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National Anthem (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 28, 2013
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Political Leaning
This being the weekend before the 4th of July, I wanted to share a video that is going viral.
An assistant principal, Star Swain, at a school in Tallahassee Florida was at the Lincoln Memorial last month with family and sang an impromptu version of The Star Spangled Banner.

Happy 4th everyone.

This being the weekend before the 4th of July, I wanted to share a video that is going viral.
An assistant principal, Star Swain, at a school in Tallahassee Florida was at the Lincoln Memorial last month with family and sang an impromptu version of The Star Spangled Banner.

Happy 4th everyone.

Man, that's a ****ing amazing voice. She can really sing.
This being the weekend before the 4th of July, I wanted to share a video that is going viral.
An assistant principal, Star Swain, at a school in Tallahassee Florida was at the Lincoln Memorial last month with family and sang an impromptu version of The Star Spangled Banner.

Happy 4th everyone.


This is the problem with freedom of expression.

You're in Washington D.C., minding your own business trying to enjoy a visit to a national monument...when all of a sudden someone burst out with the Star Spangled Banner!

What are you gonna do? Put your hand over your heart and stand at attention? Join in? Wave at the camera? :confused:

Yeah, freedom of expression, what can you do? ;)
Happy Birthday, America.


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