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Nato chief praises Trump (1 Viewer)


All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter
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Mar 18, 2018
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Oops, there goes another left wing taking point. Far from destroying our relationships and alliance with other countries as the Trumpophobes chant, NATO's chief says Trump has spurred more defense spending from its members

"President Trump has been very clear," Stoltenberg told fill-in host John Roberts. "He is committed to NATO. He stated that clearly just a few days ago and also at the NATO summit in July. But at the same time, he has clearly stated that NATO allies need to invest more. And therefore at the summit in July last year, we agreed to do more to step up – and now we see the results."
In all, Stoltenberg continued, "by the end of next year, NATO allies will add hundred – 100 billion extra U.S. dollars toward defense. So we see some real money and some real results. And we see that the clear message from President Donald Trump is having an impact.
Good, it's about time. But I wouldn't pretend they're happy about it.
What is/was the leftist talking point the OP is referring to?
What is/was the leftist talking point the OP is referring to?

Here is one of them:

Why has the Trump Administration continued to discuss pulling the U.S. out of NATO, which would be a massive victory for Putin?

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 26, 2019

Besides the fact that Nancy is referring to a rumor that the NYT is spreading, Trump's actions...as confirmed by Stoltenberg...show that Nancy is a liar.
Here is one of them:

Why has the Trump Administration continued to discuss pulling the U.S. out of NATO, which would be a massive victory for Putin?

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 26, 2019

Besides the fact that Nancy is referring to a rumor that the NYT is spreading, Trump's actions...as confirmed by Stoltenberg...show that Nancy is a liar.

Has he talked about it? He can tell the NATO chief one thing, and his own personal advisors another. It's not like he has an iron grip on honesty.
Has he talked about it? He can tell the NATO chief one thing, and his own personal advisors another. It's not like he has an iron grip on honesty.

Trump can talk about it to anyone he wants. But, unless he tells YOU what he talked about to people, you have no idea if he has or not.

Now...the NYT reports that "someone"...unnamed, of course...told them that Trump talked about it to...well someone. That's nothing more than a rumor.

Pelosi...by citing that rumor as fact...is lying.

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