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Mueller Knowingly Lied to Us (1 Viewer)

Well, there you go again! I never claimed to know more than the Attorney General and never said "orange man bad"; like I said when you have to make **** up … you lose!

Muller didn't lie, your op is the lie. For reference I would refer you to the Mueller report and Mueller's statement.

If all you got is personal attacks … i'm done; really, really! :2wave:
Apparently Rosenstein didn't see it that way.


But then there is the fact that independent counsels or special prosecutors don't exist anymore. Those were established by law following Watergate.

They expired in 1999.


Those parts of the Ethics in Government Act relating to independent counsels regularly had fiveyear “sunset” provisions, and were eventually allowed by Congress to expire after June 30, 1999.9 Since the law’s expiration no “independent counsel” or “special prosecutor,” as those terms have been used since 1978, may now be appointed by an independent judicial panel upon the request of the Attorney General to investigate or prosecute a matter on behalf of the United States.​

Quite the legal brain trust posting on this thread...
Sure they could but the investigation would be out of the control of the DOJ and they wouldn't be able to assign 14 Democrats to investigate.

Actually no. Those titles don't exist anymore. It was a trick question.

And you are correct, there is nothing precluding Mueller from stating the evidence involving obstruction showed probable cause to conclude it occurred.

The fact that "probable cause" does not appear anywhere in the Mueller Report, as it relates to the President, further confirms Mueller and his partisan team are completely full of ****.

Hilarious. The attorney general saying there was no collusion might as well be donald trump saying there was no collusion...and it didn't cost thirty million. Trump inherited a growing economy he didn't create it. Obama created the growing economy after the disaster the country was in when bush left office. Republicans have a few good years and then proceed to wreck everything throwing the country into a spiral which the dems then dig us out of only to have the republicans do the same thing over and over. Name me the last republican president who knocked down the debt or didn't leave the country in an economic mess.

Mueller paid his due to the crooked deep state who kept him in power for decades. Now he wants to go away and hide from anyone wanting him to answer questions. He knows he is at serious risk and will fight talking to investigators with everything he has left, just like Lois Lerner did when she was found out.

Cool story. Thanks for sharing it.

My understanding has always been, a special counsel is created under the DOJ but an independent counsel is appointed by a federal judge. The special counsel has more limitations like observing the OLC opinion where the independent counsel is only governed by the court.

There are new rules in place as the CRS summary from 2013 that I linked detailed.

Perhaps there are others depending on the purpose and objective. And the title may be different than the specific ones I used.

In the end, you are spot on with your statement about Mueller.

1. Not Mueller’s words, but essentially the message he conveyed.

2. No, Mueller did not lie. And he did provide the AG with a very detailed report of all information gathered.

3. Barr has the right to assert that Mueller could have made recommendations, and Mueller had the right not to make recommendations based on his extensive legal knowledge and sense of fairness. Remember, Mueller’s instructions did not call for the Special Counsel to make any recommendations to the AG.

4. Correct.

5. Barr reported to the public that he and Rosenstein concluded no conspiracy and insufficient evidence to prove obstruction.

Trump and his loyalists want the questions to end, but they won’t, and they shouldn’t.

There are witnesses (including the American public) and evidence of Trump’s attempts at obstruction.

In case you need a reminder: Here Are All the Ways Trump May Have Obstructed Justice | Time
Trump and his loyalists want the questions to end, but they won’t, and they shouldn’t.

There are witnesses (including the American public) and evidence of Trump’s attempts at obstruction.

We may disagree on a few items but I absolutely agree we should get everything on the table. After the FISA warrant information is de-classified for public consumption I think Mueller needs to be questioned. I think there is a lot more out there to dig up and I say let the cards fall where they may.

No matter who is implicated.
In an environment of honest, unbiased truth seeking I’d agree with your sentiment, fully. Unfortunately, we’re pretty far from that, so I have no faith that the innocent will be publicly recognized and those who’ve done wrong will be appropriately dealt with.


Mueller either didn't lie or he didn't read the report that someone else wrote for him to read because the SC spokesmen had to
backtrack on what Mueller read!

Mueller Backtracks on Presser, Tries to Clarify Matters in Joint Statement with Bill Barr
Despite Mueller’s ridiculous insinuations and morphing of the rule of law yesterday,
one thing was clear. He didn’t want to go to war with Bill Barr and Mueller was sure
to not accuse him of anything.

Now it looks like there’s a bit of a further walk back from the former special counsel.
The media’s takeaway was originally to foam at the mouth over the idea that Trump would
have been charged with a crime if he weren’t President.

'“The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed
that he was not saying that, but for the [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion, he would have
found the President obstructed justice,” said Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec
and special counsel spokesman Peter Carr in a statement issued Wednesday evening.

Barr is actually the problem...most specifically his position as AG in what has already been a grotesque Administration led by a grotesque Chief Executive.

Mueller ran a good shop. I only find fault with one line in his Report, the "can't exonerate" line. Had I been advising him I would have advised him against that line and would have had him insert text from my side of the world, the dark side of Marketing. He desperately needed one Marketing Son-of-a Bitch on his staff. Somebody from my side of the world. He would likely have recoiled at my recommendation. But had Mueller accepted what I would have recommended, the public perception of his Report would have been much better, some of the ambiguity would have been eliminated and it would have driven Trump absolutely off the deep end. It would have been entirely legitimate and legal. Had Barr been in the same position Mueller was in with the same assignment, Barr would have embraced my recommendation. That speaks volumes about the two men.

But there is a larger problem. The Special Counsel rules control the show. Barr's actions have had nothing to do with Justice or the Law and have had everything to do with politics and lap dogging for Trump. Trump has always wanted his Roy Cohn at AG of all things. He has him. Worth noting that the real Roy Cohn having been enough of a whack job to get himself disbarred would never have been allowed to be AG. Yet that is the guy Trump wanted to model as his AG. At any rate, Barr would simply have massaged his approach to the Mueller Report based on what he found there. He would have made changes, modifications, deletions, held more pressers, whatever. Two years of Investigation yields the Donald and Bill show.

Congress needs to do its job. Its that simple. Pelosi can justify her rejection of Impeachment hearings all the way up to Mueller at the podium. Congress comes back next week. She will have to relent to Impeachment shortly after they come back IMO....within weeks at most.

Horse bleep. Pay attention to the principles, Mueller, Barr, Trump and Pelosi in this case. Everything else is a distraction and a sideshow.

Obviously we won't know until we see the declassified information but my gut tells me, (With what we know thus far) This was the insurance policy Strzok was talking about. I now side with the idea this was a premeditated attempt to take donw a president.

Well, want do we know thus far? Obamas national debt was doubled what every [resident in history did combined. Was it all his fault, probably not but that is the marker. I just can't correlate historical unemployment and stock market numbers to a handed off economy as the only way we got those numbers was through deregulation. Not a market just growing on its own. Also, Obama made it pretty clear his 1.7 GDP was the new norm and what was Trump going to do, wave a magic wand?

After 3.2 GDP and over 5 million new jobs its a bit late to try and attribute that to Obama who said it wouldn't happen.
Anything’s possible, but I believe that falls outside the boundaries of probable. We’ll see, maybe.

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