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Muscovite teen sodomises self with bottle in apology to Putins friend notorious war lord, video (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
Muscovite teen sodomises self with bottle in apology to Putins friend notorious war lord, video . watch this video you all Asiatic barbarism admires and critics of our western civilization. any comments from you?


Chechen teen '''tortured''' in humiliating video - BBC News
Chechen Teen Who Appeared In Humiliation Video Was Kidnapped, Russian Paper Says
Chechen government critic sodomises self with bottle in apology video
Weird story.
Muscovite teen sodomises self with bottle in apology to Putins friend notorious war lord, video . watch this video you all Asiatic barbarism admires and critics of our western civilization. any comments from you?


Chechen teen '''tortured''' in humiliating video - BBC News
Chechen Teen Who Appeared In Humiliation Video Was Kidnapped, Russian Paper Says
Chechen government critic sodomises self with bottle in apology video

Where is "Muscovy"?

It isn't on any modern map I can find.

Do you mean RUSSIA?

If so why can't you say so?

And it was RUSSIA that finally beat down the "Asiatic hordes" you go on about.
old man can you stay on topic? whats about sodomized boy ? are you ok with it ?
old man can you stay on topic? whats about sodomized boy ? are you ok with it ?

You stated Muscovy in your opening post.

If you had not stated Muscovy I wouldn't ask about it.

Where is "Muscovy"?

It isn't on any modern map I can find.

Do you mean RUSSIA?

If so why can't you say so?

And it was RUSSIA that finally beat down the "Asiatic hordes" you go on about.
what can you say about boy´s fate ? to live in such barbaric bamboo ulus (Nigeria in snow how calls it S Brin)

Bamboo ulus is an ignorant thing to write. Mongolia is the only Ulu. He isn't in Mongolia.

You stated Muscovy in your opening post.

If you had not stated Muscovy I wouldn't ask about it.

Where is "Muscovy"?

It isn't on any modern map I can find.

Do you mean RUSSIA?

If so why can't you say so?

And it was RUSSIA that finally beat down the "Asiatic hordes" you go on about.
what if Muscovite ´d Kadyrovtsy rape your grandson? would you still keep discussion with me about terminology and geographical terms ? maybe its time to unite our powers and bang over the last time Moscow´s horde?

Kadyrovtsy - Wikipedia
what if Muscovite ´d Kadyrovtsy rape your grandson? would you still keep discussion with me about terminology and geographical terms ? maybe its time to unite our powers and bang over the last time Moscow´s horde?

Kadyrovtsy - Wikipedia

A "Muscovite" can't rape anyone. They have been dead for hundreds of years.

Do you mean RUSSIAN?

If so why not say so?
A "Muscovite" can't rape anyone. They have been dead for hundreds of years.

Do you mean RUSSIAN?

If so why not say so?

do you that the victim is a Chechen ? non Chechen´d ever consider himself be a bydlo (slave ) "russian " (Muscovite real name) .
so whats about my question ?
do you that the victim is a Chechen ? non Chechen´d ever consider himself be a bydlo (slave ) "russian " (Muscovite real name) .
so whats about my question ?

Russia's real name is Russia.

It hasn't been "Muscovy" for centuries.

Do you mean RUSSIAN?

If so why not say so?
0 empty from this old man . what if Muscovite ´d Kadyrovtsy rape your grandson with bottle ? would you still keep eternal discussion with me about terminology and geographical terms ?
0 empty from this old man . what if Muscovite ´d Kadyrovtsy rape your grandson with bottle ? would you still keep eternal discussion with me about terminology and geographical terms ?

Russia's real name is Russia.

It hasn't been "Muscovy" for centuries.

Do you mean RUSSIAN?

If so why not say so?

Why should anyone listen to you if you can't get the basics right?
so you cover horde rape with tons of BS , as i expected
Russian Teen Forced to Rape Himself on Camera for Criticizing ‘Putin’s Soldier’


Ekaterina Sokirianskaya, director of The Conflict Analysis and Prevention Center, has been bombarded with messages from Chechens, she told the Daily Beast.
"Chechen women and men said they felt sick, shocked, humiliated; many did not know how to continue their life with dignity," she said.
The Chechen government office of human rights told the Kavkaz.Realii website that the incident in the video was "unacceptable" but that they were not investigating because the man filmed had not come forward with a complaint.
In November 2019 Mr Kadyrov vowed to crackdown on repression, saying "those who are violating harmony between people, those who gossip and cause rows, if we don't stop them by killing them, imprisoning them, or intimidating them, nothing will work".

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