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Munich may ban alcohol (1 Viewer)


Dec 21, 2019
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Munich will partially ban alcohol if coronavirus cases reach a certain threshold. The rule comes amid an uptick in infections in the city, often dubbed Germany's beer capital. The city of Munich will limit alcohol sales and ban late-night public consumption should coronavirus infection rates reach a certain threshold, authorities announced Tuesday. If the number of confirmed infections per 100,000 rise above 35 over a seven-day period, alcohol sales would be prohibited after 9:00 p.m. and its consumption in public would be prohibited after 11:00 p.m.
Coronavirus: Germany′s beer capital Munich to ban alcohol if cases rise | News | DW | 25.08.2020

This is serious! No beer in Munchen! Who could have predicted this?

Munich will partially ban alcohol if coronavirus cases reach a certain threshold. The rule comes amid an uptick in infections in the city, often dubbed Germany's beer capital. The city of Munich will limit alcohol sales and ban late-night public consumption should coronavirus infection rates reach a certain threshold, authorities announced Tuesday. If the number of confirmed infections per 100,000 rise above 35 over a seven-day period, alcohol sales would be prohibited after 9:00 p.m. and its consumption in public would be prohibited after 11:00 p.m.
Coronavirus: Germany′s beer capital Munich to ban alcohol if cases rise | News | DW | 25.08.2020

This is serious! No beer in Munchen! Who could have predicted this?


Well, let's say goodbye to Germany everyone. If this ban goes through, it's going to be the purge.. or the hunger games.. hungover games maybe?

Either way, heads will roll.
Wow... Munich without alcohol.

As we've all said time and time again, 2020... would not recommend.
Munich will partially ban alcohol if coronavirus cases reach a certain threshold. The rule comes amid an uptick in infections in the city, often dubbed Germany's beer capital. The city of Munich will limit alcohol sales and ban late-night public consumption should coronavirus infection rates reach a certain threshold, authorities announced Tuesday. If the number of confirmed infections per 100,000 rise above 35 over a seven-day period, alcohol sales would be prohibited after 9:00 p.m. and its consumption in public would be prohibited after 11:00 p.m.
Coronavirus: Germany′s beer capital Munich to ban alcohol if cases rise | News | DW | 25.08.2020
This is serious! No beer in Munchen! Who could have predicted this?
Well, let's say goodbye to Germany everyone. If this ban goes through, it's going to be the purge.. or the hunger games.. hungover games maybe?
Either way, heads will roll.
Wow... Munich without alcohol.
As we've all said time and time again, 2020... would not recommend.

Two sets of dishonesty here. First, it's been proposed by someone and will very likely not pass. Second, alcohol would not be banned, it would just not be able to be sold after 9 pm (most German stores close at 8 pm so this would only apply to bars) and public consumption after 11 pm.

In the US, public consumption is illegal 24/7 almost everywhere and there are entire counties where the sale of alcohol is permanently illegal. Even if this passed it would be radically more freedom than the US enjoys.
So...no Oktoberfest this year.

I don't mind. I don't drink. But a lot of Germans are going to be bummed out.
Two sets of dishonesty here. First, it's been proposed by someone and will very likely not pass. Second, alcohol would not be banned, it would just not be able to be sold after 9 pm (most German stores close at 8 pm so this would only apply to bars) and public consumption after 11 pm.

In the US, public consumption is illegal 24/7 almost everywhere and there are entire counties where the sale of alcohol is permanently illegal. Even if this passed it would be radically more freedom than the US enjoys.

America is Great! Thanks for reminding us.
So...no Oktoberfest this year.
I don't mind. I don't drink. But a lot of Germans are going to be bummed out.

You're being intentionally dishonest. That's not what was proposed.

America is Great! Thanks for reminding us.

I reminded you that literally everywhere in the US enjoys less freedom than Munich even if this did pass, which it won't. You can't consume alcohol publicly in most places in the US and there are entire counties where you can't buy alcohol ever. Passengers in cars can drink in Germany and you can't in the US. Overall the US is FAR more restrictive. You lie because you have an agenda.
You're being intentionally dishonest. That's not what was proposed.

I reminded you that literally everywhere in the US enjoys less freedom than Munich even if this did pass, which it won't. You can't consume alcohol publicly in most places in the US and there are entire counties where you can't buy alcohol ever. Passengers in cars can drink in Germany and you can't in the US. Overall the US is FAR more restrictive. You lie because you have an agenda.

I stop reading posts by anyone who calls me a liar.
I stop reading posts by anyone who calls me a liar.

I didn't call you a liar, I pointed out that you were being intentionally dishonest as this bill wouldn't ban alcohol, as you claimed.

If you don't want to be called dishonest, don't lie about the facts.
Wow... Munich without alcohol.

As we've all said time and time again, 2020... would not recommend.

Forget 2020. It is a pity - make that tragedy - that beer cellars existed in Munich in 1920.
Cancellation of this year's Munich Oktoberfest was announced in April already.

Nothing to do with the OP.
Forget 2020. It is a pity - make that tragedy - that beer cellars existed in Munich in 1920.
and more of a pity that Elser's bomb went off in one of them too late.
Wow... Munich without alcohol.

As we've all said time and time again, 2020... would not recommend.

I know, it seems we hadn’t even finished saying “Happy New Ye....” when it just caught us square on the chin.

OK, everyone raise your glasses: here’s to hoping 2021 is a little better. Cheers!
I know, it seems we hadn’t even finished saying “Happy New Ye....” when it just caught us square on the chin.

OK, everyone raise your glasses: here’s to hoping 2021 is a little better. Cheers!

Make that a lot better.
Why would it be a tragedy that beer cellars existed in 1920?? :confused:

As German Hick as already told you the Munich beer cellars were the birth places of National Socialism. Where Hitler gained his reputation as an orator. One of the signs that one is old is that facts which one assumes to be common knowledge turn out not to be anything of the sort.
As German Hick as already told you the Munich beer cellars were the birth places of National Socialism. Where Hitler gained his reputation as an orator. One of the signs that one is old is that facts which one assumes to be common knowledge turn out not to be anything of the sort.

The Beer Hall Putsch is what landed Hitler in prison where he wrote Mein Kampf. That's what Canadian schools teach, anyway. I assume everyone who graduated from high school in a western country knows this.
As German Hick as already told you the Munich beer cellars were the birth places of National Socialism. Where Hitler gained his reputation as an orator. One of the signs that one is old is that facts which one assumes to be common knowledge turn out not to be anything of the sort.

Obviously I knew that was the case, I just didn't assume someone would actually suggest if there were no beer cellars there would be no nazis.

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