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Murdered man's burned body found in a business that was set ablaze by BLM, he burned to death! (1 Viewer)


I identify as "non-Bidenary".
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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After the first destructive riots occured in Minneapolis, people became worried that an employee(or owner, it's not yet clear) was missing, so police went to his workplace to see if he was there. They dug up rubble and found the man's burned body underneath.

Fortunately, local video cameras captured the scene of the rioters, and showed a man walking around the business, pouring gasoline throughout. Earlier he said, "we are gonna burn this motherf***r down"!

The police have speculated that the rioter had attacked and rendered the man unconscious, inside the store before he started the arson fire that destroyed the building! Thanks to multiple cameras, the BLM arsonist/murderer was identified as one Montez Lee, who had initially been charged with arson for burning the building, but now that the body has been found, his charged just got worse!

Notice how quiet the national "news" media are when leftists kill people, as opposed to how over-the-top their feigned outrage is when a right winger kills a leftist !

Body Found in Minneapolis Building Burned During George Floyd Riots - WSJ
It's Trump's America.

We didn't have this kind of prolonged violence after other police killings of unarmed blacks....until a racist bigot took the presidency and showed blacks what they really have to lose.

Send in the clowns...don't bother, they're heeeere.
After the first destructive riots occured in Minneapolis, people became worried that an employee(or owner, it's not yet clear) was missing, so police went to his workplace to see if he was there. They dug up rubble and found the man's burned body underneath.

Fortunately, local video cameras captured the scene of the rioters, and showed a man walking around the business, pouring gasoline throughout. Earlier he said, "we are gonna burn this motherf***r down"!

The police have speculated that the rioter had attacked and rendered the man unconscious, inside the store before he started the arson fire that destroyed the building! Thanks to multiple cameras, the BLM arsonist/murderer was identified as one Montez Lee, who had initially been charged with arson for burning the building, but now that the body has been found, his charged just got worse!

Notice how quiet the national "news" media are when leftists kill people, as opposed to how over-the-top their feigned outrage is when a right winger kills a leftist !

Body Found in Minneapolis Building Burned During George Floyd Riots - WSJ

Probably another fire started by a White Supremacist.
After the first destructive riots occured in Minneapolis, people became worried that an employee(or owner, it's not yet clear) was missing, so police went to his workplace to see if he was there. They dug up rubble and found the man's burned body underneath.

Fortunately, local video cameras captured the scene of the rioters, and showed a man walking around the business, pouring gasoline throughout. Earlier he said, "we are gonna burn this motherf***r down"!

The police have speculated that the rioter had attacked and rendered the man unconscious, inside the store before he started the arson fire that destroyed the building! Thanks to multiple cameras, the BLM arsonist/murderer was identified as one Montez Lee, who had initially been charged with arson for burning the building, but now that the body has been found, his charged just got worse!

Notice how quiet the national "news" media are when leftists kill people, as opposed to how over-the-top their feigned outrage is when a right winger kills a leftist !

Body Found in Minneapolis Building Burned During George Floyd Riots - WSJ

And the guy is sitting in jail, which is where he belongs, so I'm not sure what your angle is.
It's Trump's America.

We didn't have this kind of prolonged violence after other police killings of unarmed blacks....until a racist bigot took the presidency and showed blacks what they really have to lose. .
Your commentary is sheer lunacy.
Police killings of unarmed blacks is exaggerated nonsense and that has been known since the movement started.

This is the lefts doing, regardless if the President is Donald Trump or your false beliefs about him.
After the first destructive riots occured in Minneapolis, people became worried that an employee(or owner, it's not yet clear) was missing, so police went to his workplace to see if he was there. They dug up rubble and found the man's burned body underneath.

Fortunately, local video cameras captured the scene of the rioters, and showed a man walking around the business, pouring gasoline throughout. Earlier he said, "we are gonna burn this motherf***r down"!

The police have speculated that the rioter had attacked and rendered the man unconscious, inside the store before he started the arson fire that destroyed the building! Thanks to multiple cameras, the BLM arsonist/murderer was identified as one Montez Lee, who had initially been charged with arson for burning the building, but now that the body has been found, his charged just got worse!

Notice how quiet the national "news" media are when leftists kill people, as opposed to how over-the-top their feigned outrage is when a right winger kills a leftist !

Body Found in Minneapolis Building Burned During George Floyd Riots - WSJ

A sad possibility about this, if true, if he didn't harm the guy and did not know he was there, he is likely to have burned up any evidecne of that by his actions.
Your commentary is sheer lunacy.
Police killings of unarmed blacks is exaggerated nonsense and that has been known since the movement started.

This is the lefts doing, regardless if the President is Donald Trump or your false beliefs about him.

Trump is inciting riots, right wingers are breaking windows and starting fires and cops shoot black people in the back. Maybe you should start paying attention.
Trump is inciting riots, right wingers are breaking windows and starting fires and cops shoot black people in the back. Maybe you should start paying attention.
Wrong as usual you are.
Trump is inciting riots, right wingers are breaking windows and starting fires and cops shoot black people in the back. Maybe you should start paying attention.

The effort of making up lies, day in and day out, is taking its toll on you. I understand that recycling the same untruths and reckless exaggerations helps a bit but nevertheless you health could benefit from a rest. Take three years off and then slowly work your way back; say one post a month to begin with.

Get well soon!
He was burned to death with the blessing of the Democratic mayor, Democratic city council and Democratic Party run police department.
Video of the "peaceful protest" shows shining lasers into people's homes trying to permanently blind them. THIS is what the Democratic Party supports.

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