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MSN news anchor cuts loose on the government. (1 Viewer)

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Moved thread to "Hurricane Katrina"

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AllAmericanRageJunky said:
ok, but it was actualy in the news. lol

It could've gone to "Bias In The News" also...

I was sitting here for over a minute wondering if it was in the right place...

Yes, I understand "Today's News" could be argued, but the hurricane has its own thread, so we would have the same subject in two different places...

Since Olbermann's thrust was the hurricane, I decided to throw it in here...:2wave:
AllAmericanRageJunky said:
did anyone catch this?

I must say I rather enjoyed that.

What was his point in all the diatribe? Other than a lot of misplaced hyperbole and emotional injected nonsense.
Mostly that our governments bureaucracy and corruption has been brought to light by Katrina.
AllAmericanRageJunky said:
Mostly that our governments bureaucracy and corruption has been brought to light by Katrina.

To Obermann: DUH!

Actually alot of what he said was garbage and totally misinformed. He like many reporters are still under the impression that FEMA is a first responder and that state and local give way to the Fed's in a disaster.
FinnMacCool said:
Let's just hope we do a real investigation of this instead of just "moving on".

What we need is a joint Congressional/Executive branch investigation. Those doing the investigation should be answerable to the voters. What we don't need is another sham like the 9/11 commission. If that is what we get I certainly expect the Democrats to put Landrieu and Blanco on it.
AllAmericanRageJunky said:
Mostly that our governments bureaucracy and corruption has been brought to light by Katrina.
Yep! This was the first big test of the DHS and it failed miserably. Terrorists wont show up radar.

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