actually did draft Adam Morrison and Kwame Brown.

If you look at his team's history, they tend to draft overachieving college kids like Morrison, Frank Kamisky (SP), etc...
Cavs give up 148 to the Thunder. :doh
That's a team that has given up.

It was pretty bad. I had the game running on another screen and popped over to it once every few minutes. Not once was I compelled to stay. Not once.
As someone that has seen some of the greats live in person - Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter, I have to say, LeBron James has become a disappointment.

Charles Barkley is 100% right. He is a drama queen. IMO overrated flopper that is 3-5 in the Finals. 3-5, are you kidding me? I have seen him live in person, unimpressed. The heart and soul of the Heat team was Dwayne Wade. The closer on the Cavs championship team was Kyrie Irving. James is nothing but a stat-stuffer.

My biggest problem with LeBron is that he never takes any accountability. He always blames his coach, his teammates, the media, etc.

The guy is a passive aggressive moody malcontent that cannot handle extreme pressure well. As the leader of the Cavs, he has lost control of his team. No wonder Kyrie Irving demanded a trade out of Cleveland. Who wants to play with diva James?
As someone that has seen some of the greats live in person - Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter, I have to say, LeBron James has become a disappointment.

Charles Barkley is 100% right. He is a drama queen. IMO overrated flopper that is 3-5 in the Finals. 3-5, are you kidding me? I have seen him live in person, unimpressed. The heart and soul of the Heat team was Dwayne Wade. The closer on the Cavs championship team was Kyrie Irving. James is nothing but a stat-stuffer.

My biggest problem with LeBron is that he never takes any accountability. He always blames his coach, his teammates, the media, etc.

The guy is a passive aggressive moody malcontent that cannot handle extreme pressure well. As the leader of the Cavs, he has lost control of his team. No wonder Kyrie Irving demanded a trade out of Cleveland. Who wants to play with diva James?

Irving left because he heard they were trying to trade him for PG. He saw that as a slap in the face, nothing more nothing less.

Lots of people want to play with James. That's why they sign for vet minimums. :doh

Cavs problem is they don't play defense. They can't play defense. Too many old, slow guys and one midget.

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