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My Message To Bob Iger: Scrap Snow White (1 Viewer)

Not a huge Seger fan, but I love that song!

But to the original topic, does the modern day conservative appreciate the number of things that would have been considered "woke" had the term existed back in the day? You know things like, letting blacks ride in the front of the bus, letting them vote, letting, god forbid- women vote?
Was the reaction to Uncle Ben's Aunt Jemima, and Land o Lakes the same as the reaction to Bud Lite? We're liberals steam rolling and shooting at containers of these products? Is iconography with racist roots not as bad as a company hiring a transgender person to be in their ads?
Eh, you all screeched about Little Mermaid and that’s at like $560M that it’s made so far.


And Barbie knocked it out of the ballpark.

I’d say these remakes are doing just fine. Sorry if you don’t like them - you aren’t their intended audience.
Grumpy, old white nationalists:

"Why isn't Disney making movies JUST FOR ME?!?!?"

How embarrassing...
Eh, you all screeched about Little Mermaid and that’s at like $560M that it’s made so far.


And Barbie knocked it out of the ballpark.

I’d say these remakes are doing just fine. Sorry if you don’t like them - you aren’t their intended audience.

So you find it offensive to cast real life dwarfs to play the seven dwarfs?
I must admit, I'm not very concerned with which real live humans are cast to play cartoon characters.

If that's a hill you're devoted to climbing - have at it.

Fair answer.

Too bad people on your side went ape shit crazy when they heard Disney might cast real-life dwarfs to play the seven dwarfs.
Fair answer.

Too bad people on your side went ape shit crazy when they heard Disney might cast real-life dwarfs to play the seven dwarfs.
Once again - I do not care one iota who gets cast in Snow White.

So far down the list of things I care about, it wouldn’t even make it onto a CVS receipt. And those are pretty damn lengthy.
Once again - I do not care one iota who gets cast in Snow White.

So far down the list of things I care about, it wouldn’t even make it onto a CVS receipt. And those are pretty damn lengthy.

Yet you keep replying that you "do not care" in a thread about Snow White.

hint: If you didn't care, you wouldn't be posting that
Yet you keep replying that you "do not care" in a thread about Snow White.

hint: If you didn't care, you wouldn't be posting that
I care about laughing at this topic.

No more 🤷‍♀️
I am confused. Was the OP going to see a children's movie? Why?
I am confused. Was the OP going to see a children's movie? Why?

Did everyone watch Barbie, a child?

You do realize that majority of people that watch Disney films are adults?
Did everyone watch Barbie, a child?

You do realize that majority of people that watch Disney films are adults?
Answer the question. Barbie was not a kids movie.
Were you intending to watch a kid's movie? Thats kind of creeper isn't it?
Why is it that one comes to defend a fantasy but fails to support living women's rights?
A raped child forced to give birth? Meh, should have closed her legs.

A black mermaid? Woke is destroying America!
Answer the question. Barbie was not a kids movie.
Were you intending to watch a kid's movie? Thats kind of creeper isn't it?

The same writer who wrote Barbie wrote Snow White.

The last Snow White movie: Snow White and the Hunstman, had a pg-13 rating.
The same writer who wrote Barbie wrote Snow White.

The last Snow White movie: Snow White and the Hunstman, had a pg-13 rating.
I did not Huntsman, because I am an adult, and now that I don't have small kids, kids movies don't usually interest me. Again, you're going to see a Kid's movie? Unless you are taking your own kids, thats creeper creepy.
I did not Huntsman, because I am an adult, and now that I don't have small kids, kids movies don't usually interest me. Again, you're going to see a Kid's movie? Unless you are taking your own kids, thats creeper creepy.

So when Disney releases a star wars or Marvel movie, most people who watch it are adults.
Answer the question. Barbie was not a kids movie.
Were you intending to watch a kid's movie? Thats kind of creeper isn't it?

So Barbie isn't a kid's movie yet it was marketed towards young girls.

I mean, who usually plays with Barbies?
So Barbie isn't a kid's movie yet it was marketed towards young girls.

I mean, who usually plays with Barbies?
Er...it wasn't.

You're griping about a kids movie. If you're going to see kid's movies and then getting mad about it, son you have bigger issues to contemplate.
Er...it wasn't.

You're griping about a kids movie. If you're going to see kid's movies and then getting mad about it, son you have bigger issues to contemplate.

Barbie wasn't marketed towards the demo that usually plays with Barbies?


Thats like saying Transformers wasn't marketed towards the demo that plays with Transformers.
Er...it wasn't.

You're griping about a kids movie. If you're going to see kid's movies and then getting mad about it, son you have bigger issues to contemplate.

Also, if Barbie isn't a kid's movie, why is Mattell selling Barbie and Ken dolls based on the movie? Who is buying and playing with them?

It seems to me you watched and enjoyed a kid's movie and are trying to justify it by calling it a non-kid movie.

Talk about someone closeted with a bunch of insecurities.
Rachel Zeglar is not white enough for you?

Polish and Spanish ethnically? Or is it because her last name could be seen as Jewish

Snow White is the original IP of Disney. It was Disney's first animated film.

Without Snow White, there would be no Walt Disney Studios, and perhaps no. Pinocchio, Fantasia, Peter Pan, etc..

So the actress trashes the original movie, which is why she is receiving massive backlash.
Snow White is the original IP of Disney. It was Disney's first animated film.

Without Snow White, there would be no Walt Disney Studios, and perhaps no. Pinocchio, Fantasia, Peter Pan, etc..

So think the actress trashes the original movie, which is why she is receiving massive backlash.

Is she not white enough for you?

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