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Mueller, Trump and the NRA (1 Viewer)


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Mueller wants to know about 2016 Trump campaign's ties to NRA

"When I was interviewed by the special counsel's office, I was asked about the Trump campaign and our dealings with the NRA," Sam Nunberg, a former Trump campaign aide, told CNN.

The special counsel's team was curious to learn more about how Donald Trump and his operatives first formed a relationship with the NRA and how Trump wound up speaking at the group's annual meeting in 2015, just months before announcing his presidential bid, Nunberg said.


Maria Butina, a Russian national, pleaded guilty in DC federal court in December to engaging in a conspiracy against the US. As part of her plea, she acknowledged that she attempted to infiltrate GOP political circles and influence US relations with Russia, in part by building ties with prominent members of the NRA.
Would LOVE to see Wayne LaPierre wrapped up in this with a nice ruskie bow on his head. Smug prick.

If there is a link, I am sure that Maria Butina would be involved too.

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